*39* New Friend

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"Ara~ I'm sorry Yui-chan." Akira said softly. "I was so thirsty and jealous of my brothers and they said that for some reason, no matter how much we bite you, you won't turn....I hope you can forgive me..."

Yui stared at the pouting girl for a moment before finally forgiving the girl. After all, she was her first friend.

"Thanks Yui! I promise to not do it again! At least, not without asking." Akira said genuinely. "Now let's sleep, there's a lot I want to do with you tomorrow!"

*3rd P.O.V.*

Two girls laid peacefully on the bed. One had pale skin and short blonde hair while the other also had pale skin but with long silky brown hair. 

The brown haired girl laid snuggled up into the 'chest' of the blonde haired girl.

"A-ara.....Aki-chan....." Yui whispered out, a little afraid to wake the Sakamaki girl. But she had to wake her up as she couldn't breathe because of the girl laying on top of her.

Akira mumbled a bit before lifting her head, facing Yui, and fluttering her eyes open. 

"Ara~ Morning Yui-chan~" Akira drawled with a small smirk, eyes still cloudy with sleep.

"Morning..." Yui blushed with a small smile. 'Shes too pretty for her own good!'

Akira sighed as she rolled off of the girl and faced the ceiling. "What do you want to do today Yui-chan?" She asked the blonde girl.

"Ano....I don't know..." Yui replied quietly.

Akira just stared at the girl with a slight annoyance. 'We're gonna have to get rid of that shy/meek personality.' She thought to her self. She could only tolerate her sister if she acts this way and that is only to a certain degree. 

"Well, how about we get to know each other first. Maybe then, you will be less shy and all quiet around me!" Akira told her as she jumped up and out of the bed and began making her way to her closet. "Come with me Yui! We're about the same size so i'm sure you can fit my clothes! That way we can mess with your style and you don't have to go to your room just yet."

"O-okay!" Yui said, a hint of excitement in her voice as she got up and followed the brown haired girl to the large walk in closet that could be considered and entirely separate room. She was kind of excited to try on different clothes and get to know another girl her age. She grew up with kids who were always younger then her and then she was moved into a mansion with six sadistic vampire brothers. Now she can finally make a friend with a girl her age, even though she as well was a vampire. But that's okay because Yui doesn't discriminate! 

"Now lets see....." Akira drawled out as she began swapping through the clothes, occasionally holding one up in front of the other girl. "So Yui, how do you like the staying here?"

"W-well....Its not entirely bad but your brothers can be scary...and mean..." Yui mumbled, a bit afraid to see how the girl would react.

"Yeah. That sounds about right." Akira said in return, nonchalantly as she laughed. She then shoved some clothes into Yui's arms.  "Here. Put this on right here. I'll turn around and change myself." 

"What about siblings? Do you have any?" Akira questioned as she began changing out of her clothing.

"No. It was just me and my father. But there were a lot of younger kids who i could consider a younger sibling." She explained.

The two continued on talking and slowly ended up at the long dining table and continued on talking, completely ignoring the brothers sitting around them, much to their dislike.

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