Ch. 67

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They bring her back to us about half an hour later. The nurse handed her to Chris, who hasn't put her down since. He won't even let me hold her and I actually need to.

"Chris, I need to hold her." I tell him.


"Baby, I promise you will be able to hold her again but I need to right now." He huffs and hands her over. A nurse walks in and lays down the birth certificate for us to fill out.

"Can I send in some people? They're all getting antsy." She asks.

"Yea just a few. Uh the grandparents are fine for now." I tell her. She nods and walks out.

"Help me sit the bed up." I tell him and he grabs the remote.

"Good?" I nod and move May a little so she's more comfortable. She's going to need to eat soon but I'll wait until the grandparents leave.


Everyone comes and goes. Our moms are still in here but our dads went back to the house so they can help watch the other grandchildren. My brothers come in and congratulate us before leaving. They're all exhausted and honestly so am I. Giving birth takes a lot out of you. Plus we've been awake since 4pm yesterday and it's 6am the next day. I can tell Chris is also tired once he lays his head on my shoulder. May has been asleep since my brothers left.

The door opens, scaring both of us. "Give me my child." Seb demands.

"Did you just spend 5 hours in labor? No. Now sit down." I sass.

"Yes mam." He whispers and pulls up a chair next to us. I gently pass May to him then snuggle back up to Chris.

"She's beautiful guys. Looks like she has your hair, Steph." He comments.

"She has his nose though." I tell him.

"Hey I have a cute nose." Chris pouts.

"Yes you do." I kiss the stop of his head. The door opens and in come Mackie and Robert.

"Hey kid, how ya doin?" Mackie asks.

"Oh I'm exhausted. I'm surprised you're both still here." I say.

"I wanted to see my niece." He shrugs.

"I brought the iron man onesie." Robert states, making us chuckle.

"No, she's wearing the Captain America one home." Chris says.

"Would you two shut up? She's not wearing either of those home." I groan.

"Please baby? She would look so cute." Chris begs. I sigh and look down at him. He's giving me puppy dog eyes. Seriously? He knows I can't say no to those big blue eyes.

"You're lucky I love you." He smiles in satisfaction.

"I love you too." He kisses me then lays his head back on my shoulder. I could really take a nap right now.

"Y'all ok if I sleep? I'm exhausted." I sigh. Chris moves up some and I lay my head on his shoulder.

"Get some sleep baby."

-Chris' POV-

I kiss the top of her head then look over at my daughter. It honestly doesn't feel real. I'm a father. This is something I have always wanted and now that she's here... I'm scared. What if I'm not a good father? What if I screw her up?

"You ok Chris?" Robert asks.

"Im terrified. What if I screw her up?" I sigh.

"Hey I still think that and I have three kids. You're not going to screw her up, trust me. You know what my life was like when Indio was born." He says.

"Every parent goes through that 'what if' stage. You're already a great dad. Yes you'll both make mistakes but Mayven is going to love you no matter what." Anthony says.

"I hope so. Steph wants to get her Christened when we go to her parents for Christmas. They have a family church they all used to go to." I tell them.

"Just let me know a date and I'll be there." Seb comments.

"Give me my daughter, Sebastian." He pouts but thankfully hands her over. "Thank you guys for everything. We appreciate it." I tell them.

"Of course. My flight is at 5 this evening if you need anything before I head out." Anthony says.

"Yea I'll let you know." They simply nod before walking out, leaving the three of us alone. I have no idea where our moms went but I don't care at the moment. When I look down at Mayven, her big blue eyes are staring up at me.

"Hi baby girl." I kiss her forehead and earn a few grunts from her. "Your mama and I love you so much but I'll admit, I'm scared. I don't know how to raise a child but no matter what, I am going to love you for you. I promise you that. Whatever makes you happy." She simply blinks a few times and I smile.

"Don't tell your mama, but I found a mini shield for you and ordered it. You're not Captain Americas child without a shield." I kiss her nose and earn a sneeze.

"Guess imma have to get used to that." I chuckle and wipe my face. She huffs but I only smile. I feel Steph move so I look down at her and she's still passed out.

"I love you my girls."

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