*29* Only From Me

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*3rd P.O.V.*

"Ichiru!" Zero yelled after his twin who calmly grabbed his sword and walked out of the room, not paying any mind to the boy shouting after him.

"Don't worry about him for now Zero. We need to help Akira!" Yagari instructed his student.

Zero grunted in response but didn't refuse as his sensei was right. Akira's condition was the most important right now.

Bending down, Yagari scooped Akira up into his arms before quickly making his way out of the room, heading towards the headmasters office. Zero wasn't far behinf following after. Once they made it, thankfully not encountering anyone on the way, Zero quickly knocked on the door. Loudly as well.

It didn't take long for the door to open and reveal the headmaster. His calm, curious face quickly turned into a serious yet still curious face.

"What happened?" He questioned the panting Zero.

"Just take care of Akira." Zero said before taking of down the hallway.

"Zero!" Cross called after the boy. "Hold on!"

"Just let him be." Yagari said. "We need to treat Akira."

Nodding reluctantly, the two went inside the office and quickly set to work on trying to help the girl.

Zero quickly stomped away and made his way towards the ball room where preparations were still being made.

"Hey...is that blood?" A girl whispered as Zero busted into the room, heading to another.

"I wonder what happened..." Someone else whispered.

"Zero..." Yuuki whispered as she followed Zero into the room. "Zero what happened!?"

"You seen that transfer student around anywhere?" Zero asked calmly.

"Zero, you're bleeding. What happened?" Yuuki questioned, ignoring his question.

"Its nothing. Don't worry about it. " Zero replied. The two were silent before Yuuki walked forward.

"You should just do it." She said simply, turning around and moving her hair aside. "Drink my blood. Do it here. Just don't spill to much, ok?"

Zero looked at her shocked before his eyes widened, turning red and his heart bumped heavily in his chest. He took a step forward before freezing as Akira's words played in his head.

'Drink only from me...'

Calming himself down Zero took a step back. "Its ok. I feel fine." He said before walking out of the room. He wasn't really lying either as the blood Akira gave him really did make him feel better and not crave blood. But Yuuki doesn't know this as she stares at Zeros disappearing figure, worried.


*Time Skip*

*Akira's P.O.V.*

'Hmmm....cold...its so...cold...' I thought to myself. All around me it was dark and my body felt extremely heavy and cold. I ould hear voices though. Familiar ones too. What they were saying though, I couldn't really tell much.

"....be ok?" I managed to pick up.

"Lost...blood....coma....healing....I don't know...." Another voice said.

"Bathtub...Idea?" the first voice asked I believe.

'Bathtub? What are they talking about..?' I wondered as I tried to open my eyes but failed. 'Why won't my eyes open!?'

Trying harder this time, I tried forcing my eyes open again only to still fail.

'Why wont my eyes open!?' I yelled in my head again as I continued trying to open my eyes. 'I want to wake up! I want to wake up! I WANT TO WAKE UP!'

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