*36* Sadistic Much

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*Akira's P.O.V.*

"Thank you sir." I said to the driver as he handed me my bags from the trunk. Handing him some money over to him, I thanked him once again before walking towards the door.

Standing in front of the big doors, i couldn't help but to smile.

Being home again, I could already feel the rush of excitement and happiness building up within me. Being able to spend time with my brothers again, sleeping and and playing music with Shu-nii, Reading while drinking tea with Rei-nii, bullying Aya-nii and Lai-nii, Playing dress up with Kana-nii, and taking walks in the garden with Su-nii.

but of course, the thing I was looking forward to the most, was obviously the new pet in our home. At least, thats how my brothers described her. I'm excited to see what shes like, and the many expressions that she makes. How I can tease and bully her. If her blood is as good as my brothers says it is.

"Whoa. " I breathed out as I stopped to think for a minute.

I've been home for less then 5 minutes and i've already become this sadistic. Those at school would be shocked right now if they could hear my thoughts.

Oh well.

Sighing, I pushed open the doors and walked into the large mansion. Laying on the couch, right there in the main foyer was Shu-nii with his earbuds in his ears. Smiling softly, I left my bags behind on the floor and walked towards Shu-nii.

When I was right before him, I crawled on top of him and laid on his chest. Burying my head into the crook of his neck. I took in a deep breath, smelling the scent of my eldest brother as it gave me a sense of comfort.

His body shifted a bit as he brought his arms up, wrapping them around me as he brought me closer to him, doing the same things I did as he nuzzled the side of my head.

"Akira...." He whispered softly.

"Mhm..I'm home Shu-nii..." I whispered back, softly and i licked at his shoulder.

"Thirsty?" He asked quietly, bring his hand to the back of my head, pushing my head deeper into his neck gently. "Drink."

"Mhm. I am thirsty. But I will wait. Want to surprise other nii-samas as i'm sure you din't inform them of my arrival." I replied as I looked up at him with a goofy smile, knowing how my eldest sibling was.

He simply hummed in response, confirming my suspicions. Letting out a small giggle, I layed with him a moment longer, basking in his comfort.

"I should get up..."I said softly, with little reluctance. He responded by tightening his hold around me, causing me to laugh. "I have to get up and greet the others. How do you think they'll react if they found out I was home and didn't come see them?"

"Hm. So. Who cares." He mumbled.

"I care." I laughed as I sat up and climbed off of him. "Don't worry though, Shu-nii. I will be here for a while so there will be plenty of time for the two of us to take naps together."

Leaving my bags behind in the foyer, they'll make it to my room eventually some how, I walked deeper into the mansion.

First, I made my way towards my room. On the way there, I caught sight of someone with long blonde hair running away from the direction of my room.

"Ara~ Is this the pet I've heard so much about?" I questioned out loud as curiosity and excitement bubbled inside of me.

Walking down the hall, I passed by my room, losing interest in it as I instead decided to follow after the running blonde.

Skipping down the hall, I followed the scent of vanilla after the blondie until I ended up outside of Laito-nii's room. Standing outside the door, I leaned my ear against it to hear what was going on inside the room.

"L-Laito-san...p-p-please stop it...." I heard a sniffling voice plead.

"But i'm so hungry....Why don't you help me, Pancake-chan?" The familiar voice of my older brother said, smoothly.

"N-Nooo!" Came a soft shriek before the scent of blood wafted into my nose.

I could feel my eyes turn red at the scent of the blood. 'She really does smell sweet...I want a taste too...'

I quickly removed those thoughts from my head though. I can't drink from her too soon. That would just ruin the fun. I want to play with her before I taste that sweet smelling blood. My face flushed red from how excited I was becoming from just the thought of it.

'God....I really am sadistic today....'

Enough with standing outside the door, I just opened it up and walked in.

"Are you cheating on me, Lai-nii?" I playfully pouted as I crossed my arms and stomped my foot while looking at the two.

The blonde girls eyes snapped open as she looked at me in shock slash/surprise and help. Lai-nii's body stiffened a bit before he pulled away from the blonde and turned around with his arms held open and facing his younger sister.

"Aki-chan~" He said happily as he licked his lip. The blonde girl fell to the ground, trembling as she held onto herself. She looked at me, confusion and fear in her eyes as she pleaded for help.

I smiled at her before turning to my big brother. "Lai-nii, come here." I said as I made a 'come here' motion with my finger. The red haired male obediently listened as he sauntered over to me with a big smile on his face.

Once he was in front of me, I pulled him into a hug, holding him tightly. "Neh, neh, I'm home Laito-nii." I whispered as i nuzzeled into his chest.

"Yes you are my dear little Aki-chan. " He said sultry like, kindness and love behind his words and he lowered himself to nuzzle his face in the crook of my neck.

"A-ano..." The forgotten blonde haired girl called out.

I let go of my brother and walked toward the blonde haired girl on the floor. Lai-nii walked behind me and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me from behind as he continued nuzzling himself in my neck.

Not minding him hugging me, I let him be as I looked down at the shaking human. She looks like a scared little kitten with how much she is shaking.

"Nice to meet you Kitty-chan. Im Akira.

Akira Sakamaki."

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