*15* Thirst

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This chapter is dedicated to @Music-queen-Tori
This is my drawing for the contest! It's not one of my best
But I think it's OK. Hope you like it!

Also, to those of you who haven't read her book yet, goRead it after this! The first book is called RedAnd the second is called Red like RosesTheir really cute and are diabolik lovers fan fics!

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Also, to those of you who haven't read her book yet, go
Read it after this! The first book is called Red
And the second is called Red like Roses
Their really cute and are diabolik lovers fan fics!


"Aki.... Came down please.... " Zero-nii whispered as he tightened his grip around me.

"I'm thirsty. "

*3rd persons P.O.V.*

Everyone froze as Akita's words sunk in.

"I'm sorry Ms. Sakamaki but here at cross academy we do not drink blood. " Kaname said smoothly.

"No. " Akira said, shocking everyone "You guys do not drink blood, I do. My father specifically said that I will transfer here as long as I can still drunk blood."

Everyone was quiet as they tried to process what the hungry vampire was saying.

"Well Ms.Sakamaki, I was not informed of this agreement so we will have to go to the headmaster to settle this. " Kaname explained.

"If so. Come now. " She ordered as she walked away, Zero glued to her side.

"Seirin. " Kaname called as said girl appeared in a tree. "Make sure these 2 ladies are placed in their dorms and that the idiots are as well. They will receive their punishment later. "

Seirin simply nodded as Kananme walked away.

The atmosphere was tense as the two purebloods and Vampire Hunter walked along.

"Aki.... You have always been able to control your thirst, so what happened this time? " Zero asked the girl.

"I haven't fed in a while and I forgot to before I came to school. " Akira said before sighing. "My brothers would be furious if they found out I didn't eat before leaving.... "

"Heh, I know. " Zero said smirking. "I bet you Reiji would be all like 'You have not fed!? Punishment time!' I swear, that guy loves punishing people. I worry sometimes. "

Akira chuckled as Zero's face showed he was actually worried and all serious about what he was saying.

From behind, Kaname watched the two interact with each other and was genuinely shocked as the silver headed hunter actually showed an emotion other then hate and anger towards a vampire. A pureblood at that!

Though, for some reason he could feel his heart tighten at the sight and really wished he was in the hunters place at the moment. It was as if he was meant to be there. Just like when he sees Yuki with Zero. But he didn't understand why he felt this way towards the Sakamaki so he just pushed the feeling away.

*Akira's P. O. V*

"Were here. " Zero-nii said as he pushed open the door to the headmaster's office.

"So. This aura I was feeling was indeed from you, Akira. " The headmaster said with his eyes closed as we walked in.

"Yes, it was. I am sorry for causing you trouble but Toynbee to tell them of our agreement. " I said, getting right down to business. I'm starving and the pain I'm feeling in my gums and the dryness of my throat is driving me crazy.

"Yes. Well then. It is true that I agreed to allowing Ms.Sakamaki drink blood since she is technically here on foreign exchange and is not an actual student here. But, " The headmaster said a he opened his eyes. "You can not drink it on school grounds due to the fact that other vampires would smell it. "

"I understand headmaster. I will go off of school grounds. Now, may I leave now before this pain kills me. " I said seriously. I really wanted to claw at my throat right now.

"Very well. Here. " He said as he tossed two blood bags towards me. "Remember off school grounds. And be careful. "

I quickly nodded before dashing out of the room using my vampire speed that made me look like the wind just blowing.

After a few seconds I reached an abandoned part of town and sat down on the steps of what looks like it use to be a church.

I could feel as my fangs grew out as I quickly sunk them into the blood bag, devouring the crimson liquid inside.

As I swallowed the blood, my throat began to untighten and not feel dry and as I hit into the bag my gums became untensed and relaxed.

Once I was done, I quickly tossed the empty bag to the side before grabbing the next and doing the same as I pierced my teeth into it and drank hungrily.

I was so focused on the sweet tasting liquid that I didn't even notice the level E creeping up onto me until it spoke.

"Blood.....such sweet smelling blood.... Give it to me!!! " he yelled as he tackled me to the ground.

My eyes widened and I was still in shock so I couldn't fight back as the level E bent forward and licked the blood from the corner of my mouth.

He looked up at me with his ugly face as his eyes glowed red as he smirked.

A shot suddenly rang in the air as the vampires in top of me was reduced to ashes.

"Aki!!! " A voice yelled.

"Zero-nii? " I whispered.

"Aki! Are you ok!? Did he hurt you!? Why didn't you fight back!? " Zero-nii yelled as he scolded me.

I just ignored him as I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into a hug as I buried my face into his chest.

"Zero-nii..... Thank you.... " I whispered quietly into his chest.

I could hear as his heart beat picked up as his body tensed and his breathing became rough.

I pulled away and looked into his to see them glowing a deep crimson red as he stared at me, breathing hard.

"A-aki.... G-go.... Go n-now.... " He panted as he tried to push me away.

I ignored him and stood still in my place as I wrapped my arms around his neck, placing my hands on his head and place it in the crook of my neck.

"Drink, Zero-nii..... " I whispered as I stroked his head.

"W-what!? I-i can't.... " He said as he tried to push away again.

"No. Drink. It's my fault that your like this. I don't know what happened and how you became this way, but I do know I failed to protect you. " I said sternly.

"Aki... " he whispered. He looked at me before looking at my neck and licking his lips before looking at me again.

I smiled and nodded my head. He bent forward and I could feel as his cool young dragged across my neck.

He did this a couple of times before his teeth pierced into my neck and he began to drink.

I could control the moans and squirming since me and my brothers feed on each other every now and then back home.

"Zero-nii.... You have to stop now... " I said as I pulled his head away from my neck.

"Aki..... " he said, slightly dazed as his eyes turned back to their lavender color.

I smiled as I leaned forward and licked the blood from the corner of his mouth.

I then stood up and held my hand out towards him. "Let's go back now."

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