*24* Level E

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*Akira's P.O.V.*

It was the middle of the day and I was suppose to be sleeping but I just couldn't for some reason. All I could do was think about who the wretched vampire is that hurt my precious Zero-nii and wonder just where Ichi-nii really is.

These thoughts have been running through my head since last night when I had that talk with daddy as I sent him off.

'I hope he finds who did it soon...'

As I thought to myself, I was standing near my window looking out into the schools property. Suddenly though I saw Zero-nii walking towards the schools exit gate with Yuuki-nee running behind him, jumping behind trees.

'Hmm...wonder where they are going..'

With that thought in mind, I quickly got dressed using my super speed and began walking after them, catching up by tracking their scent. I made sure to cover my own as well as my presence while quieting down my footsteps so they don't know I'm following them.

I followed the two for a while all the way to town and through it when finally it seemed as though Zero-nii made it to his destination as he walked into this old church. I was going to walk in as well when I heard two familiar voices.

"You're  gonna get a sunburn without using an umbrella." Rima told my auburn haired cousin who looked like the realization dawned on him.

There was a lady in a car behind them talking about them hurrying up with their business so that they could make it to a photoshoot while also scolding Senri as I walked up to the group.

"Rima. Senri. What are you two doing here?" I asked.

The two aristocrats jumped slightly as they turned to me.

"Oh. Akira-sama." Rima greeted. "We're just here on business."

Senri nodded in agreement as a sudden shriek/squeal was heard.

I looked over to the woman in the car who had hearts for eyes as she struggled to free herself from her car. Once she finally did she quickly ran over to me and grabbed my hands and held them up.

"Oh my Kami!!!! You are beautiful!" She squealed. "Are you a model!?"

"U-uh n-n-no..." I stuttered out, shocked by her loudness.

"Oh would you like to be one? Of course you would! Just show up at the studio with Senri and Rima! Everyone will love you!" She said all in one breath, shocking me more. Finally composing myself I just numbly nodded my head.

The woman smiled brightly before running to her car. "Ciao!" She called before driving off.

"Sorry about that." Senri sighed.

"Its ok. But anyways, what are you guys really doing here?" I asked again.

"Where here hunting a level E. Order from the senate." Rima monotonously said.

"Ooo! Sounds fun!" I cheered. "Well then, lets go!"

The two didn't object as we walked along back to the church while talking about the Level E. As we were going to walk in we stopped as Yuuki popped out.

"Oh well if it isn't the disciplinary committee." Senri said, startling Yuuki-nee.

"Oh Senri. Akira and Rima too." Yuuki-nee said.

The sudden sound of a gun ended our greetings though causing us all to look up towards the church.

"Was that.." Senri started.

"A gunshot?" Yuuki-nee finished. "Zero!"

Yuuki-nee then took off running into the church. Me not wanting her to get hurt, followed after her. "Yuuki-n.. Wait up!" I called out, stopping before I said the -nee part.

We suddenly stopped though as we saw a blonde haired man sitting on the steps in front of us.

"A level E...." Yuuki-nee and I said at the same time.

"You two must be friends of that hunter." He said. "Tell me. Are you going to try and steal my dessert too?"

Yuuki-nee then ran forward and pulled out a long rod which I assumed was her anti-vampire weapon. I think she called it Artemis.

Senri and Rima finally showed up and Senri stepped forward, placing a hand on Yuuki-nee's head while biting his finger. "Step back. You're in the way."

His blood then came out of his finger and he began swinging it around like a whip causing some serious dangerous.

I whistled as I watched the scene before me. "That's some ability there."

"Oh. Did he get away?" Senri asked as he finally stopped swinging his blood whip around.

Yuuki-nee then ran off again causing me to sigh.

'Geez Yuuki-nee, when did you become so annoying....'

Again I chased after my twin. When I finally caught up I saw the Level E holding Yuuki-nee on the ground.

"Yuuki!" I called out before growling.  Quickly running forward, I swung my leg and kicked the vampire off of her. The stupid bastard grabbed onto my leg though causing me to fly over with him.

"Oh my luck is getting really, really good! This is the third one!" He said happily as he pinned me down to the ground.

"You piece of trash! Get off of me!" I yelled at him. I was gonna kill this prick on top off me when suddenly another gunshot went off and the Level E on top off me flew over. Looking over at him he was laying on the ground holding his shoulder as it bled out.

Zero-nii then walked forward and pointed his gun toward the vampires head. They talked for a while about how Zero-nii was here to kill him on orders of being a vampire hunter and all that good stuff before finally shooting him in the head.

Rima and Senri then walked forward with Senri carrying a girl over his shoulder.

"Hey disciplinary committee. We picked up a girl in another room." Rima said as she pointed towards said girl. "She's still alive. You want her?"

"Isn't that great Zero. You saved her." Yuuki-nee said as she stood up and walked to stand by the silver haired hunter. "You save me and Akira as well."

"She's right! Thanks Zero-nii!" I said cheered happily as I wrapped my arms around his arm. I suddenly this strange feeling as if though someone was watching us and I looked all around before noticing a crow on a branch staring at us.

'oh...its just a crow...'

Said bird then flew off suddenly as I shook my head and tuned back into the conversation. Senri then handed Zero-nii the unconscious girl while Rima wrapped her arm around my own.

"We must leave now. Senri, Akria-sama and I all have business to take care of." Rima called as she walked away with Senri holding the parasol over our heads.

Quick A/N

Guys I just wanna say just how sorry I am. 1, I haven't updated in like five years and 2, the spelling and grammar in this book. Like oh my glob.... Every now and then I will read my stories when I am trying to update to know where I left off and as I was reading this I really couldn't help but notice all the terrible spelling and grammar. Like honestly, its really terrible and I feel so stupid. It's just when I re-read it I don't see my mistakes cuz all I see are the things I was trying to write.  So if you see something wrong, please understand and I won't get upset if you comment on it, correcting me. Honestly you're helping me.

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