*14* Different

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*Akiras P. O. V*

Sighing to myself, I made my way back to the dorms. When I saw Zero-nii I was really hoping to reconnect with him and make things how it used to be when we were younger. I mean he's so different.

Also where is Ichi-nii and why is Zero-nii a vampire? I want answers but I don't know if he would give me them.

I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't even realize that I had already made it back to the dorms.

With another sigh, I pushed the doors open and stepped in and was met by the stares of the other students.

"Uh...... Hi? " I said, slightly uncomfortable at all the attention.

"Did the damn perfect do anything to you? " Aido asked.

"No. Zero-nii would never hurt me. " I said defensively. Zero-nii is kind and sweet.

"Zero-nii? How is he your older brother!?" Ichijo asked.

"He's like an older brother to me. I've known him and Ichi-nii since I was 5 years old. " I said smiling slightly when a I suddenly thought of something. "By the way, do you know what's up with Zero-nii? "

"You mean you don't know? " Kain asked shocked. "I mean didn't you say you knew him since you were 5?"

"Yea but he suddenly disappeared. I don't know where to. " I said sadly.

"Well, all we know is that he isn't human and that he's a level E." Ichijo said while flipping through some papers.

"*Sigh* I knew it..... " I said sadly as I brushed my hand through my hair.

It was silent all around when Ichijo finally decided to break it.

"Akita why don't you go to your room and rest, you've had a long day I'm sure. " he said as he smiled.

"your right. I think I will do just that. Good night guys. " I said Softly while smiling and waving before heading up the stairs and to my room.

*next day *

*knock knock*

"Mhmmmm.... " I moaned as I buried my head deeper into my blankets.

*knock knock *

"Guhhhhh..... Who is it? " I grumbled out with my eyes still close. I mean, why are you trying to wake me up!? I hate when people wake me up!

"Aki, it's Zero and I know your probably thinking of different ways to kill me for waking you up. " Zero said knowingly with a chuckle as he opened my door and sat on my bed.

"Damn straight I am.... " I grumbled " Now what do you want? "

"Let's hang out." he said as he leaned back onto my bed.

"Don't you have class? "

"Yea. But I wanna hang with you so I'm skipping. Plus it's 12:00 so there's only 3 hours of school left and your classes don't start till 6 so come on! " he practically whined as he pulled on my arm.

"OK OK, geesh.... " I grinned again as I crawled out of my bed and walked into my walk in closet.

I then quickly changed into a cute outfit that was a white and black dress with a black hat. For my feet I wore black combat boots and shut knee high socks.
(outfit on media)

I walked out of my closet and towards Zero and stuff in front of him.

"I'm ready so late go. "

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