*3* The Sakamaki Family

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*Akira's P. O. V*

It's been a week since I was adopted by daddy. We were Now in the car heading towards daddy's mansion and my new home to meet the rest of my new family.

Daddy was on a trip visiting some important people when he took me in and he just finished his business yesterday so Now were heading home.

I was sitting in my car seat playing with the hem of my skirt while I drink warm blood out of my sippy cup.

I was wearing a light green long sleeved shirt with a Dark green blazer over and I was wearing a dark plaid green skirt with one high black socks and black ankle boots. Over my shirt and blazer was a fluffy black jacket.

My hair was curled and up in to pigtails ony head.

I was admiring my outfit so much that I didn't notice the car stop until the driver opened the door and daddy lifted me up and out of the car.

"Are you nervous Akira? " Daddy asked me as be took my hand.

"N-no... " I stuttered as I took another sip from my cup.

We both began walking while some servants came out of no where and grabbed our bags.

When we got closer I could see 9 different figures standing behind a closed gate.

When the gate began to open I quickly jumped behind daddy as I clenched onto the back off his pants.

"Welcome back dear/father." I heard all the voices say.

I peeked from behind daddy's legs and saw 6 boys with different colored hair and 3 beautiful woman.

"Welcome back my dear husband! I missed you oh so very much!" One of the woman said cheerfully though you could hear the evil in her voice. She had long purple hair.

"Hello my dear Cordelia. It is good to see you again." daddy said. "You to Beatrix and Christa " he said turning his head to a woman with blonde hair up in a bun and then a woman with long silver-white hair.

"Welcome home." Beatrix said in a kind voice while Christa just nodded her head.

"It's Good to see you as well, my sons. Shu, Reiji, Laito, Ayato, Kanato, and Subaru." Daddy said to the boys.

"Welcome home father." they all said at the same time.

"OK then. " daddy started. "I have someone very important I want you to meet and I want you to treat this person respectfully and with kindness. Or else I will be VERY disappointed. "

Daddy was going to continue until he was cut off when Cordelia suddenly started screeching.

"Waaaahhh! Karl there is a little disgusting monster behind you!" She shrieked.

Monster... Monster... Monster...

The word kept echoing in my head as I whimpered and tears began to form in my eyes. I quickly his behind daddy as I grabbed onto daddy's leg tighter as I buried my face.

All the memories from my previous family filling into my head.

"Cordelia!" Daddy yelled. He turned around and picked me up before placing me on his hip. I quickly buried my head into his shoulder. "That important person I was talking about is this little girl who is NOT a monster. Her name is Akira Sakamaki and she is my daughter. "

"What!? " Cordelia shrieked again. "Did you leave us for some who're!? "

"Cordelia enough!" Daddy said in a stern voice.

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