*17* Quality Time with my Brothers

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*3rd P. O. V*

Everyone in the night class watched as Akira fused her brothers up to her room, still shocked at the fact that they all sleep together.

"They must really love their little sister for them to even sleep with her. " Senri said as he took a bite of his POCKY stick.

"Or they are just really protective. Wonder why... " Aido wondered.

"Waahhhhh! I wanna sleep with Akira! " Aido whined causing the others to groan at his perverted ways before walking away to mind their own leaving the annoyingly crying Aido.

As the pureblood Kuran, Kaname, walked,  he couldn't figure out why he felt a pain in his chest as he watched the only pureblood girl in the nightclass run off smiling with a group of males.

The only person he ever felt this way with was Yuuki. The only other person to make him feel these feelings were his other younger sister, Yuuka,  but there's no way that Akira is Yuuka. Is there?

*Akira's P. O. V*
-Next Day-

I woke up surrounded by warmth coming to me at every direction as I cuddled into the soft pillow below me.

The pillow then began moving around, making me scrunch up my nose in annoyance.

"Stop moving pillow...." I grumbled out as I snuggled me head onto it again, trying to get comfortable again.

I was shocked then when my pillow began chuckling causing me to snap my eyes open.

I looked below me to see that I was laying on Shu-nii. On my left was Su-nii and my right was Reiji-nii. Down below our feet laid Kana-nii, Laito-nii, and Aya-nii.

"Ah~ Aki-chan is awake~ Though I wish I was the one she was hugging~" Laito-nii pouted.

"Tch, shut up. " Su-nii muttered before lifting me from Shu-nii's arms.

"Oi! Bring back Aki-sama back this instant you lowly fool! " Aya-nii shouted.

"Tch, shut up. " Su-nii replied as he carried me to the bathroom "Get ready. "

Su-nii let me down and I smiled at him as I kissed his cheek before going into bathroom and got ready.

Quickly, I turned the shower on to warm water before stripping out of my clothes and getting under the warm water.

'I wonder what we should do today! I'm so excited that my Onii-chan's are here!' I thought happily to myself before a thought popped into my head as I scowled 'I just hope that stupid Kuran doesn't ruin it... '

I finished up with my shower and stepped out, wrapping myself in a towel. I brushed my teeth and was going to start brushing my hair when suddenly the bathroom door flew open and in came Laito-nii and Aya-nii.

"Ah~ look at Aki-chan dripping wet~" Laito-nii cooed walking towards me as he placed his hand on my cheek.

"Hey! Aki-sama belongs to me so back off you damn pervert! " Aya-nii yelled as he slapped Laito-nii's hand away.

"Onii-chan's ~" I whined.

"Now, now. Get out of the bathroom and let Akira finish getting ready. " Reiji-nii said from the doorway as he fixed his glasses.

Both of my brothers complained though agreeingly walked out of the bathroom.

"Thank you Reiji-nii!" I called happily.

"Your welcome Akira. Though, I do believe you forgot something." Reiji-nii said smirking as he threw me a stack of clothes. 

"Oh yea...heh heh... Thanks Reiji-nii!" I replied as I felt my face heat up slightly in embarrassment.

He nodded, still smirking, before walking out of the room.

Letting out a sigh, I looked at the pile of clothes smiling a bit. 'Reiji-nii has a sense of style...' I thought to myself before quickly getting dress.

Once I was done I looked in the mirror to see I was wearing

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Once I was done I looked in the mirror to see I was wearing. 'Cute!' I thought to myself before running out of the bathroom.

"Look Teddy! Doesn't Aki-chan look really pretty? Though, I think she would look better in this dress we brought her." Kana-nii pouted slightly.

"Don't worry Kana-nii! I will wear the dress tonight to Ichigo's birthday party!" I said happily. "Now lets go!"

I led my brothers out of my room, shutting the door behind me, and led them down to the main floor.

"Oh! and where might you be going my beautiful lady?" Aido said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me into his chest.

I was going to reply but couldn't as Su-nii suddenly grabbed his hand, crushing it in his hand.

"I suggest you don't touch Akira so casually for as you can see," Reiji-nii started calmly as he fixed his glasses before glaring at Aido. "We are very protective over her."

Aido paled- well paled more since he's a vampire- and nodded his head before running off after Su-nii let go of his hand.

I sighed at my brothers protectiveness before smiling. "Morning everyone!' I said happily to the vampires that were still awake.

I received a chorus of greetings back though one of them is what made my brothers tense up beside me.

"Good Morning Akira." Kaname's calm voice called. "Going out I see?"

I looked over at the brown haired male pureblood sitting on the couch with a glass filled with a red liqud.

"Ah, good morning Kaname! And yes, I'm going out with my brothers to show them the town!" I replied with a fake happy smile.

"Oh, is that so. Please be back before Hanabusa's birthday party. I'm sure it will greatly make him happy." He replied with a small smile.

"Of course!" I replied back with fake happiness. "Well then, goodbye everyone!"

I continued leading my brothers on and out of the dorms and off the school grounds and into the limo that was to take us to the town.

"That was him wasn't it?  That stupid, good for nothing, waste of space pureblood." Kana-nii mumbled angrily.

"hai....that was him..." I said as I wrapped my arms around Shu-nii's arm, burying my face into his shoulder. He responded by pulling me closer to his body.

"I will kill him..." Su-nii growled out as his fists clenched up.

"Ore-sama agrees with the fool. " Aya-nii said angrily.

"We cant just come here and begin spilling blood unfortunately. I'm sure father wouldn't mind but if we do, it will ruin Akira's school performance." Reiji-nii explained as he placed his fingers on the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"It's ok...I don't care about him. He still doesn't even know its me...He doesn't know that I was the girl he once knew as Yuuka....and he never will"

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