*19* Yagari-sensei

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*Akira's P. O. V. *

I was happily  and laughing with everyone when suddenly a familiar scent hit my nose.

"Sensei...." I whispered.

"Huh? Did you say something Aki-sama? " Aya-nii asked.

"No. It's OK Aya-nii. " I said with a smile as I continued my conversation, though I made sure to keep and eye on Kaname and Yuuki-nee. Knowing that damn bastard, he's going to try something.

Suddenly the aroma of blood filled the air and I turned to notice it was Ichigo bleeding and Senri licked the blood from his wound.

"Shiki, you intended to cut me didn't you? " Ichigo asked as he watched the red head lick his blood.

Suddenly Zero up and ran off with Yuuki-nee following him.

Determined, I quickly jumped out of my brothers arms as I ran after them as well.

When I finally caught up I found Zero leaning against the railing and Yuuki-nee went to help him up.

I quickly ran forward and pushed Yuuki away as I grabbed Zero by the hair and pulled his head into my neck.

"Drink Zero-nii. Please...." I begged.

I could feel his fangs grow out and graze across my skin, making me shiver.

"N-no Akira... You... You can't! " I heard Yuuki-nee shout before I suddenly felt myself being pushed forward.

Next thing I know is that I'm in cold water as my hair floated around me. I opened my eyes and saw Zero-nii's red eyes staring back at me.

His eyes widened a bit before turning back to their normal color as he wrapped his arm around my waist and brought me back to the surface.

Suddenly that sensei's scent filled my nose again as my eyes widened.

"Zero-nii! " I yelled as I quickly pushed him out of the way before hearing a loud bang as pain shot through my body, causing me to scream.

*3rd P. O. V. *

Everyone was at the party silently chatting away as the Sakamaki brothers sat together, worrying about their precious little sister.

"neh Teddy, where do you think Aki-chan went? I really wanted to eat cake with her... " Kanato said sadly as he looked at the cake.

"Tch, it's that damn idiots fault. " Subaru growled lowly as he glared at Kaname.

Reiji sighed as he pushed his glasses up. "Please refrain from using that type of language at and event like this."

Subaru was going to retort back when suddenly a gun shot went off followed by a loud scream.

A scream that the Sakamakis recognized.

They all quickly jumped up and teleported towards where they heard the scream and saw their beloved sister in a lake in the arms of Zero with blood all over her and a gun pointed in her direction.

"Master... " Zero whisperer at the same time as Akira whispered out "Sensei.. "

"Akira!" Yagari said shocked as he stared at the brown haired girl he mistakingly shot.

"Your going to die! " Subaru suddenly shouted as he made his way towards Yagari.

"Su-nii stop! " Akira yelled, causeing the said person to freeze.

Akira then shakily stood up and faced her sensei before smiling.

"It's good to see you again Yagari-sensei." she said before falling back down as darkness surrounded her.

~Time Skip~
*Akira's P. O. V.*

I gasped loudly as I sat up forward and looked around frantically.

I quickly took notice and saw that I was in my room.

I then looked pretty to see a folded piece of paper. I picked the said paper up and opened it as I began reading what it said.

Dear Akira,

We unfortunately had to leave as our time of visit has come to an end. We really didn't want to leave you in your current condition but I'd we didn't, then we would have never been able to visit you again. We all love you very much and will be back for our next visit.

Sincerely, your brothers (mostly Reiji though considering I wrote this)

I could fill tears fill up in my eyes as they turned red and my anger build up as my power raised.

'I missed my brothers visit because of sensei! He its so going to pay!!! '

~Back at the academy~

Everyone in the night class was currently listening to the lesson being tought by their new teacher who just so happened to be Yagari.

Suddenly, everyone felt a sudden burst of power and a killer aura coming from the night class dorms.

"Wh-what is that!? " Ruka asked.

"*sigh* that's my funeral.... " Yagari muttered as he began to sweat. "Anyways, back to the lesson. "

~Back to Akira~

I quickly lowered my power and completely concealed my presence as I quickly got cleaned up and dressed before heading out towards the classrooms where I could sense Yagari.

When I finally made it to my class, I quickly slammed the door open and ran towards at the speed of light as I kick Yagari to the back of the classroom.

"You damn fool! It's all your fault! " I screamed as my eyes flashed red.

"Now now Akira, calm down. " Sensei said as he stood up.

"calm down... Calm. Down. How am I gonna calm down? Because of you, I missed my brothers visit! " I screamed angrily as all the windows shattered.

"*sighs* Im sorry Akira, but if you calm down I will give you a gift. " Yagari said with a smirk.

I instantly calmed down and smiled happily before engulfing Yagari in a big hug.

"It's good to see you again Sensei!" I said happily.

He chuckled as he patted my head. "Yes, yes, it's good to see you as well Akira. Now, will you sit down so I can continue my class?"

"Hai! " I said happily before taking my rightful place on the velvet sofa besides Kaname's.

Yagari walked to the front of the classroom and continued on while I just laid on my stomach on the sofa while kicking my feet back and forth in the air.

I closed my eyes and just let my senses roam all around the campus.

'Theres Yuuki-nee and her friend, and there is Cross....huh? Where is Zero? '

"Hey Sensei!? " i suddenly yelled out loud causing sensei to sigh.

"Yes Akira? "

"Where's Zero-nii?"

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