Ch. 43

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Everyone got here an hour ago. Chris literally kidnapped Natty and hasn't put her down. No ones complaining, they all find it cute. She's bouncing up and down on his legs while they clap their hands together. Maddie is secretly taking a video of them but who can blame her? It's not everyday you see Captain America playing with a baby.

"He's good with her." Maddie says.

"He loves kids." I tell her, smiling when he picks her up and she squeals excitedly.

"You two would make some beautiful babies." I slap her arm and Chelsea laughs.

"I said the same thing!" They high five, making me roll my eyes.

"Stop with the baby talk. Mom was doing the same thing. I don't want to run him off." I say.

"Girl there is no way you are getting rid of him that easily. He loves you, we can all see it. And if he can put up with being threatened by Lane, he can put up with anything." I shake my head. None of them are going to give the kid thing up any time soon.

"Well mentioning having children already isn't helpful. Yes both of us want them one day but it was way too early in our relationship to even consider thinking about them." I snap.

"Hey we're just messing around. Don't take it to heart." Chels says.

"I know that but I don't want to run him off. I love him, guys. Just please stop mentioning children." I sigh.

"Ok... we're sorry." I simply nod and decide to walk inside to grab a beer. I'm not mad at them, it just gets frustrating. I don't want any of this to be rushed. And I know my mother. Once she starts talking about kids, next she's talking about marriage. Hell I don't even know if I want to get married! I'll be 30 in two years.

"Hey baby, you ok?" Chris walks in.

"Yea, just needed a break." I sigh. He gives me a look, knowing I'm not telling the full truth.

"Try again." He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me to him.

"Maddie brought up the whole kid thing... saying how we would make cute babies." I admit.

"I mean I still agree with her and Chelsea but-" I slap his arm. "But... we can have that conversation in the future, if you want to. And don't think they're going to scare me off. I love you."

"I don't deserve you... you're too good for me." I sigh.

"Shut up you're too good for me." I giggle.

"I love you too dork." I kiss him gently.

"Oh and I'm perfectly fine with practicing..."He starts kissing my jaw. "Preferably tonight..." He goes to my neck. I sigh, biting my lip to suppress the moans wanting to escape. He suddenly stops, looking down and starts laughing. I look down and see Natty pulling on his pant leg.

"Are you really trying to steal my man?" I ask as I pick her up. She immediately wants to go to him, making me roll my eyes.

"Hey pretty girl." He takes her from me and she lays her head on his shoulder.

"Oh someone's getting sleepy." He comments. I shake my head at the two.

"You two are something else." He grabs my hand and drags me into the living room. The LSU game is about to kick off so we sit on the couch, him pulling me close to him. I snuggle into his side as he moves Natty so she's cradled in his arm. My stomach suddenly starts to hurt and I immediately know what it is. I seriously hate periods... they're so annoying.

"Y'all are so cute." Lane says.

"I'm just surprised I still have a boyfriend. I swear she's trying to steal him." They both laugh. Chris kisses the top of my head. I watch as Natty falls asleep, her face smushed against Chris' stomach. She's a mess, I swear.

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