*11* Bye!

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*Akira's P. O. V*

"Akira...Its time to go... " Reiji-nii said from my door way. He acted like he didn't really care that I was leaving but I could see through him so I know he cares.

"Hai... Here I come. " I said as I closed my suitcase. I grabbed my backpack and walked out of the room.

I walked behind Reiji-nii down the halls and stairs towards the door where all my other brothers were waiting with sad looks on their faces.

"Neh, me and Teddy are gonna miss you Aki-chan. " Kana-nii said as he held my hand.

"I'm gonna miss you both as well. " I said as I kiss Kana-nii and Teddy's cheek before walking over to my other brothers.

"Aki-sama, if anyone ever bothers you in that wretched school you let me know and I will burn that whole school down.

"OK course you peasent! You follow my orders and serve as my valiant knight! If you don't follow your orders I would have you beheaded!" I said happily as I smiled before kissing his cheek.

"Wah, Laito-nii wants a kiss as well!" Laito-nii whined as he hugged me from behind making me giggle.

"Of course Laito-nii. How could I forget you. " I said as I turned my head back and kiss his cheek.

"Yay! I can now die happily! " he said as he began twirling around.

I giggled again as I walked towards Shu-nii, Su-nii, and Reiji-nii.

"I'm going to miss you Aki-chan... " Su-nii said as he pulled me into a hug. "Unlike Ayato, if someone bothers you I will kill them. "

"Of course Su-nii. I will make sure to warn them. " I said before kissing his cheek and turning towards Shu-nii.

"You almost forgot these. " he said, smirking as he held my red and black wireless headphones in his.

"Oh my goodness! You are a Savior! I don't know what I would have done if I left those! " I cried out as I grabbed my babies before placing them around my neck.

"I do. You would have used that man's card and buy new ones. The most expensive pair as well. " he said while still smirking.

"Oh you know me so well!" I smirked as I kissed his cheek.

I finally turned towards Reiji-nii and saw him holding a case. I stared as the case confused as I walked towards him.

"What's that Reiji-nii?" I asked as I pointed towards the case.

"Your new guitar." he said.

"Oh OK. " I shrugged before it dawned on me what he said. "Wait what! "

He smirked as he held out the case towards me. "Your new guitar. Me and the others bought you a new one. "

"Eeeeekkkk! " I squealed which was really weird since I never squeal like this. But hey! This is a new freaking guitar so I'm happy!

I quickly flash stepped (Its when you move so fast no one can see you) closer to him as I opened the case. My eyes widened at the beautiful instrument inside the case. (Pic in media)

"Whoa..... It's beautiful... " I said, mesmerized as I slid my hand softly across the smooth surface.

"Are you not taking your violin as well? " Kana-nii asked.

"Oh yea!" I said as I quickly ran upstairs towards my room. I picked up the black case on my bed and opened it to see a black violin with roses carved into it. I smiled as I closed the case before running back downstairs. "Got it!"

"Good. Now we have to get going or we will be late. " Reiji-nii said as he closed the violin case before fixing his glasses.

We all walked out the house and I climbed into the the limo while Su-nii placed my suitcase in the trunk and Reiji-nii placed my guitar on the seat beside me.

"Bye Nii-sans! I'm going to miss you! " I yelled, waving as the driver started the engine.

They all smiles and waved back as we drove off. Once they were out of sight I sighed as I sat back on the seat.

"How long will the drive be? " I asked.

"About another 2 minutes miss. The airport is not that far. " the driver replied.

"hm....thank you. " I said as I stared out the window.

When we finally got to the airport I climbed out of the limo with my backpack on my back and my guitar and violin cases in my hands. The driver got my suitcase out of the trunk and handed it to one of the workers as the airport.

I of course gained a few looks but I was used to it by now.

"Where to miss?" the man with my suitcase asked.

"I don't know where exactly but here is my ticket. " I said as I showed him.

"Ah, true cross academy, first class. That would be gate 7. Follow me. " he said and I did as told. When we reached the gate I thanked him as I handed my ticket over and boarded the plane. When I found my seat I quickly sat down and place my headphones on my head and played my music as I quickly drifted of to sleep.

*Time Skip *

"Excuse me, miss. The plane has landed. " A flight attendant said as she shook my arm.

"Ah, thank you. " I said smiling as I placed my headphones back around my neck.

I walked off the plane and towards the baggage claim where I grabbed my suitcase, violin, and guitar.

I walked out of the airport and looked around and noticed it was middle of the day so around 5.

I walked over to one of the parked taxi's and knocked on the window, gaining the drivers attention as he rolled down the window. "Where to? "

"Cross Academy please. "

"Sure. Hop in. " he said.

I nodded as I opened the back door and placed my belongings in before getting in myself.

It took about 20 minutes to get to the school and when we got there I handed the man $50 and told him to keep the change. Once he pulled off I stared up at the tall gates with awe as my heart began to beat a little.

I was snapped out of my daydream though with shrill screams. I sighed knowing those screams. Fangirls/boys.

"Oh boy..... "

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