*21* I won't let you die

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*Akira's P.O.V.*

"Waahhh! Thanks Sensei!" I shreiked as I stared at the huge box filled with multiple types of chocolates with stars in my eyes.

I was currently in the headmasters office with Yagari and Headmaster as I stuffed my face with a snickers.

"Slow down Akira or your going to- choke." Sensei said as I suddenly choked on the snickers.

"Wahhh! I will save you my precious daughter!" Headnaster called as he suddenly smacked my back really hard.

Shocked, I could feel the snickers fall down my throat leaving behind a slightly sore throat.

"Great, now my throat hurts." I pouted.

"Here. drink this." Headmaster said as he handed me cup with a lid and straw filled with blood and fruit punch mixed together. Strange, I know, but its my favorite.

I took a drink before suddenly becoming serious. "Where is Zero being quarantined. I wanna see him." I said.

The two males tensed a bit before relaxing as they let out a breath.

They then told me which dorm he was in and I quickly stood up and walked out of the room. Of course after I grabbed a hand full of chocolate and took a few more drinks of my sweet drink.

I walked through a couple of halls when I spotted Yuuki-nee about to knock on the door of the room that Zero-nii was apparently staying in.

"Yuuki?" I called as I came up beside her.

"Akira? What are you doing here?" She asked shocked.

"I came to see Zero-nii and im guessing you are to." I said with a smile as I knocked on the door.

The door then opende up to reveal a shocked Zero-nii.

"Akira? Yuuki?" he whispered as he looked between us. "How did you...?"

"Why do you stay in this room just because that guy told you to?" Yuuki-nee asked. I'm guessing shes talking about Sensei. "There is no lock on this door so why dont you just leave!?"

"Yuuki..." I muttered.

"Go home." Was Zero-nii's reply as he went to shut the door.

'Ah hell naw! Im here to!' I thought to my self as I put my foot between the door while Yuuki-nee used her hands.

"Why are you doing whatever that guy says!?" Yuuki-nee yelled.

"Yuuki. That man was like a father to Zero and was his teacher, He tought Zero-nii everything he knows. He also tought me." I explained.

Zero then began to explain the story of the Level E that was at his school as a nurse. I still remember that day. I was with sensei and we went to check on Zero-nii and Ichi-nii when she suddenly changed.

Zero thought she was still human and tried to protect her but because of that sensei lost his eye.

I wasn't really listening to what was being said until Yuuki-nee suddenly stood back.

"Let us in." she said with her head low.

Zero-nii moved back, allowing the two of us in. But before she walked in I quickly blocked her path.

"I'm sorry Yuuki but I can't let you in. " I said as I pushed her out of the room before shutting and locking for door.

"A-akira? What are you doing? " Zero questioned, confused.

I just ignored him as I grabbed his hand and dragged him into the bathroom before pushing him onto the floor and straddling him.

His face flushed bright red as he tried go get away but I held him in place. "Akira! Wh-what are you doing? "

"Please Zero-nii. Please drink... " I muttered as I pulled his head towards my neck. "I don't wanna lose you. I won't let you die. You can hate me like how you hate all other vampires if you want but I refuse to let you die! "

"You fool.... I could never hate you... " he muttered, but loud enough for me to hear, as I watched his eyes flash between their vibrant red and calming lilac eyes before staying red.

He looked at me as I nodded my head before he pulled me close and sunk his fangs into my neck.

His arms tightend around my waist as one of his hands were tangled in my hair as he grabbed onto it.

One of my hands were gripped tightly onto his shirt as my other was tangled into his own hair.

After a few minutes he finally pulled away as he licked the blood away from my shoulder.

"Akira... Why..? Why do you do this? " Zero-nii asked in a whisper.

"Because... Your important to me. And Yuuki-nee. I don't know what would happen if we lost you. " I whispered back.

His eyes went wide before returning to normal as he chuckled. "I knew it. Yuuki was the sister you always talked about. Now I just gotta meet this brother of yours that you hate. "

"Oh. You will know who he is eventually. " I chuckled.

"Eh? I do? Who is it then? " Zero-nii asked, confusion down in his eyes.

"Don't wanna tell. " I giggled as I snuggled my head into his neck. " But you will find out soon... " I whispered before lightly nibbling his own neck.

"Akira if your thirsty, drink. " Zero said as he placed his hand softly on my head.

"No, I'm OK. I just had since to drink before I came here. Fruit punch and blood. Ahh~" I said tasting the sweet taste in my mouth, slightly drooling.

"I see you still have that weird favorite drink." Zero-nii laughed. "You really haven't changed a bit. "

"Guess I haven't." I agreed.

It was a comfortable silence between the two of us as we held on to each other before I slowly stood up.

"It's probably about time I left. And don't let Yuuki-nee try to temp you into drinking her blood. I will be here for you. Just tell her that cross got something that quenches your thirst." I explained. "Night Zero-nii. "

As I walked out I could hear him call back a goodnight as I walked out of the room.

I continued walking towards the dorms, getting lost in me thoughts as I thought of my siblings.

I suddenly bumped into something snapping me out of my thoughts.

I looked up and scowled at who was standing before me.


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