*2* Rescued

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*Yuukas P. O. V*

'I'm gonna Run away' I thought to myself.

I didn't have anything to pack since I didn't have many things.

I know it was cold and snowy outside and all I had on was a long sleeved black dress and a long red scarf, wrapped around my neck.

I didn't have any shoes since my parents thought I wouldnt need any since I'm not going out.

I didn't have much but it would have to work.

I didn't have much time sense one of the maids would be here soon to give me my daily serving of blood, which was one cup.

I quickly took a paper and wrote a really short note before jumping onto my bed.

I looked out of my window to see snow slowly falling from the night sky.

Memories became flood into my memory as I remembered when me and Yuuki would name every snowflake we saw as it fell down to the ground.

I sighed before crawling out of my window and into the snow.

My feet tingled as they touched the coldness of the ground.

I took one last glance at my window before quickly taking off running.

'I'm sorry...Yuuki-nee...'

*3rd P. O. V*

As Yuuka ran the Kurans were scolding Yuuki about staying away from the 'monster' and that if she ever tried to kidnap her again, scream.

"Now what do you have to say for yourself Yuuki? " Juri scolded the small 6 year old.

"But Oka-sama! Yuuka-chan didn't kidnap me! " Yuuki yelled, shocking everyone in the room as a vase nearby exploded, shattering into pieces.

"Yuuki... What do you mean... " her mother asked as she stared at the small girl.

"Like I was trying to say, Yuuka-chan didn't kidnap me! I went down there on my own. I go down there every night to play with her. I don't understand why she doesn't come upstairs. Everytime I try to bring her upstairs she gets scared and doesn't talk. But now I understand. It's all your fail Oka-sama and Oto-sama! " Yuuki yelled crying. "I'm going to play with Yuuka-chan because I love Yuuka-chan."

Yuukis little speech made them begin to think about the things they did. They began to realize just how much they tortured their poor child, Their own flesh and blood, just because her eyes were different.

Yuuki then began to run towards the door when it suddenly flew open as a maid came in.

"Master and mistress! " the maid yelled.

"Yes. What is the meaning of your yelling. " Haruka said, snapping out of his daze.

"It's Yuuka-sama.... Shes... Shes missing. " the maid said. "This note and book was left in her room on her table when I went to give her her drink. " the maid said bowing as she held out the note and book.

Kaname quickly walked over and took the note and book, signaling the maid that she was dismissed.

He opened up the book and flipped through the pages with wide eyes before looking at the note.

Once done the note fell out of his hand as he collapsed onto the floor, balling his hands up as he stared at the floor with widened eyes.

"Kaname...." Haruka called. "What is it son...? "

Juri walked over and grabbed the book and flipped through the pages. As she looked at page after page, tears began to form in her eyes.

The book was a picture book of Yuuka's life.

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