*18* Takuma's Party

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*Akira's P. O. V*

"What do you think?" I dosed as I twirled around in the dress I was wearing.

Me and my brothers were currently in a clothing store picking me some clothes out as a treat.

Groups of girls were surrounding my brothers squealing and gosspining over how cute they were.

Their were boys doing the same for me but they immediately stopped and ran away when my brothers turned and glared at them.

"Kawaii~ Our little Aki-chan looks so cute!!!" Laito-nii yelled as he grabbed my hand gently as he began to twirl me around causing me to start giggling.

"He's right Huh, Teddy? Aki-chan is like a doll!" Kana-nii agreed as he hugged Teddy tightly.

"Arigato Kana-nii, Laito-nii!" I thanked them with a closed eye smile causing my brothers and the people nearby to freeze as they blushed.

I went back into the changing room and changed back into my clothes and walked out, taking the dresses I tried on to the front counter where Reiji-nii payed for them.

We all walked out our the store and heated towards a cafe where i ordered a vanilla ice cream with three scoops of ice cream, chocolate syrup, strawberrys, and cinnamon sticks. Yum!

I lifted the spoon up and took a bite of the delicious treat causing me to blush as I brought my other hand to my cheek.

"Sugoi~" I whispered.

"Neh, neh, can I have some? " Aya-nii asked.

I nodded happily ask gave him a bite.

"Me to Aki-chan~" Lai-nii whined, holding his mouth open.

I giggled as I scooped up some more Ice cream and gave him some.

In the end I ended up giving Shu-nii and Kana-nii a chocolate strawberry and Su-nii and Reiji-nii a cinnamon stick.

I continued to eat my yummy treat and was almost done when I noticed someone familiar running by outside the window.

'Yuuki-nee? ' I thought to myself.

"Pardon me, I'll be right back! " I yelled as I jumped out of the seat I was sitting in and ran out of the cafe, chasing after Yuuki.

When I finally caught up to her we were in an alley way as I called out to her.

"Yuuki! "

She stopped and turned towards me.

"Akira? What are you doing here?" she asked, confused.

"I was with my older brothers when I saw you running by. I was worried so I chased after you. " I explained. "What are you doing?"

"I was looking for Zero. He left the restaurant we were in early and now I can't find him. " she said in a panicked voice.

"Don't worry, we will find him! Let's go! " I said and we took off running through the alleys when Yuuki suddenly scratched her arm, letting a sweet aroma fill the air.

My eyes would have turned red but they didn't since Yuuki was my twin sister and I wouldn't feed off of her unless she let me.

"Yuuki!" I cried out as I grabbed her arm and pulled down her sleeve, revealing the small cut. I quickly grabbed a hanker chief out of my pocket and wrapped it around her arm.

"Thank you Akira. " She said smiling.

"No problem. Now, let's go. " I said. We were about to take off when I sensed a vampire jumping down behind us.

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