*26* Trouble Maker

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*Akira's P.O.V.*

"What the fuck was that?" I said a few moments after the girl left.

"Yea, whats with her?" Ruka said.

"Just relax will ya. Frowning will just give ya wrinkles." Kain responded, causing me to pout.

"Ya know what, mind your own buisness!" Ruka yelled back.

Everyone went silent though as my phone started ringing in my pocket.

Taking it out, I  answered it and brought it to my ear. "Yell'o?"

'Akira~ I have the information you wanted~" My fathers voice said on the other end. "I'll message to you now."

"Kay, thanks papa. love you!" I responded with a small smile on my face.

"Love you too!" He said before a click as he hung up.

My phone then vibrated in my hand signaling that he sent the information.

Scrolling threw it for a minute I suddenly froze as I looked at the picture that popped up.

'She looks just like Maria...Shizuka Hio...'

I read over the information but almost lost it when I read that she was on the execution list for slaughtering the Kiryuu family and that she had a distant cousin name Maria Kurenai.

Soaking in this new information I quickly jumped up from where I was and out the window.

'That's the bitch who turned Zero-nii!' I screamed in my head as I jumped from tree to tree, following her scent.

When I finally found her, she was with Zero-nii and Yuuki-nee. Yuuki-nee was currently shielding her from Zero-nii who had a gun amied at them though he was clutching his head.

'He must've recognized her somewhat.'

"Zero-Nii!" I called out as I jumped out of the tree and towards him.

He quickly turned towards me with wide eyes before holding his arms out to catch me.

"Akira, what are you doing?" He questioned as he held onto me. I just ignored him though as I glared at Maria.

"I came to fetch Ms.Kurenai seeing as she is running around late in the night." I said, using an fake excuse. I don't want to create panic and will deal with this matter in secrecy.

It seemed as though the two other girls weren't really paying attention much though as Yuuki-nee was apologizing to her for Zero-nii's actions.

"Yes but I shouldn't be wondering around the grounds so late at night. Im sorry. And, thank you so much for protecting me Yuuki." Maria apologized as she placed her hand on Yuuki-nee's shoulder and leaned in close on he. "You're nice. I like girls like you. See good girls like you happen to taste especially delicious Yuuki."

That was the cutting point. I quickly stepped forward and glared into the eyes of the silverette.

"That's enough Maria, now return to class." I demanded.

She looked at me shocked for a moment before smiling "Oh my! Another pureblood! Im so glad to meet you too Lady Sakamaki! Im sorry for causing trouble. I'll leave now." she said before running off with that damn smile still on her face.

I then glanced up at Hanabusa who was looking down at us before turning towards the two comittee members.

"Eh, wasn't that kinda harsh Akira?" Yuuki-nee said somewhat unsure for herself.

"No Yuuki. Maria was out of line. New student or not she must follow the rules. Now, i must take me leave." I said sternly. I glanced at Zero-nii who had a far away look in his eyes before turning around and walking away.

*Time Skip to the next Day*

It was late in the night when I noticed Kain and Hanabusa near the lake.

"It seems Maria Kurenai transferred here officially with the same bounds we did. Other than that it says she was born with a weak consitution and never attended a soiree. Thats about it." Kain said, reading off from a clipboard in his hand. "There's nothing particallrily strange about her. Well other than the fact that she's fearless."

I listened in on the two's conversation before I decided to intervene as Hanabusa mentioned talking about her was unlucky.

"Although I am curious on why it is unlucky to talk about her, I would be glad if you were to stay out of this." I said, walking out of my hiding spot towards them with my arms crossed.

"Akira-sama!" Hanabusa said, startled by my sudden appearance.

"I agree with you. Maria Kurenai is a suspicious person indeed but I want you two to stay out of it for your own safety." I explained to them with a stern voice.

"Yes, Akira-sama." The two replied, slightly bowing their heads.

I stared at them for a minute more before smiling and turning around, walking away. "Good then. Enjoy the rest of your evening you two."

*Another Time skip*

"Wahhhh~ Wait!"

"No you can't!"



"Grrrrr!" I growled standing up from my bed. I slammed my door open and walked to the main room. "What is with all this noise!?" I snapped.

Everyone turned towards me and bowed slightly which ticked me off even more. "It seems Maria Kurenai has run off." Kain explained.

I looked outside the window to see the sun was still out shining brightly above causing me to grown. "I swear....i'm going to kill her..." I muttered to myself as I walked down the stairs and towards the doors.

"A-ah! Akira-sama! Aren't you going to change?" some random vampire said causing me to stop. I looked down at my outfit and blushed as I realized I was only wearing short shorts, socks, and a crop top. Quickly, I ran up to my room and while grumbling, threw on my uniform. I then made my way back down the stairs, pass everyone, and quickly out the doors with my face still burning red.

I quickly made my way across the bridge and to the school when I noticed girls and boys all standing around fan-girdling.

"Look! Look! Its another night class student!"

"Its Akira Sakamaki! "

"I'm gonna ask her to dance with me at the dance!"

I blocked out all the day class students comments and continued on my mission: Find Maria Kurenai and execute her. I mean just find her. Executing comes later when i'm sure that she's actually Shizuka Hio.

While walking I noticed Hanabusa and Zero on the roof talking. Looking around, there weren't that many people so I jumped up to the roof un-noticed.

Listening in on their conversation, I came to realize they were talking about whether or not Maria was Shizuka which caused me to sigh.

"I believe I told you to drop this topic, Hanabusa." I said whiled standing on the roof above them. Jumping down, I gently landed on my feet and walked towards them.

"I'm sorry Akira-sama. The perfect was questioning me though." Hanabusa said, spouting his excuse.

Sighing I just shook my head before turning to Zero hoping to tell him not to worry about anything as well when I noticed him staring up and the window, obviously shook over something.

Turning towards the window, I saw Maria staring down back at him with a cold gaze before turning around and running away.

Clicking my tongue,  I turned back to the two boys. "Hanabusa, I want you to return back to the night class dorms and Zero-nii, don't worry about anything. Ill take care of all of it. " I said with a smile before jumping off the roof and running into the school, hoping to catch up to Maria.


Sorry about this chapter and all the time skips. I guess I kinda used this as a filler while still following the storyline. Again, I greatly appreciate the commenting on the mistakes I make.

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