Ch. 34

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-Chris' POV-

I wake up before she does. Gosh she's so beautiful... what did I do to deserve her? Her bright red hair is all over the place so I move some of it out of her face. She groans and burrows her face in my chest, making me smile. I put my hand under the shirt she's wearing and kiss the top of her head. Last night is on repeat in my head. It was perfect. I've never felt like that before. We didn't fuck, we made love which I've only done a few times before. But this time felt more special. Probably because we waited and it was our first time. I don't think I'll ever get her face nor little whimpers out of my head. Shit I need to calm down. I don't want to wake her up with my hard on.

I think I'm falling in love with her, which is considerably fast for me. Usually it takes about two months before I start feeling that way but not with her. Everything just feels right with her. But I'm scared it may be too soon for her. I don't want to scare her.

I feel her start to stir then see her bright blue eyes look up at me.

"Morning gorgeous." I whisper.

"Mm morning." She nuzzles her face back into my chest. I would kill to stay like this all day but I know she'll be hungry soon.

"Are you hungry?" I ask.

"A little. Can we have pancakes?" I chuckle.

"Of course." I try to get up but she doesn't let me move.

"Baby... if you want pancakes, I gotta get up and go cook them." She groans and hugs me tighter.

"Mm no." She mumbles, making me chuckle. Before I can say anything, the door flies open and in come my nephews and niece.

"Uncle Chris!" Ethan yells. I have a flash of our future, seeing our little ones running in to wake us up.

"Hi guys." I smile as he jumps on the bed. I cover Steph a little even though she's dressed.

"Can we go to the park?" He's very energetic for an 8 year old. Miles waddles in and I lean over to pick him up. Gah I can't wait to have kids.

"Sure." Stella is sitting next to Steph, playing with her hair. I'm so glad they get along. I can imagine a  red head baby girl sitting next to her mommy, helping her bake some cookies. Wow... I've fallen hard.

"Can we have pancakes?" Stella asks, making me smile.

"Of course. Why don't you three go downstairs and we'll be down in a minute?" I ask. They nod and bolt out the door. I roll back over, looking down at my girl. Shit I love her...

"You ok with spending the day with them?" I ask.

"Yea! I think it'll be fun. Maybe one day they can meet my nieces and nephew?" I smile, knowing she wants a future with me.

"They would like that." I kiss her and feel her hands go up my chest, into my hair. I love when she pulls on the locks. We pull back before getting too carried away even though I wouldn't mind continuing.

"Cmon, baby girl. I know you're hungry." Right as I say this, her stomach growls and makes me laugh.

"Shut up." She pushes me off her and climbs out of bed. I watch her as she stretches, the shirt on her body slightly rising and giving me a nice view of her ass. I pout when she puts some leggings on but they honestly make her ass look amazing so I don't complain too much.

"Cmon, Captain." She smiles and I get up, kissing her before getting dressed myself.

We go downstairs and Ethan already had the pancake mix going. I help him as Steph occupies the other two. Seeing her with them just makes me want a kid of my own even more. Maybe one day we'll have that conversation but it won't be any time soon.

After we eat, we all go to the park in my moms neighborhood since it's safer that way. I don't want anyone to recognize us. Miles runs to the swings, dragging Steph with him. I watch as she pushes he and Stella while Ethan goes down the slide. The sight makes my heart ache. I seriously need to chill out though. If we ever have kids, it won't be any time soon. But she would be such an amazing mother. I sigh and shake the thoughts out of my head, and try to focus on my family for the day.


We're leaving for Atlanta today. Mom is dropping us off so we don't have to take a cab. I'm going to miss her but I can tell Steph is itching to go home. We're driving to New Orleans tomorrow and taking Blue. I'm honestly ready to get back myself, even though Atlanta isn't my true home.

"Are you both coming up for thanksgiving?" Mom asks.

"No, just me mom." She nods but I can see she's disappointed. We pull into the airport drop off and I slip on my hat and sunglasses. When we get out of the car, I grab our luggage then hug my mom tight. It's only a week, I know that, but I always hate leaving.

"It was very nice meeting you, Steph. Please tell me we'll see each other for Christmas?" Mom asks as we pull away.

"Of course. And it was nice meeting you as well." They hug, making me smile. Once they pull back, I grab her hand and we walk into the airport, waving to my mom one more time.

An hour later we're boarding and she's snuggled up to me.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we will be taking off in 10 minutes. Please enjoy the flight to Atlanta." Her head pops up.

"I know that voice. Excuse me! Mam, um can you tell me who the pilot is?" She asks.

"Captain Nick St James." Her father.

"Would you please tell him his daughter is on board?" The flight attendant gives her a confused look but agrees.

"Guess you're meeting my father." She smiles. A few minutes later, a man comes out and she shrieks, jumping up.

"Princess!" He smiles.

"Hi daddy!" They hug as I stand so I can introduce myself once they pull apart.

"Dad, this is Chris, my boyfriend. Chris, my dad." I shake his hand.

"Nice to meet you Captain St James." I smile.

"Please, call me Nick. It's nice to meet you as well."

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