*23* Surprise Visit

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"What is this? A human in the Vampires dorm? And talking to a pureblood like that!? You should be killed and sucked dry." Ichio growled out as he took a threatening step towards me.

I was going to go off on him and send him flying into a wall when the dorms  doors flew open for a second time today.

"I suggest you refrain from talking to her that way....Ichio."

*3rd P.O.V.*

The man walked inside the dorms causing everyone's eyes to widen as they all quickly bowed down. Well all except Akira and Kaname.

"After all, I will not allow anyone to threaten my little girl." Karl Heinz Sakamaki said as he stood in front of the doors.

"Father!" Akira called out as she ran up to Karl and wrapped her arms tightly around him. "I missed you so much.."

"I to you as well my little rose." Karl said as he smiled down at his only daughter before looking up and glaring at Ichio.

"I'm sorry Lord Sakamaki. I didn't know that this child was your own. She smells of a human." Ichio apologized.

"You are forgiven but I warn you, stay away from my daughter. " Karl said as his eyes flashed red and a heavy pressure was in the air making it hard for everyone to stand except for himself and his daughter.

Even Kaname found some trouble as he almost toppled over.

"Yes, Lord Sakamaki. " Ichio grunted out.

Karl stood, still glaring before his eyes returned to normal and the pressure disappeared as he turned to face his daughter. "Now lets go see this vampire hunter your brothers said shot you. "

The two Sakamaki's then walked out of the dormitories leaving everyone to re-compose themselves.

The vampires in the room all gasped as they relaxed from the tense atmosphere.

"I didn't know that Akira's father was Lord Heinz...." Aido said as he tried to catch his breath.

"I don't think anyone did. After all her and her brothers last names are Sakamaki." Ruka said.

"Did you know of that girls origin, Lord Kaname?" Ichio asked through clenched teeth.

"Yes I did. I met Akira and her family once a very long time ago." Kaname replied smoothly before walking away to his own room.

Slowly every began to disperse into their own rooms leaving Ichijo and his grandfather.

"It seems Kaname has a great trust in you. That's good. I want you to keep an eye on him for that is the only reason I allow you to stay at the academy." Ichio stated before his eyes narrowed as he thought of another person "I want you to keep an eye on the princess as well. To think that she was here..."

*Akira's P.O.V.*

"I suppose since you already know about me being accidently shot then you also know Zero-nii is here as well." I said happily as I skipped in front of my father, leading him to the headmasters office.

"Yes I do. It will be nice to see the young vampire Hunter child. He has done well watching over you when you were a child. As well as the other child." Father said. I could tell he was thinking of the past as a small smile appeared on his face.

"Un! But papa...theres something I have to tell you..." I whispered.

"What is it my child?" He questioned as we walked into the main building as started towards headmasters office.

"It s zero-nii...hes not human anymore....hes a level D. And Zero-nii won't tell me where Ichi-nii is." I gritted out.

"Hmm...i see. " Father replied. "And only purebloods can do such things. Even though it is illegal. "

"Exactly. Which is why I am asking you this father. Please make me a list of purebloods suspected of such turnings. I wanna find the bloodsucker that did this to Zero-nii and kill them." I answered as my eyes flashed their scarlet color.

"Of course my child. I'll do anything for you." Father replied as he smiled down at me. "I will make you a list and have it sent to you as quickly as possible. "

"Thank you papa!" I smiled happily as we arrived at the headmasters office. "Here we are!"

I quickly opened the door and walked into the room that held a tense atmosphere. Headmaster was sitting behind his desk with Yagari-sensei leaning on the wall beside him while Yuki-nee and Zero-nii sat on the sofa.

"Ehh? Whats with the tense atmosphere in here?" I asked as I walked over to the sofa across from Zero-nii and Yuki-nee and plopped down on to it.

"Ah we were just a little shocked from the intense aura we suddenly felt from the night dorm. I was a little worried until Yagari informed me that it was just your father." Headmaster explained.

"Ah, I see. And sorry about that. We were having a bit of a problem. It's been resolved though." I replied, smiling sheepishly as I scratched the back of my head.

"Its good to see you again Zero and Yagari." Father finally spoke up as he sat beside me.

"Its good to see you again as well sir." Both hunters replied.

//Quick 3rd P.O.V.\\

Zero and Yagari both dislike the vampire race and feel that they should perish but they can't help but to respect the royal family, aka, the Sakamaki's. They are really glad they were blessed with the chance of meeting them. Especially little Akira.

//P.O.V. Over, back to Akkra\\

" So what is this about my daughter being shot?" My father asked. I could see Yagari-sensei flinch a long with every one else in the room causing me to giggle.

"Ah, that was my fault. It was a bit if a misunderstanding. " Yagari-sensei explained nervously as sweat dropped down his face. Deciding to help him, I spoke up.

"Yea it was just a accident papa. Besides he apologized and gave me a big box full of different chocolates that I absolutely love!" I squealed happily as stars appeared in my eyes and I drooled a bit.

Father chuckled a bit as he patted my head. "I'm sure you do!" He said before turning towards the  headmaster. "And I assume she is being fed correctly?"

"Ah, yes. Even though we try to keep the consumption of blood on our campus out Akira is an exception as she is only a transfer student here for a little while." The headmaster explained while I nodded my head. " Besides, it seems Akira is rather good at keeping her thirst low.

"That's because of the seal on her." Father started. "The seal makes her human but whenever she weakens the seal her vampire side is released and she instantly craves blood."

After that we all just talked for a bit before father announced his leave.

"I will walk with you to the main gates Papa!" I said happily as I jumped up and began walking.

As we were walking I could tell what papa was thinking. "Hai, that was Yuuki-nee....And that was Kaname earlier. I'm not sure exactly on the situation of Yuuki-nee being turned into a human though..." I answered his unasked question.

"Akira..." He spoke softly. "I will pull you out off this school right this moment if you want."

"No its ok. honestly. Besides, I want to stay close to Yuuki-nee so I can protect her." I explained with a smile. "I don't know why but I feel like something really bad is going to happen and until I am sure Yuuki-nee is safe, im not leaving her side."

" I understand but if you ever want to leave this school I will pull you out right away." He said as he pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you papa..."

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