*9* Carnival

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*3rd P. O. V*

"Is there any news on Yuuka's where abouts? " Kaname asked as he walked into the living room where his parents sat.

"No... There's not any leads. It's as if she disappeared of the face of the earth. " Haruka sighed as he rubbed his face.

"It's been 2 years! How is there still no leads!? " Kaname yelled as he slammed his fist on a table.

"Do you think.... Do you think... Sh-shes dead..?" Juri asked, trembling as she hugged her self.

"No! " a childs voice yelled, shocking everyone as they turned towards Yuuki as she stood there with tears running down her cheeks. "Yuuka-chans not dead! She's not! "

All of their hearts shattered even more at their daughters cry. Yuuka's disappearance affected Yuuki the most. In fact, this is the first time she has spoken since she disappeared. All she does is sit in her room and cry.

Yuuki then ran out of the room and back to her own.

"This is all just going down hill.... And it's not helping that he's getting closer. What are we going to do? " Juri cried as she held her face in her hands.

"U-uh mistress... I understand that I might be killed for speaking out of turn.....but I think the best thing to do is for all of you to go out together and do something to help clear all of your minds. It might help Princess if she had an outing.... " a maid timidly said.

Everyone stared at her as if she grew another head until Haruka slightly grew a small smile.

"That's a wonderful idea. Thank you very much. " he said. "In fact, I think there's a carnival in town. Why don't we go?"

"That's a would be wonderful... " Juri said, slightly smiling as she wiped her tears away. "I will go get Yuuki ready. "

*Meanwhile in the Sakamaki Mansion*

"Whhhheeee!" Akira squealed as Ayato swung her around.

"Are you having fun Aki-sama? " Ayato asked while chuckling.

"Hai you peasant!" She squealed.

"Ayato. Aki-chan. Father wants to see us. " Subaru said as he walked up to them.

"Hai! " they both said. Ayato then lifted up Akira and gave her a piggy back to their fathers office.

Once they were in his office Akira squealed as she jumped off of Ayato's and ran towards her father.

"Daddy! " she squealed as she climbed up onto his lap.

"Hello my darling. " he said as he kissed her forehead before turning towards his sons. "I called you in here to tell you I will be taking you all to the carnival in town. "

"Really daddy!?" Akira squealed, slightly bouncing in her father's.

"Yea, so let's get going." he said as he stood up while holding his little girl.

*Time Skip*
*Akira's P. O. V*

"Wahh! It's so huge! " I whispered, amazed as I stared at the giant wolf plushie that was bigger and taller than me.

"Do you like it Akira? " Shu-nii asked me as he peeked open one of his eyes.

"Un." I said as I went into chibi mode.

"Do you want it? " he asked me.

I quickly snapped out of my daze and snapped my head towards him and stared at him with a straight face. "Really? " I asked in all seriousness.

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