*20* Ethnics Teacher

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"Hey Sensei!? " i suddenly yelled out loud causing sensei to sigh.

"Yes Akira? "

"Where's Zero-nii?"

  *Akira's P.O.V.*  

"Ah, there's no need to worry about that right now. We will talk after class on those matters. " Sensei said as he turned back to the chalk board and continued on teaching the class. "But first, I'm Toga Yagari and I will be your Ethics teacher. But before we start, hello vampires. "

All the vampires stared on with glowing red eyes at sensei except for Kaname and I.

"Yagari? Thats the name of the best vampire hunter working right now and this guys or ethics teacher?" Ruka asked.

"So hes responsible for last weeks gun fire?" Hanabusa asked.

"You all relax. There is no need to worry. Today I am fully qualified to be a legitimate teacher for this class." Senesei explained with a smile.

"So then," came Kanames annoying voice. "You didnt come here to spy on the night class have you? Or maybe the real reason you are here is so that you can try to kill one of us. Is it maybe Ms.Sakamaki? She has been gone for a week after the gun shot and her brothers seemed quite worried. Mr.Yagari"

I slammed my foot down on the floor startling everyone as they turned their heads towards me. "Shut it Kuran. The reasons behind my absences is none of your damn buisness. Besides, Yagari-sensei is an amazing teacher and if he says to relax, then you should relax." I snapped.

"Now, now Akira. Calm down. And hello to you Kaname Kuran. Regretably my execution list is completely empty right now. But if you find my lecture boring and fall asleep in my class, I may very well add your name to it." Sensei joked.

Though it seemed the joke triggered Ruka and Hanabusa as they jumped up. "How dare you speak that way to lord Kaname." Ruka snapped.

"Oh calm down Ruka. It was just a joke." I sighed as I laid back on the sofa.

"I will try to be careful. " Came Kaname's voice. "Teacher." 

"Hey Sensei. I'm suddednly super sleepy so im going to sleep." I called out as a wave of drowsiness suddenly swept over me.

I tried to keep my eyes open to wait for a reply but couldn't as my eyes fluttered closed.

*3rd P.O.V.*

"Alright. Class is over now so you can leave." Yagari dismissed the class as the sun was going to be rising in an hour.

The class waited for the two purebloods to rise from their seats so they could follow after them but only Kaname stood.

He looked over to Akira to see her asleep on the sofa. He walked over to her and bent down as he brushed his hand against her cheek.

'She looks so much like her....my precious Yuuka..' He thought to himself.

His hand was suddenly caught in a tight grasp causing the other vampires to get into a defensive position.

"I would ask that you refrain yourself from touching her. Knowing her father and older brothers, they would not be pleased." Yagari said as he lifted the Kuran's hand away from the sleeping girls face. 

Yagari knew from the years he spent training the small girl that she did not like nor cared for the Kuran's and longer. Especially Kaname and if she found out he was touching her in her sleep she would blow.

"I was only going to wake her so she can return to her room Sensei." Kaname replied calmly. Though on the inside he was quite infuriated that the hunter grabbed onto his hand stopping him.

"It's ok. Akira isn't the kindest person when woken up from her sleep. I would know." Yagari said with a grim expression as he looked away. "I will have her returned to her room. You may leave now."

The pureblood stared at the hunter for a while before reluctantly pulling his hand back and standing up straight. "Alright than. We shall take our leave. " He said before turning around and walking out of the room.

The rest of the aristocrat vampires followed Kaname out of the room but kept their guard up a bit.

"Kaname-sama, what is Akira-sama's connection with that...that hunter?" Ruka asked with disgust when mentioning the hunter.

"I do not know Ruka." Kaname replied as he was curious as well.

"I heard from Laito-sama that he saved Akira-sama's life when she was a child. She had apparently wondered off and got lost and a Level E was going to attack her when the hunter saved her. After that he just started training her." Takuma explained.

Kaname listened in on the story trying to learn her connection with the hunter. He slightly tensed up as well when hearing about the attack.

*Akira's P.O.V.*

I could feel my body being lifted up and moved into someones arms but I didn't care much as I was really sleepy.

I dont understand whats wrong with me or why I am even so sleepy. Must be side effects from be shot by that anti-vampire gun. Had I been a normal vampire, I would be dead right now.

I tightened my hands around whoever was carrying me as I buried my head into their back. From the scent I was getting I found out Yagari-sensei was the one  carrying me.

I was in and out of consciousness but I could hear faint footsteps approaching before Yagari-sensei stopped in his tracks.

"Where is Zero? What did you do to him?" Yuuki-nee's voice faintly rang in my ears.

I kept still and my breathing even so nobody knew I was listening in. 

I could tell Sensei was a bit hesitant to say anything before he finally gave in. 

"We quarantined him of course." He said monotonusly.

'They did what!?' I thought to myself but kept up my act.

"Quarantined?" Yuuki-nee asked shocked

"Hes at a point where he could attack someone at any given moment. This way I could at least deal with him properly without the risk of there being more victims." Sensei explained.

I could feel Yuuki-nees unsureness on what sensei was saying as she took a shaky breath.

"Whats going on? Is Zero safe now? Is he alright? I wanna know where he is." Yuuki-nee demanded.

Sensei suddenly shifted as he spoke "I have more pressing matters to attend your idiot headmaster keep making my life miserable. He has me teaching Ethics to the night class now. What a joke." He spoke before continueing on walking.

"Wait!" Yuuki-nee called out. "Why do you have Akira? Where are you going with her?" 

"Don't worry about it and go do your own job." Sensei called out before continuing walking.

"That wasn't very nice sensei...Shes still my big sister.." I muttered with my eyes still closed.

"*sigh* I was afraid that you were awake. How much did you hear?" Sensei sighed.

"I heard everything. Im upset you quarntined Zero-nii but as long as he is safe then I am okay. But let something happen to him and I wont be okay." I said as my eyes snapped open glowing red.

"Now, where is my gift?" I said with a smile as my eyes returned to normal.

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