Ch. 5

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-Steph's POV-

I honestly was not expecting him to show up with a bag of chic fil a and a sweet tea. The fact that he took time out of his busy schedule to do that blows my mind. I will have to thank Mackie for that later though. I never told Chris what my favorite place to eat was nor where I work.

I practically force him to eat some of my food. He didn't like the tea, as it's too sweet for him, so I gave him a bottle of water. We're still sitting on the floor but now we're thumb wrestling while talking.

"Can you actually draw? Like people?" He asks while smashing my thumb but I quickly get out of his grasp.

"I can, sort of." I pin his thumb down.

"Draw me." He catches me off guard and pins my thumb down.

"Ha! I win!" He smirks.

"You want me to draw you?" He nods.

"Draw me like one of your French girls baby." I laugh loudly and to the point I can't breathe. Once I finally catch my breath, I grab my sketch pad and some pencils before leaning against the couch.

"No looking." He raises his arms in defense. As I start to horribly draw him in his Captain America costume, I can feel his eyes on me. While I am used to people staring at me, his gaze feels different. Those blue eyes are so intense but soft at the same time, it's making it hard to focus. I decide to do a comedic drawing, making his head bigger than his body and having him salute.

"Your tongue sticks out when you're concentrated. It's cute." He comments. Suddenly aware of the habit, I shut my mouth.

"Shut up and let me focus." I sass.

"Yes mam." I can hear the smirk in his voice but don't even look up. Having him staring at me is hard enough and speaking will make it 10 times worse. I finish coloring in the suit then erase some of the unnecessary lines before showing it to him.

"Ta da!" I say with an awkward smile. He laughs hysterically, doing that thing where he grabs his left boob from laughing so hard.

"You ass! Why are you laughing?!" I throw my eraser at him but he just laughs harder. His laughs is quite contagious and I find myself giggling. He finally calms down and scoots closer to me, leaning up against the couch and putting his arm around my shoulders.

"It's definitely not what I was expecting but I love it. It's going right next to Dodger's photo." He kisses the side of my head, making me blush.

"I told you I could sort of draw. This is why I stick to clothes and not people. Draw me like one of your French girls, my ass." I roll my eyes as he laughs.

"Hey I said I love it. It's better than I could do."

"Alright, your turn then. Have fun." I hand him my sketch pad and some pencils.

"No looking." He says, making me look away. That doesn't last long and soon I'm looking at him. He looks like a child as he draws, eyebrows furrowed and tongue stuck out a little.

"You staring at me isn't making this easy." He comments.

"Pay back is a bitch." I smirk, making him laugh a little. I grab my phone, noticing a missed call from my niece so I quickly FaceTime her back.

'Steph! I need your help!' She answers frantically.

'Woah, calm down. What's wrong?' I ask. Chris stops drawing and looks over at her but she can't see him.

'Remember that guy I told you about? Josh? He asked me out but I don't know what to wear.' She groans. Chris chuckles and I nudge him.

'Who's there?' She asks so I move the phone so Chris is in view.

'Oh my God! Y-you're Chris Evans! Holy shit!' She freaks out, making him laugh.

'Last time I checked I was. You must be Daisy.' He smiles.

'You know who I am?! Wait! How do you know Steph?' She asks.

'We met last night. Anthony brought him for a drink and we ran into each other.' I explain.

'Aw how is uncle Anthony?' She asks, suddenly forgetting about her date.

'Fine, he misses y'all. They're working on a new movie right now.' I tell her.

'I miss him. When are you coming home?' She asks.

'I'm not sure baby. Soon I hope. I miss y'all too. Now, tell me where he's taking you.' I take the focus off Chris, who just watches us in amusement.

'Right! I have no idea! He won't tell me, he just said wear something nice, like how vague is that! I hate men sometimes.' Chris and I both laugh.

'You and me both. Alright show me the options you picked.' She flips the camera to the bed and I see a few options.

'Green dress. It's casual but not too casual. Do you makeup natural, nothing bold. Curl your hair and wear those black sandals I bought you for Christmas.' I tell her.

'This is why I love you and you're my favorite aunt.' I chuckle.

'Call me tomorrow and let me know everything. Don't do anything stupid, I don't feel like bailing you out of jail. I love you.' I smile.

'Yea yea, I love you too. Bye Chris! Nice meeting you, sorta.' He chuckles.

'Nice meeting you too Daisy. Have fun on your date.' He smiles.

'And don't think I'm letting you off the hook. You better tell me everything tomorrow. Ok bye!' She hangs up.

"You two seem close." He comments.

"We're only 7 years apart so I was the closest one to her age." I say.

"How old are you?"

"27, I'll be 28 next month. She'll be 21 in December. I miss them so much, I haven't seen them since Christmas. Normally I take a week break during the summer and go home but just didn't have time this year." I tell him.

"You're all close?"

"Extremely. I try to talk to my brothers at least once every other week. Hunter and I talk every week, as we're the closest. He's my twin."

"I remember. Kaleb is the oldest, Matt is Chelsea's fiancé and he's the second, and Lane is third. Do they all have families?" He asks. He's still drawing but won't let me look yet.

"Kaleb has 4, Lane and his girlfriend have a baby girl, she's almost a year. Hunter is getting married in a year and Matt is in a year and a half."

"How much of a gap is there between you all?"

"Kaleb is 39, Matt is 37, Lane is 35. Hunter and I were kind of a surprise." I shrug.

"You're a beautiful surprise." He winks at me, making me roll my eyes.

"Alright sir, let me see what you've got." He shows it to me and I bust out laughing. Oh wow... that's just horribly adorable.

"Why are you laughing? I think it's a great picture!" He smiles.

"Yes because I look like a stick." He blushes and I just laugh. "And you even signed it! That's so cute."

"Do you know how much this signature is worth? You can make money off this picture." I laugh louder.

"Oh no." I tare the picture out of the book and stand. "I'm hanging it on my wall." I lay it on my desk and make a note to get a frame.

"I'm honored." He says.

"You should be."

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