Ch. 36

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-Steph's POV-

I may be a hard sleeper, but getting him out of bed is never easy. Plus he's stronger than I am, so getting out of his grip is even harder. Not that I'm complaining, but I do have to pack more clothes and Blue's food. It's a 7 hour drive but we'll have to stop for gas plus to let Blue use the bathroom and I'd like to get there before midnight. It's already 10 but someone has me pinned under them and isn't letting me get up.

"Chris, we really need to get up. I don't want to be driving all night." He groans, still not letting me up.

"But you're comfy." He whines like a kid.

"I'm glad you think that but you're heavy." He gasps, looking down at me.

"Ok that's rude." I roll my eyes and finally push him off me. I go to get up but he pulls me down.

"Baby..." I groan.

"At least kiss me before." He pouts. I shake my head but comply, only kissing him briefly then finally standing up.

"Why do you give such short kisses?" He whines.

"Because you haven't let me move for an hour and if we kissed any longer, neither of us would be getting up any time soon. Now go shower while I let Blue out." I walk out of the room before he can say anything else. Blue follows me as I turn the alarm off then unlock the back door. She runs off and I go back in my room so I can unpack my dirty clothes. Chris listened and is in the shower. He's so stubborn, I swear. I quickly throw my dirty clothes in the washing machine and then walk into the bathroom.

"Chris, which of your clothes are dirty?" I ask. He sticks his head out.

"Uh left side of my suitcase. I washed most of them at moms, it's just from the last two days."

"Ok I'll throw them in with mine." I pick up his underwear from the floor.

"Oh thank you baby." I kiss him then walk out and grab the rest of his dirty clothes. Once I start the washing machine, I go fix us some coffee and breakfast.

I'm really excited to go home. It's hard living so far away from everyone. I haven't seen any of them since December, well other than Matt and Daisy. Penny is in the marching band and Carly is on the dance team and I've really wanted to go to a game so I could see them. I'm pretty sure they have one tomorrow night so I'm definitely going to go.

Arms wrap around my waist, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"You made coffee?" He asks.

"Mhm." I hand him a cup when he sits next to me.

"Thank you." He kisses my cheek then sips his drink.

"I want to leave around noon. It's a 7 hour drive but we'll have to stop for gas and to let Blue out." I tell him.

"Do you want me to drive? I don't mind." He asks.

"Mm sure. We can split it up." Blue comes running in so I go feed her then pack up the food.

"I'm going to need you to tell me who everyone is. I know you've shown me pictures but I'd be really embarrassed if I got something wrong." He comments.

"Ok, go grab my phone." I hear him walk off.

"Uh someone named Dylan texted you? He wants to get coffee?" Ugh that man is so annoying. He'll text me randomly asking to get coffee. Last time was a few months ago. He's nice, but damn he gets on my nerves.

"Ugh he's annoying. Just delete it. Password is 1513." I walk over to him and watch as he opens my phone.

"Who is he?" I'm thankful he's not jealous, he has no reason to be.

"Some guy I met a few months after I broke up with Chase. Originally, we only talked for work but he's asked me to get coffee at least 4 times and I always say I'm too busy. He's annoying." He simply nods and deletes the message.

"You set the picture of us kissing as your Home Screen?" He smiles.

"Yea... it's my favorite." I shrug, taking my phone and opening the pictures.

"Ok this is Kaleb and Jane. They've been married for nearly 20 years. This is Daisy, Leo, Penny, and Carly. Penn has blonde hair and Carly is the redhead. Next is Matt and Chels, you know them. Then Lane, Maddie, and baby Natasha. Then Hunter and Sydney, they're getting married in like a year. And last but not least, my parents." He simply nods, following along.

"Kaleb is a mechanical engineer, Matt you know is a doctor, Lane is a chemist, and Hunter is a firearms examiner. You know my dad is a pilot, before that he was in the military for 20 years. Mom stayed at home until all of us were out of the house then started her own little baking business." I explain.

"Goodness, ok, that's a lot of information. Your mom looks so young." He admits.

"Mom turned 58 in May and dad will be 63 in February."

"Seriously? Wow. So she was, what, 19 when she had Kaleb?" He asks.

"Yup. She and my dad started dating when she was 17. Yea skeet wasn't happy. She got pregnant and they quickly got married." I pull up a picture of my grandparents.

"This is nana and skeet, my moms parents. This is mimi and papa, my dads parents." He nods.

"Skeet? Strange name." He says.

"We've always called him that, I don't know why." I shrug.

"Ok... wow that was a lot." He sighs. Yea, I have a huge family.

"I'll quiz you on the drive." I giggle when he gives me a look. "Cmon, we need to get ready. The clothes should be done washing." I kiss his cheek and go to walk off but he pulls me back to him.

"Yes?" I put my hands on his chest. Did I mention he's only in sweats? I don't think I'll ever get used to the sight of him shirtless.

"I'd like to kiss you. Is that ok with you?" He asks.

"Mmm I guess so." I smirk then shriek when he lifts me onto the counter. He chuckles then kisses me, a smile still on his face. I still get those butterflies and my heart races.

"I'm glad Anthony dragged me to get drinks the night we met." He admits.

"Me too... I honestly didn't even want to go out that night but Chelsea forced me."

"Guess we have those two to thank." I smile and agree with him.

"Everything feels different with you. I've never felt this way with Chase." I tell him.

"I haven't felt this way in a long time and I really hope we're together for a long time." So he does see a future with me. I guess he wouldn't have introduced me to his family if he didn't. I lean in and kiss him, running my hands up his chest. He shivers and pulls me closer. It's not a rushed kiss, which feels nice. Hell, kissing him always feels amazing.

"Cmon, we need to get ready." I push him back.


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