*22* Ichio

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*Akira's P.O.V.*

"Ah, Ms.Sakamaki. Why out so late?" Kaname asked.

"Oh just heading back to the dorms. Why are you out Kaname? Shouldn't you be in class?" I asked with a fake closed eye smile.

"I sent everyone home early. I should be asking you the same thing though. Why were you not in class?" He questioned as he stared deeply into my eyes.

"I was with Yagari-sensei in headmaster Cross's office. You can ask him to confirm if for your self. " I said sweetly.

He was silent for a moment before responding "Its ok. I will take your word for it."

"I am grateful that  you trust me Kaname." I replied.

"Now if you would excuse me, i have business with the headmaster." He exclaimed.

As he walked past me he stopped though as he grabbed a strand of my hair, playing with it in his hand.

"The ends of your hair is wet... what were you washing away?" He questioned.

I gently grabbed his hand and pulled it away from my hair.

"I would ask that you refrain from touching me so carelessly Kaname. I also believe that I can wash my hair whenever I want and shouldn't have to tell you considering we are the same rank, me higher than you." I said with a tone as I  lightly glared up at him. "But to answer your question,  while in the headmasters office some off my chocolate got in my hair causing me to have to wash it."

He stood silent for a minute more as he stared at me. I could see many emotions swirling in his eyes as he stared at me somewhat conflicted.

"I do apologize. You are right." He simply said before walking away.

I stood there for a minute before sighing and continuing on my way to the dorms.

'Damn Kuran...'

*Time Skip*

It's been a couple days now since Zero drank my blood and I haven't seen kaname since.

I was walking down the hall when I  noticed Takuma knocking on his bedroom door with the others behind him.

"It seems President kuran has locked himself in his room." Rima said with here usual monotone voice.

"All right, what did you do this time Hanabusa?" Main asked which seemed to tick said person off.

"I didn't do it! Besides if I did he would have punished me in front of everyone..." Hanabusa pouted sadly.

"That's true." Kain replied nonchalantly causing me to giggle softly. They then all turned towards me, now noticing my presence

"Ah, lady Sakamaki..." Ichijo called out shocked. "Do you by chance know what is wrong with Lord Kaname?"

"Hmm...no clue." I said with an innocent smile.

Everyone was silent until Ichijo smiled. "I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. I'm sure he just has a lot on his mind."

"I agree. Let's just give him some time to himself. Now, Let's all head off to bed." I commented, hoping to get away from the Kuran's door.

We were going to all walk away when suddenly a maid appeared with a stack of books for Ichijo and a clipboard with a pen.

Apparently the paper was to be signed by Kaname in order to let a visitor in.

Ichijo walked forward and looked at the clipboard before a look of horror crossed his face. "This can't be...why is he.. " he muttered.

"You okay Takuma?" Senri asked.

"It says...that my grandfather...is going to come here to night!!!" He suddenly yelled.

We all looked at him confused with blank faces.

He then began to explain to us who it was his grandfather was ok in both the human and vampire world.

"But wait..who is that other paper for?" Ruka asked.

Ichijo looked at the paper confused.  "It says it is a man by the name Tougo Heinz. "

"Eh, who's that?" Hanabusa asked.

'That sounds kind of like fathers name...but It can't be...' I thought to myself as I shook my head.

*Time Skip again*

We were now waiting in the main lobby for our two guest to arrive.

Everyone was nervous and scared about Ichijos grandfather and curious on who Tougo Heinz was.

Kaname then suddenly came walking downstairs and standing beside me(much to my dismay) just as the door open, revealing Ichijo's grandfather.

"I appreciate this warm welcome. But the only reason I came tonight is to pay a visit to me dear grandson." The man said. "No need to stand on formalities."

"Hello Ichio. " Kaname greeted. "I'm glad to see your well."

"We haven't seen each other since the day you used to have me as your legal guardian." Ichio said, shocking me.

'Wait...what!? What is he talking about!?' I thought to myself as I glanced over at Kaname, shocked.

Ichio then shocked me as he started talking nonsense about how purebloods are luscious flowers and he prays for the day to drink Kaname's blood.

Like da fuk?

Ruka and Aido quickly reacted though as ruka jumped in front of Kaname and Hanabusa grabbed Ichio's hand.

Hanabusa began to defend Kaname as he yelled about how drinking a purebloods blood is taboo when suddenly Kaname slapped him.

"I haven't thought him enough manners." Kaname simply said as he bowed to Ichio causing rage to boil in my stomach.

'Kaname!' I hissed out as I glared at the pureblood causing him to look at me. "Hanabusa is a friend and a person. Not no dog you can simply train." I growled out.

Everyone stared at me shocked for what I said as Ichio seemed to have finally noticed my presence.

"What is this? A human in the Vampires dorm? And talking to a pureblood like that!? You should be killed and sucked dry." Ichio growled out as he took a threatening step towards me.

I was going to go off on him and send him flying into a wall when the dorms  doors flew open for a second time today.

"I suggest you refrain from talking to her that way....Ichio."


Sorry for any spelling errors! Just got the new s8 and I'm still not used to typing on it yet. Also haven't got all the names and some words in my dictionary so autocorrect is really irritating right Now

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