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~Akira's P.O.V.~


Freezing, my body stopped as the familiar voice screamed out my twin sisters name.

'Yuuki!? Is she ok!?'

Not hesitating or trying to waste time on the thought I stood still as I took a deep breath. Breathing out slowly, I searched around the campus, trying to find the familiar aura of my sisters aura.


Focusing on the location, I teleported there, stumbling once again as my feet made contact with the ground.

"You need to drink her blood Zero! By drinking her blood, your body will finally be cured of those urges!" Yuuki yelled while holding Artemis out as she stood in front of a woman with long silver hair. She seemed to be shielding her from Zero-nii who had his bloody rose out and pointed towards them. "You will stop progressing into a level E!"

Zero-nii tensed at Yuuki's words and didn't reply for a moment so I took this as my time to intervene.

"Y-you have it wrong Yuuki...." I mumbled as I stumbled into the room while holding onto my stomach. The wound isn't bleeding luckily but it is acheing from teleporting. I'm just glad I'm not coughing up blood again.

"Akira!?" Both Zero-nii and Yuuki gasped at the same time.

"Wh-what do you mean?" Yuuki said, confused.

"Zero has me. As long as he drinks my blood, his urges won't be as strong and it will keep him from progressing into a level E." I explained to her. A look of shock and remembrance appeared on her face as what I said sunk in. Meanwhile, Shizuka who was behind her, was currently glaring intensely at me.

Zero then suddenly stepped forward, grabbing onto Artemis even though it was shocking his hands. "Akira's right and even if what Yuuki said was true, I can still get your blood by beating you till an inch of your life is left, Shizuka."

"These girls have tamed you." Shizuka finally piped up, causing Zero-nii to gulp and tense up. Seeing his reaction caused Shizuka to chuckle as she sat up. "Finally happy to hear your masters voice. You cannot help but to obey me Zero. I'm back in my own body so my voice now has the power to bind you."

"The power to bind him?" Yuuki asked, confused.

Shizuka chuckled as she smiled, "This is convenient. Keep holding onto Yuuki." She ordered. At her command, Zero's grip on Yuuki tightened. Yuuki's eyes widened in shocked as she tried to wiggle free of Zero's grasp but her efforts were futile as she was just spun around with her arm to her back, dropping artemis in the process.

"You don't need to do this. I already said you could drink my blood!" Yuuki said towards Shizuka.

"This body has been ravenous for 4 years. Did you really think your blood was enough?" Shizuka said as she brought her mouth towards Zero's neck.

"I've had enough of this." I said lowly, tired of hearing Shizuka's voice. Stepping forward quickly, I grabbed onto her arm that she had placed on Zero's neck and gripped onto it tightly before pulling her away from Zero. "You really need to learn your place, Shizuka Hio."

"I-I just don't understand why shes torturing Zero so much..." Yuuki whispered from behind me.

"Don't you understand Yuuki. She sees this as a way of trying to punish Zero for getting to close to us. Though, the choices you make sometimes could be tortuous enough to him, Yuuki." I explained to her, without even turning around.

"I don't get it...What do you mean?" She asked, confused.

"Think Yuuki. Look at the situation we are currently in!" I said, slightly louder then intended but I couldn't help it. I was angry at the foolish choices my sister was making. This must all be because that stupid Kaname wiped her memories. "I understand that you are trying to help Zero but by offering your blood to a vampire, a pureblood at that, is foolish!"

"I-I'm so sorry Zero....If you could ever forgive me...." Yuuki whispered sadly.

A second later, an arm suddenly shot forward and the hand gripped tightly onto Shizuka's neck.

Shocked, I followed the arm back to Zero to see him angrily glaring at the silver haired female.

"You can't do it Zero. Just stay being my puppet for now." Shizuka said causing Zero to shake slightly. "You can't even squeeze those fingers around my neck."

Zero continued glaring at the female before gripping onto his gun and shooting himself in the leg.

"Zero!" I gasped, shocked.

"Don't take anything else from me!" He suddenly yelled as he pushed me out of the way before bringing the bloody rose up and shooting Shizuka, over and over.

Shizuka stumbled back a bit laughing. "But this is not enough to kill me." She said as she pulled her sash off. She then began using it to reflect the bullets Zero was shooting at her away.

I could suddenly feel another presence near the door and I could instantly tell who it was. Jumping in front of Zero, I ripped my left earring that was in the shape of a sword off, causing it to transform into a bigger version of itself. Moving quickly, I brought the blade up and swung it, knocking the sword that was heading towards Zero's arm away.

"Shizuka. What are you doing? Why are you playing with him? I will not allow this. I will not let you die." Ichiru said angrily from where he was standing.

"Don't interfere." Shizuka scoffed as she walked towards Ichiru. "Besides I have unfinished business that I need to worry about so I can't die."

"Shizuka!" Zero yelled as he tried running after her but was stopped by Ichiru.

"Slow down there. You're not leaving again, are you?" Ichiru asked.

"Zero. Who is this?" Yuuki asked shocked.

"Aren't you going to introduce us, Zero?" Ichiru asked. "Or maybe Akira should."

Zero then suddenly brought his hand up, knocking Ichiru's mask off.

"Hes my twin brother."

I'll also show you a sweet Dream next time...

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