Ch. 19

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She's been awfully quiet since we woke up this morning. I've been trying to talk with her but she only responds in one word answers or nods her head. I even made her her favorite breakfast and just got a smile. I know she's got a lot going through her mind and she's like I used to be. I used to shut everyone out and that's what she's doing.

"Alright, I know you're shutting me out but that's not healthy. Talk to me, Daisy." I turn to her. She sighs, not making eye contact with me.

"I'm just so tired, Steph. I hate LSU and I feel worthless. No ones ever hit me before and it almost feels like it's my fault." I stop her.

"Woah. It is not your fault. Never think that. It's his fault. He's an ass and he doesn't deserve you." I explain.

"I know that, it just sucks. I thought he liked me and I thought he was a good guy."

"I know sweetie but you will find someone one day. You're only 20, there's no need to rush." She sighs.

"Everyone else has a boyfriend or girlfriend though! I don't get what I'm doing wrong." She groans.

"Nothing. You're not doing anything wrong. Being in college isn't all about boys. It's about furthering your education and getting a bomb ass job. Mom has always told me you'll find the one when you're not even looking, so stop looking." I tell her.

"Is Chris the one?" She finally looks at me, hope in her eyes.

"I don't know yet. We aren't even officially together. He's a sweet guy and I like him a lot but I don't know if he's the one." I admit. She nods and goes quiet. Time to bring up transferring.

"What do you think about transferring? I can help you find a new college, anywhere you want." I say. She goes to speak but someone knocks on the door. Who the hell is here now? I groan and get up, shuffling over to the door.

"Uh hi?"

"Delivery for Miss St James." He hands me two bouquets of flowers then a box.

"I didn't order this." I say.

"A 'Christopher Robert' did." That little shit.

"Ah I see. Thank you." I smile and shut the door.

"Who's that from?" Daisy asks as I set the box down. I look at the note on one bouquet and see it's addressed to her.

"Captain America." She laughs as I hand her the flowers.

I'm sorry I couldn't deliver this in person but I hope it cheers you up. You didn't deserve what that asshole did, I hope you know that. You'll find someone one day who treats you like a queen, I promise.
I know you're struggling with school and I understand that, I went through the same thing. Take a breather and relax. Trust me, it'll help.
And make sure Steph doesn't eat all the cookies!
Ok can I marry this man if you don't?" I laugh.

"He's pretty great isn't he?" I smile, wishing I could hug and kiss him right now.

"Flowers and cookies? Yea, he's pretty fucking great." I take out the little note he wrote me and read it.

Don't eat all the cookies! I know they're your favorite but let Daisy have some as well. I miss you. October 20th can't come quick enough. I honestly never knew I could miss someone as much as I miss you. Call me when you get this. Also, I loved the pictures. You look so sexy in my shirt ;)
Yours, Chris'

Is it possible to love someone this quickly? I'm falling for him hard and we haven't even been on a date yet.

"You love him." Daisy randomly says.

"What? No. I just really like him." She rolls her eyes.

"Bullshit. I've never seen that look before, not even with Chase. You love him." She takes a bite of the cookie.

"I don't know Daisy. We haven't even been on a date."

"So? That doesn't mean anything." I just shrug and take my phone out to call him.

'Hi.' I can hear the smile in his voice.

'You're a little shit, you know that?' He laughs and I can just imagine him grabbing his peck because he's laughing so hard.

'I take it you got the surprise?'

'Yes! We love it. You seriously did not have to do this.' I say.

'Shut up. I got your favorite cookies so be happy.' I can hear the smirk in his voice.

'I am but I do wish you delivered them.' I admit.

'I know... me too. How's Daisy doing?' I really love that he already cares about her and they've never even met.

'She's alright. Just needs a break. But she's loving the cookies. I think she might just eat them all.' She slaps my arm, making me laugh.

"Shut up! I will not!"

'I'm glad. I wish I could talk longer but I have to go. I'll call you tonight?'

'Of course. Have a good day.'

'You too baby.' We hang up and I frown. I miss him way too much.

"Yea you so love him."

"Shut up and give me a cookie." She laughs and hands the box over.

She calls her dad later on, as he wouldn't stop texting me. She mentions transferring and thankfully he's on board. She was worried he wouldn't be, as that's where he went to school and she didn't want to let him down. We're looking at other colleges now and she's picked a few out that she's going to apply too after she speaks with her parents. Overall, she's doing better. I made her block and delete Josh's number because he kept texting her to the point it was pissing me off. We're watching a Marvel movie and I snapped Chris when Steve Rogers was getting his ass kicked by Bucky. He replied saying it actually hurt which made me laugh. Ugh I can't wait to see him.

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