Ch. 53

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Tomorrow is Valentine's Day but do I actually get to do something? Nope. Chris is still in New York and I'm stuck in Georgia. With the suits going out at the end of the week, we've been a little busy. Plus I'm still working on a women's formal line and I'd like to have it done next month. I'm running out of ideas and my brain just feels dead. A bubble bath honestly sounds great.

"Steph, I can't think anymore." Taylor groans. The four of us have been on my office all day, trying to think of at least 3 more ideas but all of us are so tired.

"Neither can I. Alright... y'all take off the rest of the week. We need a break." They all sigh in relief. It's only 2 days but a 4 day weekend sounds nice. We all pack our things up and leave. I honestly hate going to my house because it feels so empty now. Yea, I have Blue and she does keep me occupied but I miss him. I hate sleeping alone. We talk every night until he falls asleep and try to talk during the day but it doesn't always work out.

Blue excitedly greets me as I walk through the door. I let her out in the back then put her food down before ordering some Chinese. It's almost 6 which surprises me... honestly I should've gotten food on the way home but oh well.

My food arrived half an hour later so now Blue and I are watching some sappy movie while eating dinner. I miss him so much... sleeping hasn't been easy. I just want to hug him. I sound pathetic... it hasn't even been a full month but we basically saw each other everyday for 3 months. I grew attached.

My phone starts ringing, making me groan.

'Hello?' I answer, not even bothering to look to see who it is.

'Hi baby.' I immediately smile.

'Hi... how was your day?' I ask.

'Exhausting. How was yours?'

'Same here. Blue and I are watching a movie. I miss you.' I pout, wishing I could just hug him. Suddenly there's a knock on the door. Blue starts barking but I quickly quiet her.

'You should go see who that is.' Huh?

'Probably just Chelsea.' I get up and walk over to the door, turning the alarm off before I open it.

"Surprise!" I gasp. This idiot is really standing in my doorway.

"What? How?!" I hang up and jump in his arms, making him laugh. He shuts the door with one hand and keeps the other under my butt so I don't fall. Damn he's strong. Blue is jumping on us, begging getting for attention.

"Hi Blue. I'll get to you in a second." He starts walking and sits us on the couch.

"Baby... you can let go now." He chuckles.

"No." I pout like a child but it only makes him laugh. His hands go under my shirt, rubbing up and down my back.

"I've missed you too and I'd really like a kiss." He admits. I move a little to face him and place my lips on his. He sighs in relief and holds me closer. I thread my fingers through his hair as our lips move slowly together. It feels like I can breathe properly now.

"Hi..." He breathes once we pull away.

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in New York." I say.

"I mean I can always go back if you don't want me here." He starts to get up, even though I'm still in his lap.

"Sit your ass back down." He smiles and kisses me again.

"The director gave us off the next two days as a break so I caught a red eye as soon as we were done today. I couldn't let my girl my alone on Valentine's Day." I smile. I love when he calls me his girl.

"I love you." I kiss him and he hums in appreciation.

"I love you. Oh hi blue." He laughs as she jumps on the couch, shoving her face between us.

"I think she missed you just as much as me." I giggle.

"Don't tell your mom... but I missed you more." He whispers to my dog and I slap his chest.

"You ass! No more kisses for you!" I go to get off him but he pulls me back.

"Nooo I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He laughs, kissing all over my face and making me laugh.

"I love you." I smile once he stops kissing my face.

"I love you. Is it ok if I go shower? I smell like airport." I get off him and he stands.

"Find a movie! Just nothing Marvel." I groan. He knows those are my favorite. I grab a blanket and snuggle into it while I search for a movie. I kind of want to watch the grinch... yes I know it's not Christmas but it's still a good movie. I rent the movie and pause it since he's still in the shower. Did he even bring a bag? I look over at the door and of course, he left it. Idiot. Shaking my head, I get up and grab the bag. I set it on my bed and dig out a pair of underwear and sweats.

"Babe! You forgot your clothes!" I say as I open the bathroom door.

"Ah shit. Thank you baby... I'm exhausted." He sighs and I lay them on the counter.

"I know. I can turn the movie on in the bedroom, if you want?" I ask. 

"Please. Im afraid I'm going to fall asleep right as my head hits the pillow."

"Ok baby." I leave and walk out into the living room, shutting the tv off. I let Blue outside for a few minutes while I pick up some then lock all the doors and turn the alarm back on. I lay out some food for her then go into the bedroom, finding Chris already in bed. It's only 7 and he's falling asleep already. I take my sweats off, leaving me in one of his shirts, and climb in bed.

"Come here." I open my arms and he immediately lays his head on my chest and his arms wrap around my body. He sighs in content when I start playing with his hair. I turn the tv on and play the movie, even though I know he's going to fall asleep soon.

"I've missed this." He mumbles.

"Me too baby. Get some sleep." I kiss the top of his head.

"I'm sorry, I want to spend time with you." I try not to laugh at the gibberish. I understood what he said but he's so tired, it was hardly coherent.

"We have tomorrow. Sleep."

"Mmk love you." I smile and continue running my fingers through his hair.

"I love you."

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