*12* True Cross Academy

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*Akira's P. O. V*

I really did not like the screams of fangirls/boys. It gave me headaches.

I walked through the gates with my bags and causes and walked down the stone path as I looked around at all the beautiful trees and buildings.

"This truly is a beautiful school... " I whispered as I came closer to the screams.

I was shocked when I saw a brown haired girl with brown eyes trying to push back the raging crowd of boys and girls.

'Yuuki-nee.... '

I felt my heart swell up when I saw her and wanted to cry but quickly pushed away the feeling.It was strange though because she did not give off a vampire aura. I quickly became angry when a girl pushed her to the ground.

I quickly stepped over to Yuuki-nee and held my hand out to her.

"Are you ok? " I asked her, smiling as I held my hand out to her.

She looked at me shocked as she blushed while grabbing my hand. "Thanks. I've never seen you before. Are you new? "

'Does she not recognize me.... I see... They erased her memories.... '

It made me sad knowing that she didn't recognize me but I shook it off as I smiled at her. "Yes. I'm Akira. Nice to meet you. "

"Ah... I'm Yuuki. Once I'm done here I can show you towards the headmasters office. " she said.

"Ah thank you. " I said as she went over to continue her job.

The gates then open as a group of students wearing different uniforms walked out, increasing the screams of the fangirls/boys.

I looked at all the different students walking by when I saw him.

Kaname Kuran. I should have known. Yuuki-nee is here after all.

I stared at him for a minute but quickly looked away so he didn't notice I was stareing. Once all the students wearing white uniforms walked buy all the students wearing black ones walked away back to where they came from.

"Well, let's go then. " Yuuki-nee said as she lead me towards the headmasters office while also showing me where everything is.

Once we reached the office she knocked on the door and we walked in as we heard a 'come in'

"Yuuki~!" some shrieked as they came flying towards us. My eyes widened while Yuuki-nee sighed as she pulled me out of the way. The person then flew into the wall.

"Wahhh~ Yuuki! Why won't you let daddy hug you!" he cried.

"Daddy? " I asked as I raised my eyebrow.

"Yes. This is the headmaster as well as my father. " She sighed in embarrassment as she rubbed her face.

"OK... Well I'm Akira Sakamaki. Nice to meet you. " I said as I bowed.

"Ah yes. The new night class student. Welcome to cross academy. " he said as he suddenly became serious which totally shocked me.

"Wait, your a vampire? You don't feel like one. " she said, shocked.

"Ah yes, I just have the presence of a human to keep me safe while me vampire powers are sealed away. " I ecplained.

Suddenly the door was swung open as a familiar silver-white haired male walked into the room.

"What are you doing bringing another vampire into this school!? " he yelled.

"Zero-nii? "

"Akira!? " he said, obviously shocked.

"You don't want me going to school here? I'm hurt. " I said as j feigned hurt as I hid my smile.

"Wah? Aki-chan? What are you doing here?" he said still shocked.

"I'm apart of a foreign exchange program so I will be here for the next 6 months. " I said.

"Oh... Well I don't care if the new vampire is you. " he said as he sat on a chair.

"You two know each other!? " Yuuki-nee asked, obviously shocked.

"Yes. We knew each other since we were little. Speaking of, where is Ichi-nii?" I said as I looked towards Zero.

He visibly stiffened and a scent suddenly hit me.

'A level E? No....'

"He isn't here. " Zero growled.

"Zero-nii! What happened!? Why do you smell like that!? Where is Ichi-nii! " I yelled.

"Enough Akira. We will talk later. " he said before walking out of the room.

It was all silent as I lowered my head.

"Well then.... Here is your uniform. You can change in the bathroom and I will have Yuuki take you to your room and then your classroom. " the headmaster said.

"Thank you... " I whispered as I took the uniform and walked into the bathroom and quickly changed.

I walked back out and bowed to the headmaster as me and Yuuki-nee walked out.

"Neh, do you know what happened to Zero-nii...? " I whispered.

"Not much... All I know is that when we were younger, father came home with Zero and he was covered in blood. Father then said that he was adopting Zero." she said. "Here is your room. "

"Oh.... " I whispered as I walked in and placed my things on the bed. It was a beautiful room but I was a little to upset to enjoy it.

"Can you show me my classroom now? " I asked.

"Ah, yes. Follow me. " she said as she then lead me out of the dormitories and into the school building. We walked down a couple of halls before she stopped in front of one of the doors. "This is your classroom. I have to go now. Oh, and welcome to Cross Academy!" she said as she walked off.

"Thank you! " I called after her. I sighed as I turned towards the classroom door, took a deep breath, and knocked on it.

*3rd P. O. V*

In the night class, the teacher was going on talking about the importance of the blood tablets and vampire history when he was cut of by a knock on the door.

"Come in. " the teacher called.

The door slid open and in walked Akira with her long brown flying behind her as she walked. Her big blue eyes, sparkling in the moonlight. Though what confused the vampires was that she had the aura and smell of a human.

"Ah, you must be the foreign exchange student participating in the foreign exchange program. " the teacher said.

"Yes. I am Akira Sakamaki and I am from Seiyo Academy and will be attending Cross Academy for the next 6 months. Nice to meet you. " Akira said as she bowed to the class.

Kaname instantly remembered that name as he stared at the girl with slightly wide eyes as thoughts ran through his head.

'Has she seen Yuuki? Does she even remember?'

"Well welcome to cross academy. You may sit where you please. " the teacher said. Akira smiled and nodded a quick thanks before walking towards and empty seat beside Shiki. Kaname watching her the whole time.

"Well then, let's carry on.... "


hehehe, bet you weren't expecting two chapters in 1 day! I was just on a roll with ideas and I wanted to keep going so yup! I would update a 3rd but I want to try to work on some other stories! Anyways, hope you enjoyed!

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