*16* I missed you!

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*Akira's P. O. V*

I could barely sleep for the past 2 days as the excitement inside of me wouldn't stop bubbling.

It's been two weeks since i have started school and cross Academy which means my brothers will be coming anytime now. 

I was currently laying on my bed looking at a book as i wasn't really reading it when a knock sounded from my door.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Good to know your up. We are waiting for you downstairs Lady Sakamaki." Ichigo's voice said from the other side of the door.

I looked over at the clock on my nightstand to see it was 8pm. Crap! We start school at 8:30!

I quickly jumped up and ran to my closet throwing on my school uniform. I then ran into the bathroom and with my vampire speed, I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Once I was done I dd a little look over in the mirror before smiling and opening the door to see Ichigo still standing there.

"Are you ready Lady Sakamaki?" He asked.

"Yes and stop calling me Lady Sakamaki. My name is Akira and thats what  I want you calling me. Got it?" I said as I sent him a pointed look.

"Yes La- um...ah...I mean....Akira." He stuttered out trying to fix his mistake. I smiled at him as i laughed a little.

We continued walking down and once we reached every one else i gave them a quick apology for being late before taking my place next to Kaname.

I then restrained my self from plugging my ears as we walked outside towards all the screaming fan girls and boys. 

'So irritating. How do they put up with this!?' I thought to myself, scowling in my mind. Even after 2 weeks, I'm still not used to this.

We continued walking to the classroom and once we got there i quickly took my seat. I wasn't even paying attention during class. I was to busy staring out the window, thinking of my brothers.

"AKIRA!" someone yelled my name.

"Wh- YES!" I yelled jumping up from my seat, accidentally tripping over my chair and falling on the ground. "Ow...."

The whole class laughed at me as the teacher started scolding me. 

"Ms.Sakamaki! I don't care if you are a pureblood or not! You will pay attention during my class or else I will have you expelled! Got that!?" He yelled at me, making the whole class go silent.

I could feel my eyes begin to water as i stared down at my hands as I balled them up. I was about to apologize when a voice cut me off.

"Eeh??? Who do you think you are to talk to my Aki-sama like that?" A familiar voice said as an familiar scent wafted through the air. 

I snapped my head up and gasped before smiling as I saw my beloved older brothers standing there.

I snapped my head up and gasped before smiling as I saw my beloved older brothers standing there

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