*5* Lost and Found

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*3rd P. O. V*
At the Mansion

The Skakamaki brothers were Now all done with their school work and studying and they felt terrible because they weren't able to spend the day with their sweet little sister.

They all left the study room and began searching around for the small girl.

They looked all around the house to not find her anywhere.

They searched the house again, one more time, checking every little spot inside and out of the mansion.

When they didn't find her they began to get worried as they quickly ran to their fathers study.

Reiji quickly knocked on his door waiting for the 'come in' and when it finally came they all quickly ran into the room.

"What is it? And where is your sister? " their father asked.

"That's the thing father, we can't find her." Kanato said.

"WHAT!? " their father yelled as his eyes flashed red.

Reiji began to explain everything and once he did his father sat down and began to think.

He was focusing on his daughter when he suddenly jumped up.

He could faintly feel the presence of his sweet little girl in a house on the other side of the outskirts of town.

"I know where she is at. Get her sippy cup and fill it with warm blood because she may be thirsty from not drinking." their father said.

Subaru nodded before running off and retrieving her cup before running back.

They all then left and went to get there sunshine back.

With Akira

Akira was training all day with the others when her throat suddenly tightened up and she began to get thirsty.

Her movements and reactions became slower as she grew more and more thirsty.

"Aki-chan? Are you OK? " Ichiru asked.

"Th-thirsy.... " Akira said as she took deep breaths as she wobbled.

The twins mother, who's name was Lily, immediately ran into the house to get a cup of water for the small girl while their father, who was named Ryuji, helped steady the child.

Lily then came rushing back outside a few seconds later with a cup of water.

"Here sweetie.... Drink this. " she said putting the cup to her lips.

Akira quickly gulped down the water but it only helped her thirst a little bit. Her throat was still dry and she was still thirsty.

"I'm still thirsty.... " she whined.

"Yagari. Did that level e bite her?" Ryuji asked.

"No...i don't think so... I mean there was no blood... "he said as he thought back to the attack.

Ryuji was going to inspect the small child when the three adults suddenly felt the presence of not one but seven Purebloods coming near them.

One of the presences was way more stronger then the other six.

"Zero, Ichiru. I want you to take Akira and the three of you hide in the panic room. OK?" their mother said.

The two boys nodded confused as they began to run of inside the house.

A few minutes later, seven vampires came walking up to them.

You could feel how angry they were just by their presence.

But what shocked them was that six of the vampires were only children 10 yrs and younger.

The three adults, who were known as famous vampire hunters, instantly recognized the older, and more powerful, vampire as Karl Heinz/Sakamaki.

"Where is she?" Karl snapped.

Meanwhile in the house

"What do you think is wrong, Zero-nii?" Ichiru asked.

"I don't know but it must be vampires if we have to come in here." Zero said.

"N-not all... Vampire... Are bwad...." Akira said,  still panting.

"Of course they are Akira! I mean one of them attacked you today! " Zero said.

Akira was going to disagree and tell them about her brothers when she felt the familiar presences of the people she loved, and the oh so sweet scent of her favorite drink.

Akira wasn't the only one who felt their presences. The twins eyes were wide as they felt the strong presences.

Grinning, Akira jumped up and swung the panic room door open and running towards the front door.

"Akira! Wait! It's to dangerous out there! " Ichiru yelled.

Akira simply ignored them as she continued running.

As she got closer, she could hear her father's yelling voice.

"Where is she?" she heard him snap.

When she finally reached the door, she swung it open catching the attention of everyone outside.

"Daddy! " the girl squealed.

Shocked, the three vampire hunters eyes widened.

"Akira, there you are my darling. I was wondering  where you went. Come here. " Her father said as he bent down and held out his arms.

Giggling she ran to her father and jumped into his arms.

"Tell me, are you ok Akira? " he asked the small girl as he held her in his arms.

"I thirsty daddy... " she whined.

"Here Aki-chan. " Subaru said handing her her sippy cup.

"Thanks Su-nii." she said happily as she drank the sweet taste of warm blood that filled her mouth.

As she drank more and more, her vampire presence slowly began to rise so that others could sense her.

"Your Akira's father...? " Ryuji asked, still shocked.

"Yes I am, and I would very much like to know why my daughter was with you, and it better be a good one or else I will kill you all. " her father growled as his eyes glowed red.

"I found her in town being attacked by a level e. I brought her here thinking she was a human kid lost so I was waiting for the call of a family to claim her. " Yagari-Sensei said.

Her father's expression slowly changed from one of anger to one of thanks as he looked at Yagari-Sensei.

"Thank you very much. My daughter is very young and doesn't know how to defend her self quite well. " her father said.

"Well I don't usually teach vampires but Akira is god so if you want I can teach her how to fight. I already taught her a bit today. " Yagari-Sensei explained.

"That would be real helpful. Thank you very much. We must take our leave now though so good bye. " he said as he began to walk away, still holding the girl as she put her head on his shoulder.

"Bye bye! " she waved to the hunters.

They hunters found themselves smiling as they waved back to the small child.

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