Ch. 57

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I just landed in Atlanta. I'm so excited, I was fidgety in my seat the entire flight. I started looking up names, ideas to design the room. Also looking into getting a bigger house since Steph's is only a two bedroom house. We have a lot to figure out... like if she wants to stay in Georgia, go back to Boston, or move with me to California. I don't think she'd want to be that far away from her family... I truly don't want to be far from mine.

I also started looking at rings. I'm not going to officially propose any time soon because I know she'll panic. It's easier to just focus on the pregnancy and once he or she is born, I'll ask.

"Chris!" I pop my head up and see Matt waving me down. I smile and walk over, shaking his hand and hugging him a little.

"How are you man?" He asks.

"Excited... so fucking excited. I know it's not for another 9 months but I cannot wait to meet our baby." I admit and he chuckles.

"I know the feeling. I can't wait to meet Emma May but I am warning you. Pregnancy hormones are intense and those cravings are insane. Chelsea's new thing is watermelon dipped in pickle juice." I laugh loudly.

"Carly was obsessed with peanut butter when she was pregnant with Miles and now he hates it." He chuckles.

"How is she?" I ask.

"Terrified. You know my sister... she overthinks and then panics. Chelsea has been with her but she needs you." I'm worried for her. Stress isn't good for anyone and definitely not a pregnant woman.

"Mind if we stop at chic fil a on the way?" He chuckles but agrees.

"I don't know if she can eat, man."

"She needs to try at least." He nods, agreeing. A few minutes later, we stop and he orders her food. When we pull into her drive, I immediately jump out of the car. I can hear Matt laughing at me as I run inside.

"Bedroom." Chelsea points. Blue comes running, eager to see me. I pet her for a minute before walking to Steph's room.

"Baby?" I call out as I walk in.

"In here." I hear a small groan and get concerned. I drop my things and walk over to the bathroom, seeing her slumped over the toilet.

"Oh baby..." I squat next to her and hold her hair back as she throws up once more.

"The baby apparently doesn't like pizza." She groans and I can't help but chuckle. I soothingly rub her back and she leans against the tub, groaning again.

"Let's get you up." I pull her up and she brushes her teeth while I tie her hair back. When she turns around, I wrap my arms around her waist. She leans against me, her head on my chest and arms around my waist.

"How are my babies?" I ask and she chuckles.

"Stressed out, terrified, but kind of excited." She admits.

"We have a few months before we have to figure things out. I'll call in the morning and make an appointment so we can see how things are. We are in this together, ok? Once this play is over, I'll take a break for a while, maybe retire. But don't think about that right now. Be excited... we're having a baby!" I say the last part ecstatically, making her giggle. She looks up at me, her chin still resting on my chest.

"And I wouldn't have picked anyone else to have one with. I love you so much... you're going to be an amazing dad." I smile, trying not to tear up. It gets harder and harder to leave her every time and I'm always counting down the days until I have her in my arms again.

I've always been nervous I won't be a good dad. I've been told I'm good with kids but having one of your own if completely different? There's so many ways to mess a kids life up.

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