*40* Return

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"Whoo!" Akira let out a deep breath with a smile on her face. "I love singing and playing. Its been so long since I could do that."

"You're really talented!" Yui said, smiling back just as big while clapping. "I wasn't expecting you to start singing all of a sudden!"

"Hehe, I thought it would liven things up a bit. But you're good at playing the piano too Yui. I knew we would get along just perfectly!"

*3rd person P.O.V.*

And so, just like that, the break quickly passed by and it was already time for Akira to return back to school. She enjoyed being able to catch up with all of her brothers and she made great friends with Yui. Seeing that their precious little sister was fond of the human, the Sakamaki brothers even bullied the human a little less than normal, much to her pleasure.

"Aki-sama, are you sure you don't wanna stay?" Ayato asked desperately, not wanting his precious person to leave.

"Stop it Ayato. Akira has duties she must complete at the Academy. She must see through to what she agreed to till the end." Reiji explained, but deep inside, he didn't want the girl to leave either.

"If anyone bothers you, make sure you kill them." Subaru said monotonously, a threat hidden behind his words while patting the girls head.

"Of course! Also, don't worry too much nii-sans. Just one more semester and I will be back home for good. And I don't plan to leave again. " Akira reassured her siblings as she began hugging them one by one.

"Make sure you continue practicing your music. You need to use your voice more so you do not lose your talent and power." Shu told the girl.

"Mhm. I understand.  I will practice more. Maybe I'll try using it on the others at school. " she said with a sly/mischievous smirk on her face.

Shu only nodded in return while patting the girls head.

"I'll have plenty of dresses ready for you for when you return home." Kanato said, squeezing his bear in his arms a little.

"No flirting. That is reserved only for yours truly." Laito said with a smirk as he kissed his little sister on the cheek.

Akira smiled, "Of course Nii-sans!" 

Stepping out of her brother arms, she walked over towards the quiet blonde haired girl with sad eyes. "I have to go now Yui, but I will be back in a few months." She told her. "My brothers won't bother you as much now but can't withhold much. Your blood is just too sweet!" She said with a smirk.

Yui flushed at the girls words before suddenly rushing forward and hugging her. "Be safe Aki-chan..."  she whispered with flushed cheeks.

"I will!" She said hugging the girl back lightly. She was glad to meet Yui. She hasn't made a new friend in so long. It was nice. There was then a honking from outside. Letting go of the girl, she backed away.

"That is my cue to leave." She said as she walked to grab her things. "I will see everyone soon. Bye!" 

Walking out of the doors, she walked towards the long limo parked outside. Most of her things were already packed into the trunk except for the bage she was currently holding. The servant took the bag and place it into the trunk as she walked into the limo since the door was open and waiting for her.

She was shocked at who was sitting inside though. "Papa!?"

"Hello my child." The man said as he looked at his daughter, dotingly. Said girl instantly lurched herself forward and into her father's lap.

"Papa!" She squealed happily. "I didn't think i'd be able to see you!"

"I know, my child. It took longer than expected to return. I am glad to be able to see you off though. Tell me my child, how have you been?"

And with that, the two caught up while on the way to the airport. 

*Time Skip*

Returning back to the dorms, it was late in the evening. The other night class students had all returned the night before.

Walking into the dormitory, it was deadly silent. Classes wouldn't be back in session until tomorrow evening so everyone was probably off doing their own things. Akira didn't mind such things and just minded her business while making it to her room. She was exhausted from the travel and needed some rest.

Making it to her room, she quickly stripperd out of her clothes, leaving her in only her undergarments and crawled into her bed as she slowly began to drift off. 

Not even 20 minutes late, she was awakened by a loud noise. Normally, vampires would keep their business and not snoop too much but Akira was a pureblood royal. She followed no one and she was currently pissed her rest was interrupted. Slipping on a slightly larger shirt, she walked out of her room and towards where she hear the sound. It was Kanames room. 

Going in, she found a hole in the wall, the other side being the bathroom where Kaname was currently gripping zero by the neck and Zero held Kaname at gunpoint, his eyes flaring red.

"What is the meaning of this?" Akira asked, leaning against the wall where the hole is, no even bothering to break the two apart. 

"Just as discussion between the two of us." Kaname replied.

"Hmm...is that so..?" Akira drawled with a tilt of her head. "That's okay...just keep it down." 

With that, she walked away, heading back to her room, the smell of Kaname's blood wafting through the air only moment later. She knew this was going to happen. She didn't know what the two men were discussing but she could honestly care less at the moment. Only thing on her mind currently was her well needed rest.

Making it back to her room, she wasted no time crawling back into her bed.


It's been a loooooong time haha. Yeah. Soooo it is still my goal to finish this book and it is almost done, we are currently halfway through season 2 right now. I will not be continuing it after that as honestly, it is really hard to do so as I'm not into anime anymore, especially vampire knight. I started this book many many years ago and need to see this through. 

Life update: I am currently 20 years old, which is crazy because i started this book probably 7 years ago when i was 13 lmao, hence the crigniness and multitude of spelling/grammar errors. I started becoming super busy when I was 16/17 as I started working and focusing more on school and whatnot which is why I stopped writing a lot. I am now down with my second year of college where I am studying Asian and middle eastern studies with a focus in Korean. I'm an adult no haha. Its honestly super hard to believe sometimes.

But yeah, I will be finishing this book. There will probably be about 5 more chapters of it and then its done!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2022 ⏰

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