Ch. 70

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We just got to Boston and it's nearly 7 at night. May is, thankfully, asleep and she'll stay that way for a few more hours. I'm exhausted. It was such a long drive. We did 9 hours yesterday and the rest today but there were so many stops because we had to change her diaper.

"Bedroom is down the hall to the right. I'll put her bottles in the fridge." Chris says. I simply nod and walk to the master room. Lisa set the crib up the other day which makes our lives easier. I gently pick up May and set her in there. Thankfully she stays asleep. I set her monkey next to her and she clenches onto his paw. She's so adorable, I could stare at her for hours.

"She stayed asleep?" I hear Chris whisper.

"Thankfully. Is it weird that I could stare at her for hours on end and not get bored?" I ask him.

"No, I can do the same thing. She's beautiful. We did good, mama." He pulls me against him.

"Yea we did. And I know this is all early but I wouldn't want it with any other person." I admit.

"Me either, baby." He turns me around and kisses me gently. "Now why don't you go change and we can get in bed. I'm honestly exhausted." He admits.

"Me too. Road trips take a lot out of you." I move away from him and grab my bag so I can change. I packed a extra pair of clothes so I wouldn't have to dig through my suit case tonight. As I take out Chris' shirt, I notice a little black box. Um what?

"Chris? Something you wanna ask me?" I call out. He appears in the bathroom and has a shocked look on his face.

"Shit... I-uh... I wanted to ask you on our anniversary. I meant to put it in by bag but must've accidentally put it in yours. Ok... here I go. I knew I wanted to marry you when I came back from filming Endgame. That moment you ran into my arms, I could breathe fully. I'll admit, May coming was a shock and timing wasn't perfect but like you said, I wouldn't want this with anyone else. You two are my entire world and I couldn't live without either of you. So..." He gets down on one knee. "You will please make me the luckiest man on the planet by marrying me?" I'm crying by the time he's done his little speech.

"Do I have to put this on myself?" I ask and he chuckles, standing up and grabbing the box from me.

"No I guess I can do that." I giggle as he takes the ring out and slides it on my finger.

"I love you so much." I cup his face and kiss him. He sighs in relief and grips my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"I love you too. Guess I should tell your dad I wasn't able to hold out until November." I laugh and shake my head.

"Wait... you talked to my dad?"

"Yea, I asked permission. We talked about it while we were in Disney." I give him an impressed yet shocked look.

"Wow... Chase never did that. Also you have pretty good taste. When did you get this?" I ask.

"Uh... when I was in New York. Like right before Valentine's Day."

"Seriously? Why didn't you ask when you came to Georgia?"

"Didn't feel like the right time and I didn't know if you were ready for that since we had only been together a short while." He admits. I just smile and lean up to kiss him.

"You're so cute." I tell him.

"I can't wait to marry you." He leans his forehead against mine.

"Mrs Evans has a very nice ring to it. Now let me change and we can cuddle. I'll tell everyone tomorrow. I'm too tired to talk to anyone else today." He chuckles and taps my butt.

"Why do you do that?" I suddenly ask.

"What? Tap your butt? I don't know. I just like your ass." I roll my eyes but end up giggling.

"You're a dork. Let me change." He kisses me again before walking out of the bathroom. I deeply sigh and look down at my ring. I can't believe he proposed like that but I don't think it should've gone any other way. It was perfect.

I change out of my clothes and put on his shirt then put my hair in a bun. When I walk out, he's already in bed, just in his boxers and staring at May, who's still asleep. I walk over and crawl in, climbing on top of him.

"Hi." I smile as I look up at him.

"Comfortable?" He chuckles, putting his hands on my butt.

"Mhm... I've missed this." He smiles.

"Me too. Except..." He flips us over, making me squeal. "I still like this position better." He leans down and kisses me. Our lips move slowly together and his tongue softly flicks mine. I love these slow, burning kisses. It makes my entire body ignite. I can feel his love pouring into this one kiss, just like all the others. He slowly pulls back and gives me an Eskimo kiss.

"I've missed this." He lays on top of me, nuzzling his face into my neck.

"Oh I know. You constantly reminded me but it was your fault." He scoffs.

"And how was it my fault?" He asks.

"You're the one that got me pregnant!" He laughs in my neck and I start playing with his hair.

"I'm not sorry." He admits.

"I'm not complaining. I love our little family." I tell him.

"Me too but I'll admit I want more kids." I chuckle.

"And how many do you want?" I ask.

"Mmm 4?"

"Ok yea... that seems like a good number. But I want to adopt." I say.

"Yea? I like that idea. Maybe we can work on that once we're married." He suggests.

"Yea no more kids until we get married." He huffs but it makes me smile.

"Whhhhyyy? You look so beautiful when you're pregnant." He says.

"Because I said so. And don't complain, we'll be married in a year." I sass.

"Ok yea... fair enough. Ugh we still have to tell everyone, don't see?" He groans.

"Yea we do. I'll do that while you're on set." He starts tomorrow at 7am. He had to shave his beard and get a haircut. Yea I wasn't happy. I made him promise to grow it out again once the movie is finished. He's playing some bad boy and I'm kind of excited. I've listened while he was reading lines and I think it'll be a pretty good movie.

"I don't want to be away from you two." He sighs.

"It'll only be for the day and you'll be back at night. Your mom and I are going to get some groceries then to Carly's for lunch." I say.

"I swear she likes you better than me." I laugh.

"Oh she definitely does."

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