Ch. 17

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-Steph's POV-

I wake up to Blue jumping on the bed, screaming. She loves to wake me up like this, it's her favorite activity.

"Blue, hush. I'll be up in a minute." I reply groggily. She doesn't stop and I groan.

"Blue! Enough!" I yell and she finally quits.

"I got her." I hear someone whisper in my ear, making me jump. Then I notice the muscular arm around my torso. Chris. I completely forgot he stayed in here last night. He gets up and I feel cold, so I bundle up under the covers. Ugh I hate that I liked waking up in his arms.

"Cmon Blue." I watch as they walk off, roaming down his body. Not gonna lie, it's a pretty nice sight. Like a really nice sight. His shorts are hanging dangerously low on his hips and it's enough to make anyone drool on sight. And those back muscles... damn how did I get so lucky? Sighing, I look over and grab my phone. Shit it's already 8am! I was meant to be at work an hour ago. There's already a text from Maddie and another one from Taylor. I respond, saying I overslept. I really don't want to go in. Staying in bed with Chris all day sounds a lot better than work. I hear feet running so I know he's headed this way.

"Incoming!" He yells and literally jumps on me, making me groan but laugh loudly. He starts kissing my neck, tickling me as he does.

"Chris!" I squeal. He finally stops and leans over me.

"Good morning." He smiles.

"Good morning." I run my hands over his back, making him shiver.

"I liked waking up in your arms this morning." I admit.

"Yea?" He nudges my nose with his. "So did I." He kisses me softly, making me smile. I don't think I'll ever get tired of kissing him. I drag my hands up his back slowly and move to his hair, running my fingers through it. He lowers himself on top of me, kissing me harder. He nips at my bottom lip, allowing his tongue to slip in and fight with mine. His hand travels down my body and grips my thigh then travels up my shirt, sending a shiver down my spine. He doesn't go further than my waist, rubbing circles against my skin. When he pulls away, he tugs my bottom lips which makes me moan. His lips start at my jaw, kissing slowly down to my neck.

"I-I hate t-to get up..." I moan as he sucks right below my ear.

"Mm why?" He whispers.

"Work." I sigh.

"Noooo... take the day off. I'm not gonna see you for a month." He looks down at me, a pout on his plump lips.

"Well I'm already late... I guess one day wouldn't hurt." He smiles and kisses me again.

"What shall we do today?" He rolls off me.

"I'm perfectly fine with staying in bed and watching movies." I curl into him, our legs tangling together.

"Sounds like a plan to me. How does breakfast in bed sound?"

"Amazing but I'm comfy." I run my fingers along his back. He stares at me, a small smile on his face.

"I like you... a lot." My eyes widen, shocked at his confession.

"I'm sorry, I'm not trying to scare you but I do. You're beautiful, smart, and hilarious. I haven't felt like this in a long time." He admits.

"I like you too... a lot. Which is scaring me. I didn't fall for Chase this quickly. It took a while and almost felt forced I guess. This feels easy." I tell him.

"Exactly! I can be myself around you and not who people expect me to be." He hand goes under my shirt and pulls me closer to him.

"I'm honestly scared, Chris. What happens when you leave? I like to think we're going to talk, I know it won't be as much as we're used to but I honestly don't know what will happen." He sighs.

"We're going to talk. I'm going to call and text every chance I get. It won't be easy but we will make it work. I promise. And the minute I'm done, I will be back here in your arms." He says.

"As much as I want that, I don't want to take time away from your family. They're more important and you never get to see them." I say.

"You're important too... ok how about this. I come back, stay for a few days and then we go up to Sudbury?" He really wants me to meet his family... it makes my heart flutter. He's nothing like Chase. I'm falling for him, too fast, but I don't want to stop. He makes me happy.

"Are you sure it's not too soon?" I ask.

"No, I don't. But if you do, that's fine. I don't want you to be uncomfortable." He admits.

"I seriously appreciate you letting me decide the pace on this. You have no idea how much it means to me. I want to meet your family, one day. Im just still nervous something bad is going to happen between us." He looks away from me and I can tell he's a little sad.

"Im not going to hurt you. You make me feel normal and myself. I'd hate myself if I were to ruin this." He says.

"Can we see how this month goes?"

"Please don't let this month make or break us. You mean a lot to me, even though we haven't known each other for long." I smile.

"You mean a lot to me too." I kiss him, feeling calm now. When he pulls away, he kisses my nose.

"Ok, I've been meaning to ask. What's your full name?" I laugh, not expecting that question.

"Stephanie Marie St James."

"That's adorable. Ok favorite color?"

"What is this, 20 questions? And blue." He laughs.

"Ironic. Mm favorite food?"

"Ooh that's a hard one. Either red beans or crawfish étouffée." He looks so confused.

"What's étouffée?"

"That's hard to explain but I will make you some one day." We continue talking until our stomachs rumble. He made us some pancakes and we literally spent the rest of the day in bed, watching movies. I honestly don't want him to go so when the time comes for him to, I nearly start crying.

"I will call you later tonight, ok?" I nod as he hugs me. Ugh the tears are coming. I can feel that.

"I'll see you soon, ok baby girl?" I sniffle and hold him closer.

"I don't like goodbyes." I admit.

"This isn't goodbye, I will be back." He kisses the top of my head before pulling back. When he sees I'm in tears, he frowns and wipes my face.

"I will be back. I promise you." He kisses me and I can feel his emotions pouring into the kiss. When he pulls back, he smiles at me one more time before walking out of the door.

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