*4* Yagari-Sensei

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*3rd Person's P.O.V*

It has been three months since Akira became apart of the Sakamaki Family and she has grown really, really close with her brothers. She even inherited a few of their traits.

From Shu, her eldest brother, she grown a passion for music and singing. You would find her every now and then laying around somewhere on Shu's chest listing to music.

From Reiji, she learned how to read better and how to become a proper younger lady, though she was still a bit of a tomboy and energetic type. When you see the two of them, you would find them in the library reading while drinking tea, or in her case for her, warm blood.

From Laito, she learned to be a little flirt. If you were to find the two together, you would be shocked to see the little 5 year old flirting with the 7 year old, making him a blushing mess.

From Ayato, she learned to become real proud of herself and to make herself think she was better then all. But she didn't take it seriously like a snobby little rich kid, but like in a joking manner. When you see her with Ayato you would hear her shouting "Bow down to me you peasant! Respect Aki-sama! " in her cute little voice as she held one foot on the stool and the other on the ground with her fist on her hips.

From Kanato she learned how to freak people out by being creepy. She also became Kanato's little doll. When you search for the two you would find them in the room with Kanato dressing her up in all sorts of clothes. But his favorite was Lolita and Victorian dresses.

And last but not least, from Subaru she learned how to be rebellious, tough, and a bit short tempered. You would sometimes find the two arguing over something so dumb that they would forget what they were even arguing over and start laughing.

She loved all of her brothers so much and gave her all to them. The brothers would also fight over her attention.

Akira also became close with the wives as well. Including Cordelia.

She would sometimes talk and drink tea with Cordelia in the rose garden as they talked about dark and mysterious things that kinda freaked the brothers out a bit.

She would read books to Beatrix and show her how her writing improved as they sat in the other part of the garden with many different flowers.

With Christa, she would visit her everyday and spend an hour or two with her talking about her time with her brothers as she made Christa happy. Christa would smile and laugh as she listened to the small girls stories.

Over all everyone loved the small girl very much.

Akira was wondering the halls bored out of her mind. All of her brothers were busy studying so she had nobody to play with.

She walked out of the mansion and began walking aimlessly around, not even noticing as she walked off of the mansions grounds, and out of the gate down the road.

She was finally snapped out of her daze when a butterfly landed on her nose.

She giggled as she chased after the butterfly, still not noticeing that she left the mansion.

The little girl wondered and wondered until she ended up finding herself lost in a small town.

*Akira's P. O. V*

I was chasing the pretty butterfly when suddenly it vanished.

"Where you gwo pwetty buterfwy?" Akira called as she looked around.

I was walking pass an alley way when someone suddenly grabbed me by the arm and yanking me into the alley.

"What's a pretty little thing like you doing wondering Yb around by yourself? Did you get lost? " a man with red eyes said staring at me as he smiled, showing his fangs.

Flashbacks from when I ran away from the Kurans began to play in my mind from when the same thing happened.

I began to shake in fear as the man took a step closer to me.

"S-stop! Weave me awone! " I yelled out as I tried to pry my arm away from the man.

"I will.... After I have a little taste of that sweet smelling blood you have." The man said opening his mouth wide as he bent down to bite me.

I closed my eyes tightly and waited for the piercing of his teeth but it never came.

I slowly peeked my eyes opened to see the man clawing at something holding onto his neck.

Then their was suddenly the shot of a gun as the sound ranged through out the air all around me, making my ears ring.

The scary man slowly turn to ash revealing another man behind him.

He was tall with black hair and a cowboy hat. He was wearing a long coat to.

"That was close one, wasn't it kid? " the man asked.

This scene really shocked me as it was just like when daddy saved me.

"T-thwank you mwister... " I cried as tears fell out of my eyes.

"It's OK kid. Why are you out here by yourself? " the man asked.

"I was bwored so I went outswide to pway when I got wost... " I said sniffling.

"Well just come with me and I'll contact the people I work with to see if there are any missing child reports that fit your description OK?" the man asked.

"OK... " I said as I held out my hand towards him.

He hesitated a bit before taking my hand and holding it as we walked out of the alley and somewhere.

"My name is Toga Yagari. Do you know what that was that attacked you back there? " the man said.

"My name is Akira and yes. He was a level e vampire. They always attack me for my blood but my family protects me from them by killing them like you do. " I said smiling.

"So your family kills the vampires to? " the man asked.

I nodded my head 'yes'. I mean my nii-sans and daddy kill any level e that gets to close to our property.

"Were here." Yagari said.

I looked in front of us to see a house that had a homey feeling to it.

The door was then swung open as two boys ran outside.

"Yagari-Sense!" the two yelled. Their loud voices scared me so on instinct I jumped behind Yagari.... Sensei?

"Hello Ichiru, Zero. " he said to the two boys.

"Yagari-Sensei, who is she? " Injury asked pointing at me.

"This is Akira. She was lost so I'm helping her get back home. She will be with us until I receive word on why her family is." Yagari-Sensei said.

"Oh... " he responded. He then smile as he held his hand out to me. "I'm Ichiru Kiryu! Nice to meet you!"

I looked at his hand before smiling and taking it. "I'm Akira! I'm 5!" I said happily.

I then looked at the other boy, waiting for him to introduce his self.

"I'm Zero Kiryu, his twin,  and we're 6." he said,  also smiling.

"OK enough talky talk. Time to train. " Yagari-Sensei said.

Train? Train in what?  Eh, who cares. I want to train as well!

"Yagari-Sensei! Can I train with you guys as well!?" I asked.

He looked at me shocked for a while before sighing and nodding his head yes.

"Yay!" I cheered.

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