*8* School Play

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*Akira P. O. V*
2 year timeskip so she is 7 now.

I am grinning ear to ear as I jump in my seat as daddy smiles at me.

We're all -In all I mean Onii-chans, daddy, Beatrix, Cordelia, and Christa- going to my school because today is our Christmas play.

I've been best friends with Kai, Lilly, Yumi, Kikyo, and Ash for two years now and we were always in the same class and group.

In the Christmas play were all performing together in doing the 'Dance of the Sugar plum'

I'm going to play piano while Lily plays violin. Kai, Ash, Kikyo, and Yumi will all be dancing.

We've been practicing for months now and I can't wait till daddy sees.

"Are you excited Akira? " Daddy asked, chuckling as he watched me.

"Un, me and the others have been practicing a lot!" I said happily.

"I still think Imouto-Chan would have been even cuter if she was dancing as well. " Laito-nii pouted.

I giggled at Laito-nii as the car pulled up into the schools parking lot.

Nobody knows I'm a Pureblood or who my family is since I never told them so this will be interesting to see what happens when everyone sees who my family is.

*3rd P. O. V*

"Mrs. Lira! " one of the schools teachers called as she ran towards the other teacher.

"Yes, what is it MS.Vadelle?" Mrs. Lira said calmly.

"A car that has the presence of nine Purebloods in it just pulled up. We don't have any Pureblood children in our school correct. So why are they here? " MS.Vadelle said in panic, scared the Purebloods would create trouble.

"No we don't have any Pureblood children in the school. Maybe they heard about the show and decided to just come watch. " Mrs. Lira said while smiling gently. "Come on, let's go introduce ourselves. "

The two teachers walked outside just as the driver opened the car door.

First out came six little boys with different colored hair. Following the boys were three beautiful woman. The last to come out was a man everyone knew, making them quickly bow.

"Good evening lord Sakamaki. " everyone said as Karl Heinz Sakamaki got out of the car.

He just simply ignored them as he waited for his youngest child to crawl out of the car. "Come on sweetheart, you were so excited to come earlier. Don't tell me your shy now. " he said, shocking everyone around except for his family and driver.

No one sensed a 10th presence in the car so they wondered on who this person may be.

Slowly as Karl turned around the teachers and a few of the parents were shocked to see little Akira in the Pureblood vampire lords arms.

"Mrs. Lira! " Akira squealed as she jumped out of her father's arms and ran towards the lady, hugging her.

"Hello Akira. I'm glad your here. " Mrs. Lira said, chuckling at the small girls happiness.

"Un! I brought my family as well! " Akira said as she ran over to her father. "Daddy! Daddy! That's Mrs. Lira. The one I told you about!"

Karl looked down at his daughter before looking at Mrs. Lira and walking over to her.

Everyone thought the small girl might have told him something bad and that he might hurt the teacher but surprisingly he smiled as he held his hand out to the teacher.

"My daughter has told me many great things about you. I thank you very much for taking care of her. " Karl said kindly.

"It's my pleasure. Your daughter is such a sweet, kind, and intelligent little girl. " the teacher said as she took Karls hand and shaking it.

Five other little kids came running out of the school and jumped on top of Akira, knocking her to the ground.

Everyone was even more shocked and scared. Those little children just pushed a Pureblood child to the ground. In front of her parent. That's bad. Very bad.

The children's parents wanted to run over and grab their child and scold them about their manners but we're to scared to move.
"Akira! Your here! " Kikyo cheered while the children giggled, laying on the ground.

'I'm glad she's happy here.... ' Karl thought happily in his mind as he smiled at his daughter giggleing.

"Akira. It's bad manners to lay on the ground and getting dirty. " Reiji said, scolding the little girl.

"Sorry Reiji-nii. " Akira said smiling as she got up from the ground.

The other children all got up as well as they ran into the school to get ready for the play.

The Sakamaki family walked in as well with all the other families following behind them.

*Akiras P. O. V*

"I didn't know you were a pureblood Aki-chan! " Kikyo said as she jumped around, spinning in her tutu.

"Yea... I don't tell people because daddy says it can get me into trouble. " I said as I slipped on my shoes.

"Oh.... What kind of trouble? Like when we get a time-out? " She asked.

"No. People try to kill me. " I said simply.

"Wahhh!? That must be scary! " she yelled.

"Meh, it's OK because she has me - I mean all of us to protect her! " Kay said as he put his arm over my shoulder.

I looked over at him and the others as I smiled. "Un, thanks so much!"

"OK children, it's time for the show! " MS. Lira said while winking as she clapped her hands.

We all squealed as we frantically jumped around trying to get into our positions all while trying to make sure we still looked good.

"OK go go go! " MS. Lira said as she shooed us off and onto the dark stage.

Of course though, since everyone was a vampire, we could all see in the dark.

I walked over to the piano as Lilly stood beside the piano holding her violin.

Kai and Yumi stood at one side of the stage while Ash and Lily stood on the other side.

As I played the first key on the piano, the lights flashed on as they play began.

*Play video*

During the show everyone was laughing at how funny our performance was. Everybody must have though we would do something elegant and fancy but we decided to change it around because that just boring.

I looked out into the crowd and smiled as I waved my hand towards my family in the front. They smiled, slightly chuckling as they waved back.


OK so I'm probably going to be adding a lot of time skips now so I can get to the main part of the story. Anyways hope you enjoyed and I never expected this story to get as many votes that it has. I really appreciate it. Also this chapter was just kind of a filler type but I kinda didn't want to post it but I need to give you something and this seems Christmasy when it's Halloween. So Yea.

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