Ch. 11

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Josh, I'm assuming, got here 20 minutes later and scarfed down some food. He's a nice guy, from what I've seen. Now we're back to watching football. Well everyone except Steph. Please don't tell me she's cleaning already. I stand and walk into the kitchen and sure enough, she's packing food up and putting the dishes in the sink.

"Hey, come sit down. We can do this later." I say.

"I'm almost done." She wipes the counter down then puts some dishes in the dish washer.

"There. Done. Oh wait."

"Oh no. Cmon." I grab her and drag her into the living room. I sit on the chair and pull her onto my lap, making her roll her eyes but I see the smile and the cute little blush creeping on her face.

"So Mackie, how long are you in town for?" Matt asks.

"Ah we're going to New York for about 3 weeks then England for 2 weeks and some of us come back here while others go to Scotland. We leave Tuesday right?" He asks Seb and I feel Steph tense a little, realizing I'll be gone for a while.

"Yep! I miss New York. It'll be nice to be home."

"My premier is up there, it's in January." I'm surprised she hasn't asked how long I'll be gone.

"Oh? When is it?" Seb asks.

"The 20th. It's a new line of men's suits."

"Ooh good I need one for the infinity war premier. Don't we wrap up production in January? Maybe we can go to your show." He suggests.

"You're all welcome. Just let me know and I'll reserve seats." I swear my heart skips a beat when she smiles. My grip tightens a little and she slightly leans back against me, allowing me to rest my chin on shoulder. She smells so good, I can't tell if it's perfume, soap, or shampoo.

"You smell good." She laughs.

"You're weird." I scoff.

"Sorry, I can't help it." She shakes her head but I know she's smiling. It's quiet, except for the football game and Seb and Mackie bickering. I could seriously fall asleep right now.

"I'm tired." I mumble.

"Go to sleep." She says.

"Can you play with my hair?" I whisper. She chuckles and moves so she's sideways, landing between me and the chair. Ooh I can put my head on her chest. I scoot down a little and lay my head down, her fingers going in my hair. I sigh in content and feel her chuckle softly.



-Steph's POV-

It's strange how comfortable we are with each other already. I've never been this comfortable around a guy, this quickly, ever. Well unless you count my brothers and Mackie. I wasn't like this with Chase. I would've never sat in his lap but something is different about Chris. He genuinely cares. Ok well I thought Chase did but we saw what happened there. Chris and I haven't stopped talking since Thursday night. With Chase, I would always text him first and have to wait hours on a one word response. That's how it was the first month, it did get better. Hell I was gonna marry the guy. So glad I didn't. I also didn't get butterflies with every look Chase gave me. I already get that with Chris and I've known him for three days. I like the pace we're going and I'm ok with everything that's happened.

"Y'all are so cute." Chelsea smiles and I swear one of them takes a picture.

"Shut up." I roll my eyes.

"Admit it, you like him." Grace says.

"I'm comfortable around him. I don't know what I feel other than that." I whisper, hopeful to not wake him up.

"Mhm, well I'm heading out. I have a shift in the morning. Can I take some red beans home?" Grace asks.

"Yea I packed separate bowls for each of you."

"And this is why you're my favorite St James." Anthony exclaims, making me laugh a little. Chris shuffles but doesn't wake up.

"Ok no fair!" Matt yells, making me shush him.

"She cooks way better than you man. And she packed to go boxes? Cmon, she's better." Anthony says.

"Whatever." He's so dramatic.

"Drive safe and have a good shift." I smile at Grace.

"Keep me updated on that." She points between the two of us. I roll my eyes before they leave.

"Nice meeting you Sebastian!" She yells as Josh shakes he and Anthony's hand.

"Bye Josh." I wave.

"Nice seeing you Steph. Good luck with him." He smiles before they leave the house. Emily is the next to leave, saying she's meeting with her parents tomorrow. Now it's Hayley, Chels, and the boys. It's not even late and Chelsea is a night owl so who knows when or if they'll leave. Not that I mind, I like spending time with them and I haven't seen my brother in a few weeks.

I feel Chris's grip tighten and pull me closer, if that's even possible. So he's definitely a cuddlier. He also smells good and I quite like being in his arms.

"Mackie, how long will y'all be gone?" I ask, taking my eyes off Chris.

"Mm little over a month, maybe longer. None of us have to go to Scotland so once we're done in England, we'll all have a break until they're done there. I think we have a month or so off? No clue. I'm going home to visit mom then flying to see the kids." He tells me. I'm kind of sad Chris will be gone that long but I know it's his job. I also wish he would've told me but he's under no obligation to me.

"I actually have to go. Jackson wants to talk and it's getting late in California. Um what do you want to do about him?" He points to a sleeping Chris.

"Does he have to be on set tomorrow?" I ask.

"Mmm yes? I think so? Sebastian?" He asks.

"Uh I wanna say yes but I have no idea what time."

"I'll bring him there. Just let him sleep." Mackie smirks.

"He's a good guy, Stevie. Give him a chance."

"I'm getting there Mackie. You don't know what happened with Chase..." I sigh.

"You told me he cheated on you, right?"

"He beat me." I snap.

"Shit... I'm sorry Stevie. I didn't know."

"Clearly. Look I get everyone thinks we're cute and all but I need time and he knows that." I whisper yell. Last thing I want is to wake him up.

"Ok Steph... um we're gonna head out. If I don't see you before we leave, I'll see you in December." Anthony stands up and walks over to kiss me on top of the head.

"Ok bye guys. Nice meeting you Seb." I smile.

"You too, Steph." He returns the smile and I watch them leave. Now it's Hayley, Chels, my brother, and a sleeping Christopher. Matt stretches out, laying his head in Chelsea's lap.

"Can we watch an actual movie? I'm tired of American football." Hayley asks.

"Sure, pick one." I shrug. Chris moves and ends up snuggling his face into my neck. I'm getting chills every time he breathes.

"Mm you ok?" He mumbles into my neck. Dammit Chris, you aren't making this easy.

"Yea, go back to sleep." I sigh, continuing to run my fingers through his hair.


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