Question Answers

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So hey there guys! A while back, In my notice chapter I asked for you guys to pick a number from the picture and I will answer the question truthfully.

And so, I'm finally going to do it!

And so, I'm finally going to do it!

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Who is my crush?

Well i don't think I have a crush on a actual person but anime wise would be my main bish Ciel 😉

Relationship Status?

Welp.  Single. Yup. Sad but I'm cool with it. I care more about school anyways

Jealous off...?

I get jealous of lots of things. Like how my friend has more band merch and goes to warp and concerts more than me and how she can dye her hair and stuff

Ever fall in love?

Idk actually... these questions make me question myself.

First Kiss?



Nope. No pets in my life. But I really want a Husky!

Favorite food?

Hard one. I freaking love food! Right now though it is general tso chicken

Middle name?

Nicole.  My initials are TNT


I believe I'm 5'3




15 almost 16 (on January 14)

Last song I heard

I just watched an episode of family guy and Peter was singing with his birth father in England so yea
But an actual song would be GOGO and DNA by BTS

Favorite tv show?

Hard because I don't really watch tv much anymore but probably Stranger Things or IZombie as its the most recent thing I've watched

Favorite movie?

Again hard as I don't watch tv but osmosis jones since it was the most recent movie I've seen

Star sign?

I'm a Capricorn!

Sports you Play?

I run track but play soccer and basketball in my free time. I also did Karate for 2 years and I'm hoping to get back into it.

Favorite song?

GoGo and DNA by BTS


Umm Idk if I have any...probably drawing?

Future Career Choice?

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Future Career Choice?

For the longest time I've wanted to be in the FBI but now that I've been in highschool I'm being introduced into so many things. I'm now considering entrepreneuring.

One wish?

Hmm maybe to have a lot of money to buy food and a car. The rest would go to charities and the homeless.

Ever-self harmed?

No. I haven't. I'm not going to lie but I've considered but never followed through.

Eye color?


Embarrassing moment?

Omg in 8th grade it was during a track meet at my school and I had just finished my race and Idk what happened but I couldn't feel or move my legs. I had to have these two buff highschool guys carry me to the bleachers pass the opposing schools team  and my team😣😶

NOW, that's all done I will start on the next chapter! I'm on Christmas break right now so I'm gonna spend some time today to work on some of my stories! Hopefully I get a chapter for this book published today

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