Ch. 56

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-Steph's POV-

Chris unfortunately left to go back to New York. It's been a month since and I've missed him so much but I get to see him in a week so I'm excited! Well as excited as I can be. I haven't been feeling well, at all. I started throwing up last week. Chelsea has been trying to get me to make a doctors appointment but I never have time. I've even brought work home, which I try to never do.

Suddenly my door busts open and a pregnant Chelsea walks in.

"You're pregnant!" Um excuse me? "I can't believe I didn't see if before! When was your last period?" She asks. Realization hits me that I'm 2 weeks late.

"It was supposed to be two weeks ago." I admit, eyes wide. Fuck am I pregnant?! No no no no... I can't be. We just started dating!

"Hey hey hey, it's ok. Deep breath. I sent Matt to get some tests." Shit now my brother knows. He's going to kill me.

"Chels I can't be pregnant... we just started dating 4 months ago." I whisper, on the verge of tears.

"But you two love each other so much... I have never seen that kind of love develop so quickly. He's it, Steph." She hugs me and that's when I break. I wish he were here to comfort me. If I am, I know he's going to be so happy. I mean, I know I want this with him but I just never expected it to happen so soon. Am I even ready to be a mom?

My front door opens and Matt walks in with a bag. Oh shit...

"Hey sis... hey come here." He notices I'm crying and I immediately hug him.

"It's going to be ok. Just take a deep breath." He wipes my face when I pull back. Shit I need to call Chris.

"Do I call him now? I don't know what to do." I sob.

"Go take the tests first and see what the results are, ok?" I nod and take the back from him. Chelsea follows me into the bedroom and I walk into the bathroom while she waits. As I take the box out of the bag, I can't help but stare at it. Am I ready for this? Are we ready for this? We haven't even discussed kids, even though both of us want them. I know he's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.

I set a timer for the three tests and open the door, motioning Chelsea to come in. We both sit on the floor and I just stare at the cabinet.

"Will I be a good mom?" I whisper.

"The best. I've seen how you are with Natty. You're going to be amazing." Suddenly the timer goes off and my heart drops. Ugh I wish he were here... Chelsea stands and when she looks at the three tests, her face breaks out into a large small.

"You're pregnant."


-Chris' POV-

I laugh hysterically as one of my cast mates comes running out from behind the stage, trying not to be caught by the angry Russian woman who is chasing him with a pair of scissors. She's his hairstylist but I know for a fact he doesn't like his hair being touched, much less cut. She's yelling angry words as he runs away. Oh that's too funny.

I calm myself down and wipe the tears from my face.

"Hey guys, I'm taking a small break. I seriously need to pee." The director laughs and waves me off. I head backstage to a dressing room with my things and notice my phone light up.

From: My girl❤️
Hey baby, do you have a minute to FaceTime?
Sent 10 minutes ago.

I decide to call her instead of answering.

'Hi baby!' I smile once I see her face but then notice it's red and blotchy.

'What's wrong baby girl?' I ask, now seriously worried.

'Um are you alone? And sitting?' Huh? I decide to sit, since I know she's going to tell me anyways.

'I am... is everything ok?' She turns the phone and that's when I see three pregnancy tests, all positive. I'm going to be a dad? Holy shit... I'm going to be a dad! When she turns the camera around, I see her crying again.

'We're pregnant?' I ask, still trying to wrap this around my head. She nods but sniffles. I need to go. She needs me.

'Hey baby... it's ok. Take a deep breath and talk to me.' I'm trying to keep my excitement down because I know she's upset. I grab my laptop and book the earliest flight I can. Screw this show... my girl needs me.

'I'm scared, Chris. We just started dating! I mean yea I've wanted to be a mom and I know you want to be a dad but this feels so soon. What if I'm not a good mom?' My heart breaks at those words.

'Hey look at me. You're going to be an amazing mom. I booked a flight and it'll leave in about two hours. Once I get back, we'll talk things through and make an appointment, ok? I need you to breathe, I don't want you having a panic attack.' I've seen her have one. It was right after Christmas. She was overwhelmed with everything and broke down. It took a while to get her to calm down and get her breathing under control.

'But what about your show?' She asks, wiping her eyes.

'I don't care about that right now. You and our baby are my top priority, always will be.' I admit.

'I feel bad, tearing you away from that.' I chuckle. I seriously love this woman.

'Baby, I love you. Please don't feel bad.' I sigh, getting up. I'll need to change before I leave.

'Are you happy?' She asks.

'Baby I'm ecstatic but I'm trying to be calm because I can see how scared you are. We're in this together, ok? I'm not leaving you.' She sighs in relief and my heart breaks knowing she thought I might leave her.

'Ok... let me know when you land and I'll come get you.' She says.

'I'll take a cab, ok? Or text Matt. I love you... and I seriously hope we have a girl.' She laughs and I immediately smile.

'Is it had I hope we do to? Oh fuck I feel insane. We're pregnant.' I think it finally hits her and thankfully she smiles. I swear her smile lights up a room.

'We are baby girl. I'll see you soon ok? I love you, so much.'

'I love you. Be safe.' We hang up and I sigh. Holy shit... I'm a dad. I'm going to be a dad. Wow.

"I'm gonna be a dad... holy shit." I chuckle, running my fingers through my hair. "...I'm gonna be a dad."

I quickly change out of my set clothes and throw my regular clothes on then run out of the room. Now to find the director.

"Peter! Mind if we speak a minute?" He nods and follows me somewhere more private.

"What's up Chris?"

"Um... I hate to do this but there's been an emergency. My girlfriend just called and I need to head to Georgia." I tell him.

"Is everything ok?" He asks and I can't help but smile.

"Well she's pregnant." He laughs and slaps my shoulder.

"Congratulations man! Got two kids of my own. Go! Just keep Mindy updated if you need to miss a few performances. Take care of her, Chris." I shake his hand and thank him then run out. My flight leaves in 2 hours so I have to run back to the hotel and back quickly.

I'm so excited.

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