Ch. 44

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Every time we wake up, neither of us want to move. She always has to drag me out of bed and I always drag her back. I just want a day where neither of us get up but I know that won't happen any time soon. She seems to be feeling a little better this morning. I still can't believe she was embarrassed to tell me she was having cramps. She has no reason to be, it's not something she can control. I have two sisters so it's not like it's a new thing for me. I'm used to random fits of anger and tears, so when she got pissed off at me this morning I just hugged her. I honestly don't even remember what the reason was but when I hugged her, she cried and kept apologizing. Tonight I'm going to run a bath for her so she can relax. She deserves it.

Right now, we're driving to the shooting range. She hasn't mentioned that she can shoot but according to her brothers, she's really good. I haven't decided if I'll try it... I honestly think it'll be better if I just watch. I've never been a gun guy.

"When did you learn how to fire a gun?" I ask.

"Oh my dad taught me when I was 10. Lane and I used to compete to see who was better but he always beat me." Damn... I was not expecting that.

"And do you own one?"

"Several. They're at my house in Georgia. I keep one in my purse too." Ok so remind me to never piss her off. I simply nod and we pull onto a gravel road. We drive about 5 miles down it and then the range appears. Damn this place is huge! We get out of her car and she immediately walks over to everyone.

"Chris, you wanna learn?" Kaleb asks.

"Uh I'll just watch for now." I say. He chuckles but nods, respecting my decision.

"Pumpkin, you want your favorite?" Her dad asks.

"You brought it?" She immediately gets excited.

"Of course." He hands her some giant gun that almost looks too big for her to carry. I walk closer to her and just watch as she loads it.

"Ears!" Kaleb hands both of us a pair of ear muffs.

"Watch this." Lane chuckles as Steph walks out towards the targets. I watch as she takes her stance, I guess, then fires.

"Holy shit." I gasp as she makes a giant hole in the targets head.

"Remind me not to piss her off." Her brothers laugh. I honestly can't take my eyes off her. I never thought someone could look hot shooting a gun but fuck...

"Close your mouth or you'll catch flies!" Daisy laughs. I shut my jaw but I'm still in awe. She starts walking back so I guess she shot all of the bullets. Once she sets the gun down, I walk over to her.

"You have no idea how hot that was." I whisper to her. She giggles and looks up at me.

"Now you know not to piss me off. And that was nothing baby. Merely child's play." I give her a look.

"Lane, tell Chris how far I can shoot." She looks at her older brother.

"Well she's not as great as I am but she can reach 2,000 meters." I swear my eyes almost fall out of my head. Why do I want to see that?

"Prove it." I say. She smirks but agrees.

"Hey Lane, you think that hill over there is 2,000 meters?" She asks. He looks and hums.

"Mmm close to it." She grabs her gun and some bullets.

"Be right back." She kisses me then starts walking. I can't help but stare at her ass. Those tight jeans do wonders for it. Dammit I wish she wasn't on her period...

"It's a bit windy today, might be challenging." Hunter comments.

"She'll be fine." Nick responds. A few minutes later, I hear shots and out of instinct I duck. The guys laugh at me and I just know my face is beat red. The shots stop and we all look at the target.

"Ha! Smart ass made a smily face." Her dad laughs. I get closer to see and yea, she definitely made a smily face. I shake my head but smile. I really do love that woman.

-Steph's POV-

I walk back over to my family, who all start to clap.

"Thank you, thank you." I take a small bow then set the gun down.

"I wanna be able to shoot like that." Daisy says, making me giggle.

"Practice! That took me 15 years to get right." I tell her. She and her dad walk out to the targets while Lane cleans his gun. Dad decides to follow Kaleb and Daisy so I turn my attention towards Chris.

"You wanna learn?" I ask. He gives me an uncertain look.

"Do you have something... smaller?" He asks, staring at the rifle. I giggle and grab my purse, taking the Glock out and removing the magazine.

"Ok, so the number one lesson is to always treat a firearm like it's loaded. Second is never put your finger on the trigger unless you're going to shoot. Third is never point it at anyone unless you intend to shoot them." We continue going through the basics of the firearm. He honestly looks so cute when he's focused. Also, having his eyes on me the entire time is kind of intimidating. I walk him through how to load a magazine and how to load the gun. I swear we have an hour lesson before I get him on the actual range.

"Ok I want you to watch me and copy how I stand." He nods and copies me. I move behind him and push him forward a little then hand him an unloaded gun.

"It's unloaded. Don't worry." He calms down a little. I move around to his right side to make sure his grip is good. We practice simply pulling the trigger so he can get used to it. When I hand him the magazine, he gets a little nervous but soon got comfortable with it. We practiced for a few minutes until he decided it wasn't for him which I completely understand. Guns aren't for everyone. I continue practicing and helping Daisy while Lane and Kaleb practice. Chris is sitting under the awning, watching us. I kind of feel bad leaving him alone, so I think I'm about to call it a day and take him to lunch.

I walk over and lay my gun down before sitting in his lap.

"Hi." I smile.

"Hi. Are you having fun?" He asks, putting his hands on my legs.

"I am, I haven't been shooting in a while. But um do you wanna go get lunch? I hate you sitting over here alone." I tell him.

"Sure. I'm getting hungry. And don't think I'm not watching... you looking so fucking hot shooting. Ha I never thought I'd say those words." He chuckles, making me shake my head.

"Let me go tell them we're leaving then reload my gun and we'll go eat." I kiss him then go over to my family, telling them we're leaving. After I reload my gun, we get in my car and drive off. I'm not sure where to take him. Ooh poboys... he would like those.

"Where are we going, baby?" He asks. My heart still leaps every time he calls me that.

"We're getting poboys." I can tell he's confused. I don't even have to look at him.

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