*38* Taste

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"A-Akira-san...wh-what are you doing?" The blonde hair girl asked, fear in her voice as she looked up to the glowing red eyes of the female hovering over her body.

"Don't worry, Kitty-chan~" Akira drawled as she brought her head down, whispering into the girl's ear, "It's just a little taste..."

*3rd P.O.V.*


"It's nice to have a female my age here. Would you like to spend the night in my room? We can talk and get to know each other better!" Akira spoke enthusiastically.

Yui lightened up at the idea. 'If I stay with her, the brothers won't be able to get me!' Yui thought to herself. "Y-yes! I like the sound of that!"

Smiling, Akira leapt up from her spot between her brothers and made way towards the blonde haired girl. "Yay! I'm sure we're definitely going to get along great!" Akira said, thoughts swirling in her head.

"In the meantime though, I'm hungry." Akira started just when her stomach growled. Her brothers all just stared at her with incredulous and amused looks. "What, vampires get hungry sometimes too!" She defended.

Sighing, Reiji pinched the bridge of his nose. "Well then. I guess dinner should come early then."

With that, the group all headed towards the dining room where food was magically ready for them. Sitting in their respective seats, the group immediately began digging in.

"Have they been allowing you to feed at that school?" Reiji asked his sister, worried that she's being starved at her school.

"Oh yeah, isn't it a coexist school where the humans don't even know about our kind. Don't they also not allow blood drinking?" Ayato scoffed, waving his fork in the air. "Ridiculous. I still can't believe they wanted you to be the one to stay at that school."

"It's not bad Aya-nii, Rei-nii. Yes they don't allow blood drinking but it's not entirely bad. Besides, they made an exception for me. You already know that father wouldn't approve of me going otherwise." Akira explained while stuffing her face with food.

"Akira. Slow down and don't talk while eating. It's very uncivilized," Reiji groaned.

"Oh, lighten up Rei-nii. This is like the millionth time you've scolded me since I've came back." Akira said with a smile.

WIth that, the meal continued on with the family conversing. Well, except for Yui. She didn't want to bring unnecessary attention to herself. (This Yui is very different from anime Yui. She's not entirely stupid)

"Come on, Yui! Lets go to my room!" Akira told the girl as she grabbed her hand and led her to the room. It was getting late in the evening and Akira was ready to set her plan into motion.

Yui found herself being dragged through the halls until she came across a familiar room. 'Ah, this room....'

Her suspicions were confirmed when they walked into the room which she was found in earlier that day.

"This is your room...?" Yui asked slowly as she looked around the room.

"Yup." Akira said while heading to her bed and jumping on it. Facing the blonde girl, she patted the bed beside her. "Come sit beside me."

Yui looked at the spot beside the brunette pureblood hesitantly but still slowly made her way towards her. Sitting down, she looked around in an awkward manner.

"No need to be nervous Yui. I just wanted to chat." Akira said with a sly grin. "Tell me more about yourself."

Yui was hesitant at first but slowly began telling her story of her father, the orphanage, the church, and how she ended up at the Sakamaki mansion. In exchange, Akira told the girl a few stories about the school.

Akira found herself actually getting along with the blonde girl but that didn't stop her from wanting to carry out her plan. After all, she was still hungry.

"Oki! Nighty night time!" Akira said as she made her way towards the light switch. The two had already changed and were ready to go to bed. Throughout the conversation, Yui found herself getting closer to Akira. She was different from her brothers.

Turning off the light, Akira skipped to her bed before jumping in it beside Yui, giddy for the plan to come.

"Thank you Akira-san....for being my friend." Yui said, while laying down and facing the girl.

Akira paused for a moment and just stared at the girl before smiling at her. Really smiling.

"Of course Yui. I hope you can forgive me for this though." Akira said, smile still on her face, just a bit smaller.

"Ano? What do you mean?" Yui asked, confused.

Before the girl even knew it, she was pinned underneath the brown haired pureblood.

"A-Akira-san...wh-what are you doing?" The blonde hair girl asked, confusion and slight fear in her voice as she looked up into the glowing red eyes of the female hovering over her body.

"Don't worry, Kitty-chan~" Akira drawled as she brought her head down, whispering into the girl's ear, "It's just a little taste...."

Licking the girl's neck, anticipation grew within Akira. "I haven't drunk from a human directly in so long...." Akira whispered. "And hearing about you from my brothers has been making me so jealous." She pouted.

"They keep talking about how...sweet...you taste." Akira growled, playfully nipping the girls neck.

Yui's face flushed red at the girl's words and actions. She was confused and honestly didn't know what to do. She thought that the female vampire was her friend. She still does. But she doesn't want her blood to be drunken again.

"Just a little taste..." Akira whispered before finally sinking her teeth into the girls neck, causing the victim to let out a small gasp as her eyes widened.

Akira released her teeth from the girl's neck and greedily began lapping up the red liquid that was coming out.

Meanwhile, the smell of the sweet scent wafted throughout the mansion, causing all of the brothers eyes to glow.

"Ara~ If Aki-chan was thirsty, she could've just drunk from me~" Laito purred as he twirled his hair. "I would gladly give it to her~"

"Aki-chan wanted to play." Kanato said, while squeezing onto his teddy bear. He himself though wouldn't hesitate to let his beloved sister drink from him as well. Honestly, he was kind of jealous that the blonde girl was even able to have his sister drink from her.

'I'll just play with her later to make me feel better..' Kanato thought as he contemplated multiple ideas he could bother the blonde haired girl that swirled in his head.

"She wanted a taste." Shu simply stated as he thought back to how jealous his sister was that everyone bragged about the blonde's blood.

Back to Akira and Yui~

After a couple of minutes, Akira finally removed her head from the crook of Yui's neck and looked down at the blushing girl who had tears in the corner of her eyes.

"Ara~ I'm sorry Yui-chan." Akira said softly. "I was so thirsty and jealous of my brothers and they said that for some reason, no matter how much we bite you, you won't turn....I hope you can forgive me..."

Yui stared at the pouting girl for a moment before finally forgiving the girl. After all, she was her first friend.

"Thanks Yui! I promise to not do it again! At least, not without asking." Akira said genuinely. "Now let's sleep, there's a lot I want to do with you tomorrow!"

A/N: I just spent the past hour trying to get my car off the street(stuck in snow and ice....) I hate Minnesotsa sometimes....Thank you to the kind stranger who pulled over and help us push the car out. This is dedicated to you!

Edited By:


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