*10* Time Skip

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*Akiras P. O. V*
Time Skip 9 years, she is now 16

I walked down the hallways of the private high school I attend, with my head held high as my hair flowed behind me and hips swayed as I walked.

Kai was walking on my left side and Ash was on my right and Kikyo was on Ash's other side.

Lily had moved to America about two years ago and Yumi currently attends another high school. Even though we're not all together, we are still closer then super glue.

"Nyah~ Aki-chan~ Do we have to go to the student council room~" Kikyo purred as she snacked on some pocky. She wore her hair long turquoise hair in her usual pigtails with a top hat on. She was wearing a mid thigh green and black dress with knee high striped socks and black boots.

"Yes. We need to finish up the rest of the plans for this year's sports festival. " Ash said as he closed the book he was reading. He was wearing a regular black Shirt with a black jacket that had white sleeves. He was also wearing black jeans and black sneakers.

"Neh, Cheer up Kikyo-chan!" Kai said in his usual cheerful tone that always made me smile. He had a blue regular shirt on with a jacket similar to Ash's on and Blue Jeans with blue sneakers. Around his neck was a string with a ring attached to it.

"Settle down guys, " I chuckled as Kikyo continued complaining "We will get through the sports festival preparations quickly if we do it together. "

"Wah~ Aki-chan~ your so cool~ and you always wonder why you were elected president." Kiyoko said smiling.

It was true though. Throughout the school I was apparently the most popular girl with the best grades, looks, teachers approval, and good at sports. Of course Kikyo, Kai, Ash, and my brothers are all pretty popular theirselves.

When we finally made it to the student council room, Kai ran forward and slid the door open and walked in followed by me, Kikyo, and Ash.

"Good morning Prez. " The whole room said as they bowed.

"Good Morning everyone. It's wonderful to see you again! Now, let's start working hard and get started, shall we!" I greeted, trying to get everyone pumped up and in a happy mood.

It seemed to have worked to as everyone happily agreed and quickly got to work. Every now and then someone would come up and ask a question as I worked.

"Prez, what snacks should we have?"

"Healthy ones like vegetables, fruits, pretzels, etc. " I replied as I scribbled away on a document.

"Prez, what classes are in charge of clean up?"

"Classes 1A and 2A. " I responded as I stamped a paper.

"Prez, can I go pee? "

"Yes Luke. How many times must I say that you don't have to ask to go pee?" I sighed as I rolled my eyes, smiling slightly.

"I know, I know. I just like messing with you! " he said grinning widely before walking away.

I giggled as I turned back around to my work but was interrupted by an announcement.

"Would Student council president Akira Sakamaki report to the principles office. Thank you. "

I sighed again as I stood up and walked towards the principals office.

I knocked on his door softly and walked in when I heard a faint 'come in'.

"Good morning sir. Is there something you need me for? " I said bowing before standing straight.

"Ah yes, I asked you here to inform you that I have personally signed you up as the representative for our school for the foreign exchange program meaning you will be spending half a year, six months, in Cross Academy. A private school located at about an 2 hour flight from here. " the principal explained.

"What!? Why me!? Sir, with all do respect, I'm sure there is someone else that can go! I don't want to leave! What about my family? Friends? " I immediately complained.

"I chose you because you are our highest ranked student with utmost respect and as for your family and friends, they are allowed to visit you every two weeks for two days. A special treat from the headmaster there. Also, your father has already approved of this. You will be leaving tomorrow morning so you are excused for the rest of the day, as well as your brothers. " he said, making me sigh in disappointment knowing that I couldn't win this battle.

"Yes sir... " I said bowing before taking my leave and walking out of the room.

I walked sadly back into the student council room and sat at my desk before placing my head on it.

"Wants wrong Aki-chan? " I heard Kai ask from beside me.

I looked up at him, close to crying before I jumped up and wrapped me arms around his neck, engulfing him into a tight hug.

"I'm going to miss you guys so much.... " I whispered as I held him tighter as he placed his hands around my waist.

"Your going to miss us? What do you mean Aki-chan?" he asked, catching everyone's attention.

"The principal signed me up for a foreign exchange student program so I will be in a new school for the next 6 months. " I explained sadly.

"Nooooo~ Aki-chan please do leave us! " Kikyo yelled as she jumped into mine and Kai's hug.

"I have to... But don't worry. The principal said you guys could come visit every two weeks. But I have to go now because my flight leaves tomorrow and I'm still not ready. " I sighed as I stood up and walked towards the door before turning back one last time. "While I am gone, Ash will be president. Till I come back, Goodbye my friends. "

I quickly walked out the room and outside towards the limo parked outside with all my brothers around it.

"Neh, is it true? Are you really leaving us? " Kana-nii asked.

"Hai... I'm really leaving." I whispered, looking down.

"No way! I'm no letting Aki-sama leave! She's our little sister! " Aya-nii, the peasent, said furiously.

"Ayato, calm down. None of us wants her to leave but that man has said it was OK. And if my information is correct, we are allowed to visit every two weeks for two days, correct. " Reiji-nii asked.

"Hai.... That is correct. " I whispered again, still looking down.

There was then a loud noise but I didn't flinch. I'm pretty sure it was just Suba-nii breaking something.

All my brothers climbed into the limo and sat down as I did as well but instead I sat on Shu-nii's lap and laid my head back onto his chest.

He took one of his earbuds out and placed it into my ear, letting the music flow into my mind as I thought about my new life that will start at this new school. And with that though still on mind, I fell into a deep sleep.

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