*13* Flirting

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*Akira's P. O. V*

"Alright, that is all for today. I will see you tomorrow night. You are dismissed. " the teacher said before walking out of the room.

Everyone remained seated as they waited for Kaname to stand up. I didn't have to wait but of course since I am polite and kind, I did.

Once he finally stood up, everyone else did as well as we all walked out of the room with me and Kaname in the lead.

"Hey!" someone from behind me called so I stopped as they came towards me. "Nice to meet you my beautiful flower, my name is Hanabusa Aido." he said as he kissed my hand while winking at me.

'Oh boy.... Another flirt.... ' I thought as I mentally sighed. Though I wanted to have some fun so I decided to pull a little trick.

I smiled seductively as I placed my chest up against his while wrapping my arms around his neck and bringing his head closer to mine. "My name is Akira~ Nice to me you cutie~" I purred into his ear as I slightly nibbled on it.

I then brought my lips close to his until they were on millimeters apart before quickly pulling away and acting as if nothing happened while smiling innocently at his blushing face as he stuttered out incoherent words.

I turned to continue walking towards the dorms to notice everyone watching my little trick, quite stunned. I just shrugged them off and continued walking.

"That wasn't very nice you know. " a voice beside me said.

"I never said I was a nice person. " I said giggling innocently.

"My name is Takuma Ichijo. I am vice-president of the night dorms.

"Nice to meet you Ichijo-kun. My name is Akira. " I said as I smiled up at him.

"I thought what she did was quite entertaining. " A girl said as she appeared on my other side with a boy beside her, both snacking on some pocky. "My name is Rima Touya and this is Senri Shiki. "

"Nice to meet you. I'm Akira. " I said smiling again toward them.

"Hey, sorry about that idiot. I'm Kain Akatsuki. " A boy from behind me said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"It's ok. And my name is Akira. " I said, yet again.

I turned my head to notice Kaname has been staring at me so I smiled at him. "It's nice to see you again Kaname."

"Likewise, Akira. " He said as I saw worry flicker through his eyes.

"I already know but don't worry, I won't question it or say anything but it does slightly make me sad." I said, referring to Yuuki-nee, already knowing he would understand while the others looked confused.

"I would highly appreciate that. Thank you Akira. " He replied smiling. Just seeing him smile filled me with anger though, making me just want to slap him.

I notice a girl with long blonde hair glaring at me as I just stared at her confused.

"That's Ruka Souen. Don't mind her temper. She gets like that. " Ichijo-kun said.

I 'hmm'ed'in response as I nodded my head.

*3rd P. O. V*

"Neh, Akira, can I ask you something?" Rima asked as she munched on her picky.

"Sure. Ask away. " Akira replied as the students were nearing the night class dorms.

"Why are you in the night class? Aren't you a human? " She asked. This question seemed to have caught the attention of all the other students as they all listened closely for her answer.

"No I'm a vampire. I'm actually a pureblood. " Akira said nonchantly, shocking all the others.

"But how? You have the scent and presence of a human!?" Aido yelled.

"Yea, I know. It's to keep me safe. I have a very strong scent and it puts me in danger so I keep it concealed. My presence and scent is only noticeable when I drink blood or use my powers. " Akira explained.

"Oh... You know you are safe here right? " Ichijo said.

Akira was slightly taken aback by his remark as she stopped in her tracks, stunned a bit before smiling.

"Un! Your right! But my family would still want me to be on the safe side and keep it concealed. They are very protective." She said smiling as they reached the gates. She was going to walk in when a voice called out to her, stopping her in her tracks.

"Akira! "

"Zero-nii? What are you doing here?" she asked as she turned around to see the silverhead.

"To get you away from those blood sucking leaches. I still don't understand why that damned man placed you in the night class." Zero grumbled out angrily.

"*sigh* You know I drink blood to right, Zero-nii? " Akira said sadly.

"Yea, but your an exception. Your different." Zero said sternly.

"Tch, she can stay if she wants to! " Aido said as he pulled Akira forcefully into his side, with his arm around her waist, making Akira let out a shriek of surprise.

At a lightning speed pace, Zero had his Bloody Rose out and had it pointed at Aido's head.

"Get your fucking hands off her or I'll shoot!" Zero growled out, menacingly.

Aido clicked his tounge again as he dropped his arm from around Akira's waist and took a step back.

"Zero-nii.... " Akira sighed. "Let's go. " she said as she grabbed his hand and dragged him away.

After a few minutes of silence Zero decided to finally break it.

"Do you even know where your going Aki-chan? " Zero asked smirking, already knowing she didn't.

"W-whaaa!? Of c-course I do! " she pouted stubbornly as she blushed.

"Sure you do. " Zero chuckled as he gripped her smaller hand in his before dragging her towards his favorite spot, the stables.

"Ooooo! Horses! " Akira said as she went to pet one.

Zero smiled at her, happy that she was happy when he suddenly remembered why he wanted to talk to her. "Aki-chan, I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to snap at you... " Zero whispered as he looked away.

Akira looked at him slightly confused before realizing what he was talking about as she smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him.

"It's OK Zero-nii. I know you didn't mean it. I understand if you don't want to talk about what happened right now but I still want you to tell me soon." she whispered.

Zero smiled as he wrapped his arms around her when he suddenly got a sharp pang of thirst, making him quickly push Akira away.

"Zero-nii? What's wrong? Are you okay? " Akira asked worried as she took a step towards Zero.

"No! Stop! Stay back!" he yelled as he held his arm out towards her, stopping her in her tracks.

"But Zero-nii.... " Akira whispered as she took a step towards him.
"No! Just stay away don't come close to me for right now! " Zero said as he ran off. Though Akira caught a quick glimpse of his red eyes as he ran off.

'Zero-nii...... '

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