*33* Always Trouble

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Gasping loudly, a pale figure lurched forward off of the bed it was laying in.

Slouching forward, while breathing heavily, the figures hair formed a curtain around their body.

Slowly, lifting their head, they mechanically turned it, slowly facing the mirror on the wall.

Reflecting off the mirror was a teenage girl with long brown framing her body. A pair of crimson eyes stared back at her as she slowly caught her ragged breath.

Staring at the mirror, she shakingly stood up and made her way closer to the mirror, stumbling here and there as he long hair dropped down to her waist, still slightly covering most of her face. The long white night gown she was wearing dropped to her feet, aiding in the cause of her stumbling.

Reaching the mirror, she brought her hands up to her eyes, never removing her sight from her reflection in the mirror.

As her breath slowly returned to her, her vibrant eyes slowly began softening and transitioning to the normal crystal blue.

Seeing the familiar blue orbs again, the girl realeased a sigh of relief as she dropped to the floor on her knees, all sense of feeling leaving her body.

She raised one of her hands up and combed her fingers through her long hair, finally removing the strands from in front of her face.

"It was all just a dream..." Akira breathed out quietly.

Placing her hands on th ground, she pushed her body up back into a standing position.

Facing the mirror once again, Akira raised her hand to her shoulder and slipped the fabric on her body off.

The white dress fell down her body and pooled around her feet.

Looking down at her pale, delicate body, her eyes focused on one specific spot.

Lifting her hand, she placed it over her side where she was shot. Not a scar was left and her smooth, clear skin was left blemish free.

While rubbing on the spot her ears gave a slight twitch as her hair light blew from a breeze that came from nowhere.

Giving a sigh once more, she bent down and picked her dress up, covering her body back up.

"Why does there always seem to be something always happening at this school...?"

With her dress back on and in place, she instantly dissappeared from the room leaving behind an open window with the wind slightly blowing the curtains slightly.

When Akira reappeared again, she was standing atop a tree branch with one one hand place on the branch to steady herself.

Looking down below her, she could see Zero holding onto the hand of an unknown vampire while shielding Yuuki behind him.

"The highest governing body of vampires has issued an order and I am here to execute you for the murder of pureblood vampire, Shizuka Hio."

'Ahh....' Akira thought to herself with a tilt of her head.

"You see, the sente protects our purebloods and yet, somehow you still managed to slip through and killed Shizuka."

Yuuki leaned forward in an attempt to defend Zero but he merely pushed her back behind him.

Zeros eyes then lashed red as he began crusing the vampires hand, causing him to scream out in pain.

In anger, the vampire tried slashing him but Zero quickly threw him in the aire before slamming him back down in one fluid movement. Lifting his gun, he then pointed it towards the vampires head.

"Even if you kill me, you can't escape. You will be executed for your crime." The vampire said with a smile before Zero shot him in the head, turning him(the vampire) to dust.

'Hmm...whats this..?' Akira thought to herself in amusement as a group of vampires suddenly appeared, surrounding the two guardians.

Zero clicked his tounge as he raised his gun back up while Yuuki brought out Artemis, swinging it around.

Though, before the two could do anything, one of the vampire instantly turned to dust all ready as the entirety of the night class appeared.

"It was an invetiable for Zero to do what he did." Kaname said as he suddenly appeared.

His presence seemed to have shocked the vampires as the all instantly kneeled down to him.

"This academy is very important to me and I don't want it spoiled by foolish vengeance. Especiallly from dogs of the senate." Kaname said darkly with a glare as he looked over the kneeling vampire who were ridden with shock and fear.

"I Agree." Akira said as she softly leapt from her position in the tree to the ground beside Kaname. Her dres fluttered around her but no one was bold or daring enough to take a peak.

"Lady Sakamaki!" The vampires called, even more shocked now.

"Despite me not really wanting to come here and attend this school, I have many friends whom I intend to protect here." She continued as her eyes glowed red. Glaring down at the group in front of her.

One of the vampires jumped up in an attempt to plead but was instantly sent back to the ground as his shoulder exploded.

"Leave now. " Kaname ordered.

The group of vampire listened as they faded away. "The senate will hear about this, Lord Kaname, Lady Sakamaki."

With the senates dogs gone, Akiras eyes changed back to their normal blue as she walked over to Zero and Yuuki. "Are you alright?'

"Mhm. The real question should be are you alright. You've been out for over a week.." Zero said as he brought his hand up to her face, placing it on her cheek.

"Mhm. Of course I'm fine. " She replied softly while closing her eyes and leaning her face into the comfort of his hand for a moment before opening her eyes and smiling. "Afterall, tis nothing but a flesh wound."

Zero smiled down at his childhood friends joke before stepping back. Looking over her shoulder at Kaname, who was standing beside the girl, he glared at him before walking away.

Yuuki called after him before chasing after him. She suddenly stopped though before turning back and bowing to us.

"Thank you for your help but Zero should not be the one being targeted." She said.

"You're right. And that is why I intend to stop anyone who dares to come after him." 'And you too.' Akira replied outloud with a smile but saying the last part in her head.

With that, Yuuki smiled before running off after Zero again.


I'm terrible. I really am. But, good news is I wrote 2 chapters. This on pluses one more! I'm publishing this one now and the other later tonight or Tomorrow. I just have to edit it really quickly. But anyways, vote and comment and let me know what you think!

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