Ch. 47

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The holidays went by so fast. Now he's on the last day of filming and then he leaves a few days after. I don't even know if he's coming to my premier. He's got meetings with a bunch of different people about upcoming movies plus the Broadway show he'll be starting in March. Rehearsals for that start in a few days. The 15th to be exact. I'm flying up to New York on the 16th so I can start getting everything set up. I'm excited but I pray he's there.

Chris wanted me to come to set today, for some reason, so that's where I'm headed now. He mentioned a cast party at The Ventanas tonight so now I have to figure out what to wear. I'm also nervous as hell because I'll be in a room full of famous people. I mean, I know I'm meeting them today but it feels different. Ugh I'm just being paranoid. They're all normal people.

I pull into a parking spot and text Chris that I'm here then get out. There's trailers everywhere. I honestly have no idea where to go.

"Baby!" I hear him yell. I run to my right and see him jogging towards me. Is it bad I've kind of missed him? We haven't seen each other since last night and that was only for 5 minutes before he fell asleep.

"Hi." I giggle as he gets closer to me.

"Hi." He kisses me. I still get those damn butterflies.

"Cmon, we're just about done." He grabs my hand, leading me towards the back. At least I'm assuming it's the back. This place is huge so I honestly have no idea.

"Stephanie!" I hear someone yell, making me turn around. Sebastian Stan comes running, crashing into me with a bear hug.

"Hi Seb." I laugh, trying not to fall down. I've met the boy twice but he's so lovable I don't mind the hug.

"Seb, give me my girl back." Chris whines. Seb pulls away then smacks Chris.

"Shut up, I haven't seen her in 3 months." I roll my eyes.

"She's my girlfriend!" Chris says.

"Boys, shut up. Seb, it's nice to see you again. How have you been?" I smile.

"Great! How about you?" He puts his arm around me and we start walking off.

"Seriously?" Chris groans and catches up to us. I grab his hand so he doesn't feel left out but he ends up pulling me to him and away from Sebastian. He is such a child, I swear.

"Are you seriously jealous right now?" I look up at him.

"No..." I roll my eyes but kiss him on the cheek.

"You're a child." I sigh.

"You love me." I shake my head but end up smiling.

"Yea you're lucky I do." He smiles triumphantly. We walk to some tent and literally the entire Avenger squad is there.

"Well, well. If it isn't Stephanie St James." Robert Downey Jr speaks.

"Hi, it's nice to see you again." I smile.

"You as well. This one never shuts up about you." I laugh at Chris' flushed face.

"Shut up Rob. Oh Scar!" He yells. A red/blonde haired woman turns around, smiling at him.

"Scarlett, this is Stephanie St James. Steph, Scarlett Johansson." I shake her hand.

"Nice to finally meet you. Pictures definitely don't do you justice. You're gorgeous." I smile at her compliment.

"It's nice to meet you! And thank you, you're gorgeous yourself." She smiles. She seems nice and I'm kind of fangirling in my head. She's one of my favorite Avengers, how could I not.

"She said you have a better ass than I do." I slap Chris in the stomach while Scarlett laughs.

"Hey she's not wrong."

"Chris! Is this the lovely lady you never shut up about?" Chris Hemsworth asks. Damn, how much does he talk about me?

"Chris, Stephanie. Steph, Chris Hemsworth." I smile and shake his hand. He's a lot taller in real life.

"Nice to meet you." He says.

"You as well." Chris goes around, introducing me to everyone. I'd like to tell him I already know their names but he's having fun so I'm not going to say anything. I know they're all normal people but meeting Elizabeth Olsen and Scarlett Johansson in real life, is kind of terrifying. They're both gorgeous and amazing people. Chris likes to scare the shit out of Elizabeth, he makes it his mission. I even meet the creators, who are pretty nice from what I can tell.

"Alright, alright! Gather around everyone!" Anthony Russo yells. We all stop talking and Chris pulls me close to him.

"I'd like to say these past 4 years have been amazing. You all are some truly gifted and amazing people. I know for some of you, this is it. RDJ, no one can ever replace you as Iron Man. You were born to play that roll and I have loved working with you. Evans, just like RDJ, no one can replace you as Steve Rogers. You two are almost complete opposite but you played him flawlessly. I've enjoyed working with you and wish you best of luck with everything." I hear Chris sniffle, making me look up at him. He's full on crying so I drag him out of the tent.

"Hey it's ok. Ssshh." I hug him as he bawls. I've only seen him cry twice and each time I want to cry. It breaks my heart seeing him like this.

"I'm sorry... it's just hard with it being over. I mean I always knew there would be a day I'd stop playing Steve Rogers but now that it's real..." He admits.

"Don't be sorry. I know it's hard." I sigh and rub his side. He seems to relax some and wipes his face.

"Ugh I'm acting like a baby. It's just a character." He groans.

"No sweetheart you're not acting like a baby. You've played Steve for nearly 7 years and you've grown close with the entire cast. It's perfectly ok to be emotional over this." I place my hand on his cheek and he leans into my touch.

"I love you." He leans down and kisses me. I feel him relax and sigh in relief.

"I love you. Now let's go back in." He grabs my hand and leads us back. Rob comes up to us, a little worried. I can tell he cares about Chris.

"Hey Evans, you alright?"

"Yea, just got a little emotional. I'm gonna miss this, and everyone." He sighs.

"Hey this isn't goodbye. I still want an invitation to the wedding." Chris laughs loudly and I know my face is bright red. Rob winks at me, knowingly, and I swear my face gets even redder.

"Deal." Um excuse me? He's already thinking of marriage?

"Uh oh, by that look you might be marrying yourself." Rob laughs, making Chris look down at me. He simply winks then carries on talking to Rob. Did he just...? Asshat. I can't believe he's already thinking about marriage and that he even considers marrying me. I still don't even know if I want to get married... I mean it's a nice thought but I'm almost 30. Now I know I'm still young but life gets in the way. Also we're both extremely busy people so marriage would be a way down the road thought.

"You ok, baby?" Chris asks. I only nod and look away from him. He can tell I'm lying, he always can. Thankfully he doesn't ask... yet. I know he will when we're alone.

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