*35* Vacation

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"Are you sure you don't want to come, Akira?"  Aido asked on last time as he stood by the main doors.

"Mhm. Im sure." I said with a small smile as I fixed the coller of my jacket. Turning towards him though, my smile grew mischiviously as I looked at him. "If i didn't know any better, I would think you were trying to tell me not to go and visit my family, Aido. i don't think they would like that idea very much."

His face flushed slightly as he shook his hands. "Don't take it that way. I just thought it would be fun with everyone."

"Mm..It still won't be everyone without Senri..." Rima muttered. She then turned to face him. "Senri, you're really not gonna come?"

"Mhm..My mother keeps harassing me to go home so this time i'll finally take the time to go and see her." He sighed as he leaned back into the couch.

"Sorry i'm late everyone." Kain said as he walked into the lobby.

"That's quite all right. " Aido replied.

"Well then, is everyone ready to go then?" Kaname questioned as he smiled towards everyone.

"I find it so strange we're going to the Aido villa without Hanabusa joining us as well." Rima said as she followed Ruka.

"Hm. I don't care as long as i'm with Kaname-sama." Ruka replied as she continued walking, unbothered.

Before completely leaving the hall, Rima stopped and reached into her bag, rummaging around. "Here. Keep it." She said as she pulled out a box of pocky and tossed it towards Senri before walking out.

"See ya later Senri! Enjoy your vacation!" I smiled at him before picking up my suitcase and following after Rima.  "That was nice of you. Don't worry to much though Rima and enjoy your vacation, okay?"

"hai, Akira-sama." RIma sighed.

Exiting the dorms, there in front of the groupd of vampires was two seperate limos. One for the group heading to Aido's and one for me.

"Well then, this is where we seperate. Everyone enjoy your vacation and have fun, kay?" I said as i handed the driver my case to place in the limo while climbing into the vehicle.

"You as well Akira. Enjoy your time with your family." Aido said with a bright smile.

Smiling one last time at then, my eyes crossed with Kanames on last time before i leaned back into the vehicle, allowing the door to close. Letting out a sigh, i closed my eyes as the limo took off.

'Hmm...i really wished Zero-nii would have joined me. I'm sure brothers and father would not have mind having him visit as well..' I thought to myself dejectedly as I remembered Zero-nii rejecting my invitation. He wanted me to have my time with my family and he didn't want to leave Yuuki alone when there were still Vampires on school grounds.

Thinking about it, I agreed with him and offered up the idea of her joining in as well to her(She was there when I asked if he wanted to come along) but he also brought up the fact that my family were vampires as well. And the ones that didn't care for anything and would do as they please.

I wasn't even offended but what he said as I knew myself how it is my brothers were. Though I know they won't drink from Yuuki as 1. Shes a vampire as well, 2. she is also my sister and they would never hurt her knowing how much I care about her.

'Though, now thinking about it, its probably best that they didn't come.' I thought as a mischeviously sinister smile crossed my face.

"After all, there already is a visitor at home...don't need it getting to crowded back home." I said to myself as I leaned my head onto my hand which was porpped up on the window sill.

"Did you say something miss?" The driver questioned.

"It's nothing. Don't mind me and just continue on." I said with a smile as I thought of the things to come.

*Meanwhile elsewhere*

'Why do i have to be here....why did father send me here...?' A blonde haired girl thought to herself as she walked down the halls warily. They're always popping up out of no where.

Walking, she noticed a painting of a little girl on the wall. She had long brown hair and bright blue eyes and she was smiling brightly.

The girl would always wondered who it is the girl in the photo was. There is pictures of her everywhere. Whenever the girl would mention the photos to one of them, their eyes soften for a bit before they would glare at her.

Sighing at her misfotune, the girl continued walking, exploring this new hallway that she has yet to go down. Coming upon a door, She looked at it curiously before walking up to it and opening it slowly.

Peeking inside, she could see the room was a well kept bedroom. Walking inside, she walked hesitantly and looked around the room. There were more photos of the girl in here, but in the photos were them as well.

Shocked, she picked up a photo off of the desk. In the photo was all six of them and the same brown haired girl. All of them were smiling happily.

"Who is she....?" the girl whispered softly as she brushed her fingers across the girls face. The girl in the photo is familiar to her for some reason to her yet she is pretty sure she have never met her.

"What are you doing in here?" A voice snapped, startling the blonde girl and causing her to drop the photo in her hand. The frame fell to the ground, shattering upon impact.

Turning around quickly, she came face to face with the second eldest who was glaring at her.

"I-i-i didn't know i c-c-couldnt be in here..." She stuttered out quietly.

His glare intensified before he clicked his tounge. "Leave." he snapped.

Not hesitating, The girl quickly scrambled out and left the room.

Sighing, the male bent down and picked up the photo from the pile of glass. Looking at it, a small smile appeared on his face as he looked at the girl in the photo.

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