Cb. 12

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Hayley ends up going to sleep around 11, while the rest of us continue watching The Autopsy of Jane Doe. Chris is still passed out, snoring softly. I'd really like to go to bed myself but he looks so cute that I don't want to wake him. Actually, I'm 98% sure Matt is also asleep. He hasn't spoken in half an hour which is a record.

"How ya doin, babes?" Chelsea asks.

"I'm good actually. I had fun tonight, it was nice having everyone over." I admit.

"It was. Now how are you doing with that?" She motions between Chris and myself.

"I promise I'm good. He's letting me set the pace of this. Every time something happens, he always asks if I'm ok with it. It's nice... and weird. You know I didn't do this with Chase. Hell I think Chris knows me better in three days than Chase ever did in 4 years."

"Can I just say, I haven't seen you this happy ever. Chris does something, and he's different from Chase. I know he's famous and that's nerve racking but I highly doubt he would do what Chase did. Hell your brother likes him. Do you remember how long it took him to like Chase?" I scoff but chuckle.

"Yea it did take a while. I'm still nervous though. I like talking to him, it's so easy to. But I still want to go slow, get to know him as a friend. I'm not friend zoning him, don't think that." I don't think I could do that if I tried.

"I understand. And I'm sorry if it seems like we're pushing y'all. We just really love seeing you happy. Plus you two would make some beautiful babies." I laugh loudly, quickly covering my mouth when he groans.

"I hate you."

"What time is it?" Chris groans.

"Almost midnight." I smirk.

"Shit how long was I out? I'm sorry."

"It's ok, and about 4 hours. Sleep well?" He sits up, slightly stretching.

"Mhm, you're comfortable. Did everyone leave?" He yawns and puts his hands in my lap.

"Yup. Mackie and Seb left two hours ago. I said I'd bring you to set tomorrow if you had to go." I say.

"Oh why didn't you just wake me when they left? I'm sorry... I shouldn't have even fell asleep."

"Because you've been up since 4am and needed to sleep. I promise it wasn't a big deal and I didn't mind being a pillow." He blushes and I giggle.

"Alright lovebirds, I'm taking this one home. Goodnight." I get off Chris and hug them before leading them out and locking the door. I let Blue out one more time before locking the back door and setting the alarm.

"Um I have some spare clothes one of my brothers left here that you can change in to. Also this is only a two bedroom house so I can take the couch and you can have the bed." I tell him.

"What? No it's fine. I'll take the couch." Should I just say we can share a bed? He has been sleeping on me for the passed 4 hours. No... that's way too fast. I simply nod before going to grab some shorts for him to change. I hand him the shorts then awkwardly stand there.

"Can we talk? Nothings wrong! I just want to hang out with you." I smile.

"Let me change." He nods and I walk into my room, grabbing a pair of leggings and a big shirt. I wipe my makeup off and throw my curly red locks into a bun before brushing my teeth. Now that I realize it, I'm exhausted. I trudge back out to the living room and I swear my heart nearly stops. He's in a white tank and basketball shorts. I can see a tattoo on his clavicle, plus a little bit of chest hair. Damn he's fucking hot. Why haven't I jumped him yet? Oh because I actually want to get to know him, not just his dick.

"Did you have a good night?" He asks, looking up at me. His eyes roam my body and I slowly sit next to him.

"I did. It was nice having everyone over. Did you?" He nods, twiddling his thumbs.

"You're an excellent cook." He smiles.

"Thank you." I smile back.

"Um... look I'm sorry I never told you that I was leaving Tuesday. I should have." He sighs.

"No, it's ok. You didn't have to tell me anything. It's your job so I figured you'd be leaving soon anyways." I admit. I want to ask if he's actually going to come back for his break but I don't know if that's too weird or too much.

"I have a break for about a month and I was planning to go home to Boston. But meeting you... that's changed." I stop him.

"Chris, don't sacrifice spending time with your family over a girl you just met three days ago. I promise you I'm not worth that. You barely get to see them so take that time to actually visit and rest."

"But that's the thing, you aren't just some girl. Yea I know we just met but I feel this connection with you. I like seeing you and hearing your voice, your laugh, and seeing you smile. I'm not saying this to freak you out or anything, I don't really understand what I feel anyways. What I'm saying is, I'd like to come back and see you, if you want that." Woah... alright then.

"Ok... um wow... is it weird I kind of feel the same thing? I don't think I've felt happy in a while and I like seeing your name pop up on my phone. It makes me smile. You're easy to talk to, no one outside of my family and friends know what happened with Chase. Like the full story but I told you right off the bat. I don't know what I feel, I like being around you. That much I do know." I admit. Wow that took a lot.

"Can I tell you something?" He asks.

"Of course."

"In my past relationships, we'd go on two dates then jump into bed together. A few months later, I'd realize they were using me as a fuck Buddy or arm candy. I haven't had anything real in a long time. This doesn't feel like that. You don't treat me like I'm famous. You didn't even freak out when we met. You treat me like Chris." He sighs. I gently grab his hand, making him look at me. Ugh I love his eyes.

"I don't see you as Chris Evans, aka Captain America. I see you as Christopher Robert Evans from Sudbury, Massachusetts. And it does help I'm used to Mackie being famous." He chuckles. "But yea. You're just a normal guy."

"Thank you. That means a lot." He sighs.

"Of course. Ok so I have an idea. We see how you being gone is then if you want to come back here for a bit, you can. Even though I'd rather you visit your family, you can make that decision." I tell him.

"Deal. But I'm coming back." He smiles.

"Ok Chris. Im getting tired, if you need me, my room is down the hall last door on the left." He nods.

"Goodnight Steph." I kiss his cheek before getting up.

"Goodnight, Captain." I playfully salute, making him laugh, then start walking to my room.

"Oh and I agree with Chelsea. We would make some cute babies." I stop. My eyes go wide like saucers and I just know my face is red. He seriously heard that?! But he was asleep! Fucking hell I'm going to kill her.

"Goodnight baby girl." I nearly swoon at the nickname. He seriously knows what he's doing. I know he's watching me, I can feel his eyes on me.

"Shut up you ass." He laughs and I briskly walk into my room.

5 Amigas

Me: I hate you Chels! He fucking heard you say we'd make cute babies!

Chels: And why are you complaining? Clearly he wants you, so stop texting me and jump his bones!

Hayley: I have to agree here

Me: No! We aren't doing that!

Chels: Boooooo!!! Well I'm not lying, y'all seriously would. Ugh I can't wait to be an aunt.

Hayley: Me too!!

Me: I hate you both

Chels: Love you boo

Me: 🖕🏻

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