Ch. 7

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I get home about two hours later, with a lot more food than I anticipated. Everyone is already here so they help me unload all of the food. I've missed having them all under the same roof.

"Steph! Can we order pizza?" Emily yells.

"I don't care! It's only 3:30." I say, grabbing a beer from the fridge. They're all in the living room, figuring out what movie to watch. While I am happy they're all here, I kind of miss Chris. No. Stop. You aren't doing this again.

"Alright spill! Do you like him?" Grace asks.

"I don't know. And shouldn't we wait for Hayley?" I ask as I sip my beer. Chris likes beer. Dammit, Steph... no.

"She'll catch up. Tell us about him! Is he as hot as he his in the movies?" Emily asks. I blush and finally give in.

"Even hotter. I don't know, he's a really sweet guy from what I've gathered. Absolutely loves kids, his Lock Screen is of his niece and nephews. He brought me lunch today, simply because I hadn't eaten today. Chic fil a, Anthony told him it's my favorite. He's a shameless flirt and we all know I am. He tried to kiss me too! But I said no because I don't trust him. He knows what happened with Chase, I told him last night. I don't know guys. I really don't." I groan.

"What'd I miss?!" Hayley yells as she walks through the door.

"I am not repeating all of that." I take a sip of my beer. She sits next to us, still in her Peggy Carter makeup.

"Chris tried to kiss her." Emily says.

"Oh I know. That man tells me everything. He seemed to understand why you said no though. You told him about Chase?" Hayley asks.

"Uh yea. I'm not sure why... he's just easy to talk to but I can't... I can't trust." I admit. The last three years, I haven't given another guy so much as a glance but I seem to be doing that with Chris.

"No you can but you won't. Chris is a good guy. Like Captain America reincarnate. I say give him a chance." Hayley says.

"I agree. I saw how he was last night." Chels says.

"I'm going to watch him tomorrow before making my decision." Emily says, and Grace agrees.

"He asked if he could call me tonight. And look at this picture he drew me." I stand up and run to my booklet then hand them the paper.

"Awww he signed it. That's so cute." Grace gushes.

"He is... dammit! I hate that I kind of miss him and that I want him to call me. I'm pathetic."

"No you're not. You just haven't felt this in a long time so you're scared. Get to know him, take it slow." Grace says. I stay silent, not sure what to say.

"Who wants pizza?" Em asks. We end up ordering several plus desserts. While we wait on them, I get the beans to start soaking them. I'll make everything else tomorrow since they won't be here till 5.

Should I pursue Chris? I mean, I don't see what he sees in me. I'm not anywhere near his type, from what I've seen. I don't get it. Maybe he's trying to get into my pants... but why would he randomly bring me food during his busy schedule? Would this even work if we got together? He travels all over the place and I never have time to stop. I know I'm thinking way far into the future but I have to. I can't afford to get my heart broken again. I want a husband and a family... but that means I actually have to trust a guy.

"Girl! Get your ass over here! Say Yes to The Dress is starting!" Grace yells. I shake my head and walk back over to them, getting under the mass amount of blankets they have. It's always been a dream of mine to shop at Kleinfeld's. They have such pretty dresses. But that means I have to have a boyfriend then get him to propose. Lord knows how long that'll take.

The door bell rings and Em jumps up to get the pizzas. I've missed this... not thinking about work and just spending time with my best friends. It's nice to relax a little. I also never get to eat pizza so I'm totally stuffing my face right now. Ugh I'll have to go for a run tomorrow but oh well, Blue will enjoy it. Speaking of her, I have no clue where she is.

"Blue!" I yell.

"Oh I let her outside when I got here." Chelsea says. I hear little paws come running so I know she's about to jump.

"Hey girl!" I pat her then give her some pepperoni. I decide to shut the door, as she's been outside for a while, so I get up and walk over. As I'm walking back, my phone dings.

"Ooh it's Chris! He's asking to call!" Em yells. I check the time and it's nearly 6. Damn time went by quick. I snatch my phone out of her hands. I don't mind them reading my texts but knowing them, they'll send some crazy text that'll likely embarrass me.

"I'll be back." I start walking towards my room.

"Aw Cmon! We won't embarrass you! We just want to listen." Grace says.

"Like hell y'all won't! And besides, y'all will have all night tomorrow to embarrass me." I say.

"Ugh fine! No phone sex! I don't want to hear that!" Chelsea yells.

"Shut up!" I flip them off as they laugh, and I walk into my room.

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