*28* Confrontation

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*Akira's P.O.V.*

"Mhmm..." I mumbled to myself as my eyes fluttered open. Last night after talking to Kaname and making it back to my room, I just couldn't fall asleep. I'm surprised I did, though I don't know when I did fall asleep.

Shrugging the matter off, I stretched out my limbs before standing up from my bed  and getting ready for the night.

Looking over at my clock, I noticed I was up quite early. Taking this to my advantage I decided to go and visit Zero. Hopefully I could talk to him about that encounter last night.

Walking downstairs, I noticed a few other vampires who were awake and just sitting around. I didn't really take much notice of them though as I continued my way outside the dorms.

Walking into the night, I shivered slightly as a cold breeze blew past me. "I should've grabbed a jacket...."

Using this alone time I began to think about the dance.

'I wonder if they'll come if I invite them....I hope they do as I really miss them.' I thought to myself with a smile. 'I'll tell them about it later on.'

Coming out of my thoughts, I realized I had finally made it to Zero-nii's room. Going to knock on his door though, I paused suddenly as I sensed another presence in his room. Not even bothering to knock, I just simply opened the door and walked in.

Looking around, I noticed how Zero-nii was sitting on the bed with a confused yet shocked and relieved look on his face while Ichi-nii stood a few steps in front of him, with a gun pointed towards him. Both silver headed boys turned their attention towards me though as I entered the room.

"Ichi-nii..." I called out to him. I was so happy to be able to see him again and have him this close without his mask on.

"Akira...its been a while..." He said with a small smile.

"Why Ichi-nii....why do this...?" I asked him in a small voice as I walked up behind him. I gently wrapped my arms around his waist, hugging him as I buried my head into his back. I breathed in his scent which somehow hasn't changed after all this years. That made me happy though as I missed his scent and his warmth. I was also happy that he was at least still human. Had Shizuka changed him as well then she would've been dead, tonight.

"Don't worry Akira. I won't hurt him. I just wanted to talk to him after all these years. And hopefully tell him about that night. Though, I feel he already knew." Ichi-nii explained. A look of realization and remembrance flashed through Zero-nii's eyes as he let out a small gasp. "Tell him how much I used to hat him for all the kindness he'd show me and how the two of us were always compared. After all, vampire hunter twins were never meant to be born."

As he talked my arms would slowly tighten around him, hoping all of this wasn't true and that this hatred I was sensing coming from his heart was nothing but a lie.

"But don't worry Akira because no matter what I would always love you as my precious little sister." Ichi-nii said as he turned around and kissed my forehead.

"Ichi-nii....do you really plan to continue on with following Shizuka..?" I asked quietly.

"Of course I do. That woman is powerful and gave me what I wanted. Though its not surprising as a purebloods powers are godlike." He explained with a smile.

This seemed to have made Zero-nii snap as he grabbed Ichi-nii by the collar and pulled him away from me. "You think that woman's godlike!?" He yelled at him.

"I'm afraid you don't really understand Shizuka Zero. She made a promise and she kept it." He explained as Zero-nii let him go. "I really want to kill you, but I might forgive you if you come with me. However, you must agree to serve Shizuka. I of course would love if you joined me as well Akira."

"Sorry, but no." Zero-nii replied, not even hesitating. I nodded slowly as I stood beside Zero-nii. "I'm sorry Ichi-nii but that woman is evil and she will get what she deserves.

"Besides, I cant be with anyone who covets on becoming a vampire." Zero-nii said. "You aren't are you...?"

I wanted to tell him that he wasn't and that everything was ok when suddenly Ichi-nii snapped and drew his sword, swing down on Zero-nii. Zero-nii quickly reacted though as he grabbed me, placing me behind him as he held up his bloody rose, block stopping the sword.

"You really don't understand Zero!" Ichi-nii yelled.

The two were having a stare off when suddenly Zero-nii crumbled to the floor in pain.

"Zero-nii!" I called out as I fell to the floor beside him, holding him in my arms. I quickly turned my head angrily towards Ichi-nii who was laughing and glared at him, my eyes slowly turning red. "Leave now Ichiru. I love you but you have gone too far." I said with anger in my voice clearly showing.

He looked shocked for a moment at me calling him by his actual name before smiling and making his way towards the door. He stopped though suddenly and went into defense when the door suddenly swung open and Yagari-sensei busted inside the room.

Yagari-sensei was quite shocked at the sight of Ichiru but brushed it of as he made he made his way towards Zero-nii and I.

"I see. I never was really your student Master. But i'll have you know I'm different now." Ichi0nii said as he pointed his sword towards Yagari-sensei. "Chances are that I could even hold my own up against you right now."

Yagari-Sensei ignored him though as he simply wrapped Zero-nii's arm around his shoulder before lifting him up. "No matter what you say, I always considered you as one of my students." He finally responded.

Ichi-nii must have not wanted him to say that as he went to attack the vampire hunter. Zero-nii quickly stopped him the as he tackled Ichi-nii to the ground causing his sword to fly out of his hand and into the air. The sword was head towards the boys but Yagari-sensei went to protect the two. I wasn't gonna let any of them get hurt though as I pushed the grown man back and pushed Zero-nii off of Ichi-nii, taking his spot on top.

I gasped quietly as the sword pierced through me, just nearly missing my heart. Thank goodness for that too, I didn't know that Ichi-nii's sword was an anit-vampire weapon.

Grunting, I shakily stood up and backed away from Ichi-nii.

"Akira!" Yagari-sensei and Zero-nii called as they made their way towards me. Yagari-sensei grabbed ahold of the sword and swiftly pulled it out.

"Heh,heh....thank goodness...I-it missed my heart or else....m-my family would have k-killed you all...." I chuckled lightly, trying to lighten the mood as I coughed up blood.

I wobbled a bit before collapsing, falling into Zero-nii's arms as he caught me. The last thing I saw was Ichi-nii grabbing his sword and leaving the room. Though I didn't miss the lone tear that fell down his cheek as I slipped into darkness.

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