*27* Shizuka Hio

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'I knew it...' I thought to myself sadly with a hint of anger as I looked down from my hiding spot at the two silver head vampires down below.

After following Maria back to our dorms, I scolded her for running around during the day. After that the day continued on like normal. It wasn't until we were coming back from our classes that I noticed Maria once again running off. Following after her, we were in an large empty room. The very room where the ball is supposed to be held in the next few days.

I was confused as to why she would come here and why she was just standing there so I decided to hide and see what she was doing. It wasn't until 10 minutes later when Zero-nii walked into the room that I knew what was happening. I listened to how Maria confessed to actually being Shizuka Hio and owning up to the fact of how she slaughtered the Kiryuu family and turned Zero-nii.

I could sense Yuuki-nee outside the doors and I prayed silently that she wouldn't come in here for her own safety. I could also sense another presene in the room but I don't know who it is.

In the midst of my thoughts I was paying attention until I was finally brought back in when I heard Zero-nii grunting. Looking down I noticed Maria drawing a sword on Zero-nii. Zero-nii went to stop her but was distracted by Yuuki-nee who finally decided to make her presence known by screaming out his name. In the midst of confusion, Zero-nii shot Maria/Shizuka in the shoulder.

"A borrowed body can be a little difficult to use. Once our wounds heal, we're back to where we started. Aren't we." Shizuka said while holding onto her shoulder.

I didn't pay much mind to her though as I was to busy focused in on the silver haired man standing beside her.

'I-it cant be....no...it can't..' I thought to myself as my eyes widened and I quickly covered my mouth. Zero-nii then suddenly fell to his knees, eyes glowing red. Usually he should be ok around the scent of blood since he drank my own but since its Shizuka's blood he is reacting strongly to it.

"Now, take him out of here." Shizuka said, finally finishing her long ass monologue which I ignored, as she handed the silver haired man the sword.

"So you're just going to let him live?" The man asked her, instantly confirming my thoughts on who he was, causing tears to pull up in my eyes, before spilling out and falling down my cheek. Through my swirl of emotions, I could hear out in the hall Kaname erasing Yuuki-nee's memories which I was grateful for. Kaname actually did something right for once in his life.

Deciding to not intervene just yet, I quickly snuck away and out of a window before making my way back to the dorms and going into my room. I didn't go right to bed yet though as I was waiting for something. Or more like someone.

Once I could finally sense Kaname teleporting into his room I quickly stood and made my way to his room. No matter how hard someone tried to conceal their presence, I will always sense them. Even a pureblood. It was one of my many gifts to have such sensory skills.

Finally reaching his dorm room, I took a deep breath before lifting my hand up and knocking on his door.

"Enter." I heard his voice call from inside of his room. Walking in, I noticed him sitting on his couch with his head laid back and arm covering his tired looking face. I shut the door behind me before walking further in until I was standing right before him.

"Kaname." I called to brown haired male. At the sound of my voice he uncovered his face and sat up straight.

"Akira. I didn't expect you to still be up. Is there something wrong?" He asked with a small smile.

"Actually there is. It involves Maria Kurenai. Or should I say.....Shizuka Hio." I said, my voice growing dark as I said her actual name.

He looked at me shocked as his eyes widened before he sighed, wiping his face with his hand.

"So you know...?" He questioned.

"Of course I know." I replied back. I was suddenly caught off guard though as he swiftly grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him, flipping our bodies so he was pinning me down onto the couch with his legs on either side of me. One of his hands were pinning down one of my arms while his other held his body up over mine.

"How did you find out?" He questioned in a dark voice, bringing his face close towards my neck. He was so close it was to the point where I could feel his warm breath, causing my body to stiffen.

"Zero-nii has been with me since I was a little girl, the moment I found out he was turned I immediately began my research. How I got my information is none of your business though." I said with a surprisingly strong voice. "Now, what is it that you think you are doing, Kuran?"

"Back to last names I see, Ms.Sakamaki." He chuckled. "And to answer that, I don't know but I don't feel like moving. Now, what is it that you want to do about Ms.Hio?"

"Kill her." I replied back instantly with a dark voice. Kaname's body stiffened up over me as he pulled his head back and gazed down at me.

"Kill her?" He questioned.

"Yes. If you don't then I will. We won't be able to do it yet but soon. Soon we will." I told him quietly.

"I see....you're right. She has been ruining my plans as well too as of the late." He muttered to himself. "But, what will I get out of this?"

I looked up at him silent for a moment. I kind of expected him to ask for something in return. "I'll do anything you want for a day. But Shizuka has to die. Deal, Mr.Kuran?" I asked as I freed one of my hands and held it up tp him.

He smirked at me before grasping onto my hand. "I think we've got a deal, Ms.Sakamaki."

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