*32* This isn't me

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*Akira's P.O.V.*

'Dark....everything's so....dark ..'

'Yet...why is it so warm...?'

"Yuuka! Yuuka!"

'Yuuka....that name..'

"Yuuka! Wake up!"

Gasping, I opened my eyes and came eye to eye with a pair of dark red eyes on a pouting face.

"About time you woke up Yuuka!" The little girl in front of me said with the pout still present on her face. She had long, waist length brown hair and big dark red eyes. She was like an exact copy of me but younger and with different colored eyes. Almost as if she was...

"Yu...kki...?" I whispered quietly, voicing my thoughts as I stared at her confused. Why is she calling me by that name? Why is her hair so long? Why does she feel like.... a vampire...?

"Of course its me silly. Who else would it be?" She laughed. She quieted down after a bit though and looked at me with a concerned look though when she saw me still looking at her confused.

"Hey, are you okay Yuuka? Should I go get Kaname-nii-sama?" She asked as she placed her hand on my forehead.

Startled by the touch, I jumped back away from her which only caused her to look at me even more concerned. "Kaname-nii-sama!" She suddenly yelled out.

Not even a second later, the door opened and in walked the familiar reddish-brown haired male. The only difference was that he looked way younger.

"What's wrong Yuuki? Yuuka?" He asked concerned as he looked at the both of us.

"Nii-sama! Something is wrong with Yuuka!' Yuuki cried out as she pointed at my huddled up figure in the corner of the bed.

Kaname looked towards me and frowned before slowly make his way to me. "Whats wrong Yuuka? You can tell nii-sama." He said as he held his arms open to me.

I jumped out of the bed, away from his arms and ran pass him and Yuuki, towards the door before turning back and glaring at him. "You're not my Nii-sama! Stay away from me!" I shouted before running out of the room.

As soon as I left the room, I immediately recognized where I was at. I was back in the Kuran mansion and this hallway looked similar to the one where Yuuki's room was.

'Why the hell am I here!?'

Shaking my head, I took off running again, not wanting to waste not a second more in this forsaken house.

I didn't really exactly know where the front door was though. I've never been outside of my room before except for the times I would sneak into Yuuki's room or the kitchen.

Eventually, after running for a bit I found myself in what seemed to be the main room and across the room, there was a large door the seemed to lead outside.

Not wanting to second guess things, I didn't hesitate and ran towards the door and quickly grabbed the handle, ready to pull it open.

"Yuuka! What are you doing?" A voice called out causing me to instantly freeze in fear. Slowly I turned around and stared up to see the woman that was supposed to be my mother. Juri. Quickly I looked away hoping that she wouldn't notice that I made eye contact with her. I did happen to notice that behind her was Haruka and Kaname, who was holding a worried Yuuki.

"Mama! Somethings wrong with Yuuka!" Yuuki cried out with tears pooling up in the corners of her eyes.

"Yuuka honey, whats wrong?" The voice that used to fill my dreams with nightmares called out softly.

I squeezed my eyes closed tightly and looked down even more. My fists clutched on tightly to my shirt as my body shook in fear.

'Why am I this scared!? I'm different now! I have a new family and I'm much stronger now! Why am I allowing them to still affect me this way!?'

Despite my inner thoughts though, my body still shook as I still refused to look up at her. I guess they've affected me harder than I though. The trauma is buried deep into my body.

"Honey why are you shaking. Its okay. Mommy's got you." She cooed softly as she brought me into her arms which only caused me to shake even more as I lashed out.

"No! No! You're not my mom! Let me go!" I yelled as I pushed myself out of her arms and ran towards the door. I grabbed the handle again and tried pulling it open again but it was as if the door was locked from the outside and wouldn't open to let me out. It was as if I was...trapped.

"Haruka dear, whats wrong with our little girl. W-why doesn't she recognize me...?" Juri called out to Haruka in a voice of pain.

"I'm not you're little girl! You're not my family! Let me out of here!" I yelled angrily and fearfully.

"What do you mean Yuuka? We're your parents. Just look here, you look just like us." Haruka called out.

I didn't want to turn around. I wanted to just get out of here but it was as if though my body was compelled and slowly I began turning towards them. Once I was fully facing towards them, I found myself staring into a mirror.

In the mirror staring back at me was a young girl with waist length brown hair...and dark red eyes.

Snakingly, I brought my hands up to my face. They hovered slightly over my eyes.

"M-My eyes...." I whispered out in disbelief.

'What happened to my eyes!?'

"Aren't they beautiful sweety? They're just like ours. Aren't you so glad you aren't a monster anymore?" Juri asked with a closed eye smile on her face.

"Where are they...where are my eyes...?" I asked quietly, confused on what happened.

"Oh don't worry sweety. We got rid of them so you don't have to worry anymore. You're normal now. You're beautiful. " Haruka chimed with a smile on his face as well. "We love you sweety."

'Beautiful...love....they...love me...' I thought to myself in awe. 'They accept me...We can be a family now!'

At that thought, I slowly began to let go of the door handle when suddenly familiar faces began to flash through my head










'We love you Akira!'

And just like that, I snapped out of it and looked towards the people in front of me to see Juri and Haruka staring at me in disgust.

"You monster!" Juri yelled in anger.

Confused I looked back to the mirror to see my eyes were back to their crystal blue. Next thing I knew, everything faded to black. The last thing I saw was a tall figure in the background with mismatched eyes. One was dark red and the other was a similar crystal blue to my own.

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